Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Make room for:
Pir's Whim - Combine ramp with removal and potentially getting friends
Want (low priority):
$$ Lord Windgrace
$ Liege of the Tangle - Win with lands
$$ Manabond - Big ramp spell
$ Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar - Big, recurrable beater that can bounce lands if I need to reuse ETB triggers
Primal Growth
$$$ Prismatic Omen - Fixing that can also be a wincon with
$ Verdant Confluence - Get back Child, maybe some wincon, and ramp a little? Or just get three utility lands
$$$ Volraths Stronghold - Return Witness or Child
$ Summer Bloom
Sacred Ground - Protection from LD
$ Birds of Paradise - More early ramp
Consider (have):
Diabolic Intent - Sac outlet + tutor
Budoka Gardener - Ramp and threat in one
Deprive - A counterspell that lets me reuse land ETB triggers, but UU could be tough
Seasons Past - Return Child and a bunch of other stuff
Thaumatic Compass - Need more basics, but it can get lands early or Maze of Ith late
Llanowar Scout - A more expensive (but slightly tougher) Scout
Sensei's Divining Top
Scapeshift - Get Maze's End combo? Or just a bunch of ETB/sac triggers. Can be used with Splendid Reclamation to get all lands, potentially. Valakut is an option with more mountains
Quicken - Instant speed board wipes, tutors, reanimation etc. Worst case is a 1 mana cycle
Reanimate - Get back Child straight to the board for a cheap board wipe if needed, a win con if needed, or EWit/Oracle/Ramunap if I just need value
Goryo's Vengeance/Whip of Erebos/Shallow Grave - Get back Child for a cheap boardwipe, or a wincon to finish up
Genesis Wave
Into the Wilds
Supreme Verdict - Not enough copies available probably, but this is one of the better options
Nissa, Steward of Elements - Probably better used in Rashmi
Sylvan Library - Good card that's great early and remains good throughout the game, but because I want to destroy all permanents, it loses a lot of value
Brainstorm - Protect my hand from discard, and can improve card quality in conjunction with fetches and land tutors
Realm Seekers
Mulch - "Card draw"
Ranger's Path - Only gets forests, with 4 mana, and always tapped, so probably not worth it
Crystaline Crawler - Can "store" mana and potentially ramp
Rampant Growth - Early ramp
Garruk Wildspeaker - Ramp or reuse Maze's End
Emeria Shepherd
Embodiment of Insight/Fury
Rhystic Study/Mystic Remora - Card draw + Sphere of Safety buff
Elixir of Immortality
Sakura-Tribe Elder/Yavimaya Elder
Path to Exile
Anguished Unmaking
Haze of Pollen - Turbofog style, and can cycle in the worst case
Eternity Vessel - If I can get this out early, I should be safe from chip damage until it is removed
Sandwurm Convergence - Wincon that also stops fliers, but is very expensive and doesn't stop ground creatures
Kefnet - Should be included if having 5-7 cards in hand is common when I have 4 mana to spare
Scatter to the Winds - Counterspell with awaken, but UU might be tough
Liliana Vess - Repeatable tutor, but dies to Child and BB might be tough
Sol Ring - More early ramp
Greenwarden of Murasa - Get back my E.Wit. (or something else) TWICE
Noxious Revival
Devour Flesh - Can be removal for one problem creature such as a Narset, but would probably most often be used to sacrifice Child and gain some life
Far//Away - Sac outlet for Child and/or removal, or possibly even boardwipe with Child that still saves one of my destructible creatures
Altar's Reap/Merciless Resolve - Card draw and sac outlet for Child
Other stuff from this list of sac outlets: https://deckbox.org/sets/1762531
Terminate etc - instant speed removal or board wipe with Child, even if stolen through Word of Seizing
Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper
Retreat to Kazandu/Emeria/Hagra
Gift of Immortality
Worm Harvest
Traverse the Ulvenwald
Ondu Rising
Devastation Tide
Wood Elves - Ramp, fix and chump blocker
Morbid Curiosity - Card draw + sac outlet for Child
Perilous Research - Card draw + sac outlet
Logic Knot - Counterspell and delve to get Child back into the Zone
Rite of Undoing - Save something of my own from a boardwipe while getting Child back to the Zone
Sibsig Muckdraggers - Get back a wincon while putting Child in the Zone
Tasigur's Cruelty - Card advantage while getting Child to the Zone
Temporal Trespass - "Explore" and put Child in the Zone
Consider (don't have):
$$ Ad Nauseam - Probably draw a bunch of lands?
