Sideboard - 2 cards, 2 distinct
Golgari Charm – For boardwipe-heavy metas
Hedonist's Trove – Graveyard hate that is likely to provide a lot of card advantage against the decks I would want the extra hate
Sac outlets: Silumgar Sorcerer, Jalira, Master Polymorphist, Disciple of Griselbrand, Flesh Carver, Xathrid Demon, Greater Good, Fleshbag Marauder
Zombies: Havengul Lich, Geralf's Mindcrusher, Corpseweft
Sidisi triggers: Dakra Mystic, Jace the Living Guildpact
Other: Mirror Mockery, Foul Renewal, Gravepurge, Damnable Pact, Sudden Reclamation, Moonlight Bargain, Deathreap Ritual, Fool's Demise, Necromancer's Stockpile, Zombie Infestation, Obelisk of Urd, Grave-Shell Crab
Mass Polymorph - Turn zombie tokens into actual creatures?
Pawn of Ulamog - Get more value from sacrifices
Considered cuts:
Deathrender – Provides additional value from sacrifices, but I don't really have a lot of creatures that need cheating into play
Villainous Wealth – Doesn't really fit the theme, but it's so fun to play
Chromatic Lantern – I don't think this extra ramp is that necessary, but it might be worth it for the fix?
Sheoldred – Should Karador have dibs on this?
Hinder – With the new commander rules, running counterspells feels less appealing
Pact of Negation – Do we need counterspells?
Sensei's Divining Top – Check the top 3 to see whether Sidisi will make a zombie
Pharika – Incidental graveyard hate on a potential (indestructible) beater, but doesn't really do anything important for the deck, and tokens give no devotion
Deathrite Shaman – More incidental graveyard hate, with a slight option of ramping, but overall underwhelming
Maelstrom Pulse – Can remove almost any type permanent, and can even get multiple of the same (e.g. tokens), but that's not really the focus of the deck
Stinkweed Imp – Dredges and deters attackers, but otherwise not very thematic and not very impressive
Garruk, Apex Predator – Removal and lifegain, but hopefully Whip and Disciple of Bolas can provide enough lifegain, and the removal is not that necessary. Planeswalker removal is nice, but he doesn't trigger Sidisi if milled
Rise of the Dark Realms – Don't need to play this in every deck...
Bloodgift Demon – Let's try not to play this in every deck. Swapped out for Disciple of Bolas. Play a sacrifice-based source of card draw instead, which also provides some lifegain.
Solemn Simulacrum – Swapped out for Sakura-Tribe Elder. I removed my artifact subtheme, so having a ramp-creature with a sacrifice trigger on it might be more relevant. Solemn does however allow us to fix for green if we have only black mana, and does provide a card when it dies.
Coalition Relic – Let's try without ramp for now. The deck does have quite a few mana symbols, so I might want to play this over Sol Ring.
Ainok Survivalist – Creature-based (good for Sidisi) artifact/enchantment removal, but kind of dull
Decree of Pain – Cut down the number of decks that play this. Replaced with Killing Wave.
Sol Ring – Doesn't provide any colored mana, and is a terrible topdeck
Vraska – Reusable permanent-removal, but it's not a creature, and can be pretty slow
Ruthless Deathfang - Targeted Grave Pact that only works when I sacrifice dudes
Damia, Sage of Stone – Goodstuff/card draw, but otherwise doesn't fit
Den Protector – Kind of slow E.Wit that doesn't work when reanimated
Splinterfright – Can trigger Sidisi, but it's just a potentially big non-evasive beater
Golgari Grave-Troll – Dredges a lot, but Sidisi only needs to dredge a few cards. Other than that he doesn't do much for the theme (although he provides a big body to be sacrificed to Profaner)
Krosan Grip – Not zombie, not sacrifice. Let's just try it with Acidic Slime for now
Nim Deathmantle – Turns guys into zombies and lets me return creatures after I sac them, but "most" of my deck are zombie tokens
Golgari Charm – For boardwipe-heavy metas
Hedonist's Trove – Graveyard hate that is likely to provide a lot of card advantage against the decks I would want the extra hate
Sac outlets: Silumgar Sorcerer, Jalira, Master Polymorphist, Disciple of Griselbrand, Flesh Carver, Xathrid Demon, Greater Good, Fleshbag Marauder
Zombies: Havengul Lich, Geralf's Mindcrusher, Corpseweft
Sidisi triggers: Dakra Mystic, Jace the Living Guildpact
Other: Mirror Mockery, Foul Renewal, Gravepurge, Damnable Pact, Sudden Reclamation, Moonlight Bargain, Deathreap Ritual, Fool's Demise, Necromancer's Stockpile, Zombie Infestation, Obelisk of Urd, Grave-Shell Crab
Mass Polymorph - Turn zombie tokens into actual creatures?
Pawn of Ulamog - Get more value from sacrifices
Considered cuts:
Deathrender – Provides additional value from sacrifices, but I don't really have a lot of creatures that need cheating into play
Villainous Wealth – Doesn't really fit the theme, but it's so fun to play
Chromatic Lantern – I don't think this extra ramp is that necessary, but it might be worth it for the fix?
Sheoldred – Should Karador have dibs on this?
Hinder – With the new commander rules, running counterspells feels less appealing
Pact of Negation – Do we need counterspells?
Sensei's Divining Top – Check the top 3 to see whether Sidisi will make a zombie
Pharika – Incidental graveyard hate on a potential (indestructible) beater, but doesn't really do anything important for the deck, and tokens give no devotion
Deathrite Shaman – More incidental graveyard hate, with a slight option of ramping, but overall underwhelming
Maelstrom Pulse – Can remove almost any type permanent, and can even get multiple of the same (e.g. tokens), but that's not really the focus of the deck
Stinkweed Imp – Dredges and deters attackers, but otherwise not very thematic and not very impressive
Garruk, Apex Predator – Removal and lifegain, but hopefully Whip and Disciple of Bolas can provide enough lifegain, and the removal is not that necessary. Planeswalker removal is nice, but he doesn't trigger Sidisi if milled
Rise of the Dark Realms – Don't need to play this in every deck...
Bloodgift Demon – Let's try not to play this in every deck. Swapped out for Disciple of Bolas. Play a sacrifice-based source of card draw instead, which also provides some lifegain.
Solemn Simulacrum – Swapped out for Sakura-Tribe Elder. I removed my artifact subtheme, so having a ramp-creature with a sacrifice trigger on it might be more relevant. Solemn does however allow us to fix for green if we have only black mana, and does provide a card when it dies.
Coalition Relic – Let's try without ramp for now. The deck does have quite a few mana symbols, so I might want to play this over Sol Ring.
Ainok Survivalist – Creature-based (good for Sidisi) artifact/enchantment removal, but kind of dull
Decree of Pain – Cut down the number of decks that play this. Replaced with Killing Wave.
Sol Ring – Doesn't provide any colored mana, and is a terrible topdeck
Vraska – Reusable permanent-removal, but it's not a creature, and can be pretty slow
Ruthless Deathfang - Targeted Grave Pact that only works when I sacrifice dudes
Damia, Sage of Stone – Goodstuff/card draw, but otherwise doesn't fit
Den Protector – Kind of slow E.Wit that doesn't work when reanimated
Splinterfright – Can trigger Sidisi, but it's just a potentially big non-evasive beater
Golgari Grave-Troll – Dredges a lot, but Sidisi only needs to dredge a few cards. Other than that he doesn't do much for the theme (although he provides a big body to be sacrificed to Profaner)
Krosan Grip – Not zombie, not sacrifice. Let's just try it with Acidic Slime for now
Nim Deathmantle – Turns guys into zombies and lets me return creatures after I sac them, but "most" of my deck are zombie tokens
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