$$ Mirari's Wake - Ramp, but I often don't have anything to ramp to
Nature's Lore - Cheap ramp + fix
Rhonas/Xenagos - Strong, resilient finishers that have good synergy with Child
Terra Eternal
Tainted Aether
Obelisk of Alara
Early Harvest
Jolrael, Empress of Beasts
Countryside Crusher
Dictate of Karametra
Last Stand
Treasure Hunt
Betrayal of Flesh
Grab the Reins
$$ Maelstrom Nexus - Low synergy, but it's a useful card in all five colors
$ Herald of Leshrac
$ Traverse the Outlands
Lands to consider:
Miren, the Moaning Veil - A bit expensive for saccing Child early, but better than High Market late. Also great with Dark Depths combo
Phyrexian Tower - Sac outlet and ramp in one
* Grim Backwoods - Sac outlet for Child + card draw
Misty Rainforest/Verdant Catacombs/Flooded Strand - Fetchlands with one of the main colors
Polluted Delta/Bloodstained Mire - Fetchlands I have but are tertiary colors
Hallowed Fountain/Sacred Foundry - White shock lands
Irrigated Farmland - Fetchable W dual with cycling
* Reliquary Tower - With so much added card draw, I might need this
* Blighted Cataract - Land based, reusable card draw, but quite expensive to use
* Maze of Ith - We probably have enough stall without this, but might be good to be able to keep off a single big threat without having to boardwipe, and great if we can get it at instant speed
Volrath's Stronghold - Get back a Child or a wincon
Riftstone Portal - Fixing for two colors
Consider cutting these lands:
Ghost Quarter - Maybe Wasteland is enough?
Cascading Cataracts - Filtering is nice, but I might have too heavy color requirements to be able to afford playing this when I don't have 6 lands. Also not ideal if I want to spend less than 6 mana. Great if I have a lot of the colorless lands, though
Tranquil Thicket
Prairie Stream
Alchemist's Refuge
Golgari Rot Farm - Consider other color versions
Murmuring Bosk - Not as good without Skyshroud Claim
Scattered Groves / Sheltered Thicket - ETBT, but cycling is nice
Considered cuts:
* Life's Legacy/Momentous Fall - Could probably shave a sac outlet, as getting High Market is the most reliable, and without a lot of ways to return Child, I might not be able to use all of these. This can draw cards from Gitrog, Omnath etc though. Fall is instant and gains life, but might sometimes be too expensive
Bound//Determined - Bound is only really useful with Child, but I guess the worst case of Determined isn't too bad, being able to force through a wincon or something, without costing a card
Explore - Probably less important without the Maze's End win, but it's cheap ramp that doesn't cost a card
Merciless Eviction - Nice to have a boardwipe that deals with things Child doesn't, but it's kind of expensive, and can't be hit by BTL
Day of Judgment/Wrath of God - Can probably cut down one wrath
Treasure Cruise/Dig Through Time - Not sure I'm going to have enough cards in the graveyard for these
Kruphix - Only works as ramp if I don't have anything else to spend the mana on, and the colorless might be hard to utilize. Might be better used in Rashmi, but the Reliquary Tower effect is nice to have
Animate Dead - Gets back Child or a wincon, but not very thematic. Can be returned with Nissa, though
Amulet of Vigor - Probably need this with a lot of taplands, although Ramos might need it more for guildgates and Door
Pact of Negation - Transmutable, but the upkeep cost is pretty high
Lands that were cut:
Canyon Slough - Doesn't tap for any of the main colors (GW) and enters tapped
Stirring Wildwoods - Being pretty small, it's unlikely that this will ever have much impact on the game besides being CIPT dual lands.
Exotic Orchard - Will always tap for a color in my color identity, but is not guaranteed to tap for a color I can actually use
Tectonic Edge - Outclassed by Wasteland and Ghost Quarter
Seaside Citadel, Jungle Shrine - Enters tapped, but do add GW
Command Beacon - Probably not casting Child from the command zone a lot
Halimar Tidecaller - Not enough worthwhile Awaken-spells to play this just for the flying lands
Encircling Fissure - Too low impact
Rising Miasma - Probably not strong enough to warrant a slot
Roil Spout - Too low impact at sorcery speed
The Locust God - A god-based wincon, but besides Gitrog I don't have all that much card draw
Conflux - Versatile and gives a lot of cards, but it's mana intensive and doesn't find the main wincons
Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Brainstorm + fetches is pretty good, but even with more fetches than usual, there aren't a lot in a 100 card deck. It's a wincon if it gets to ult, but that's very unlikely. Cultivate etc work similar to fetches though
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - Doesn't really do a whole lot
Erebos - Card draw is nice, stopping lifegain is less relevant with Maze's End and Door. Probably not worth it if he can't beat, which he can't
Claws of Gix - This is unlikely to sac anything other than Child, in which case it can only be used once anyway.. Could be sweet with saccing lands with Gitrog out, though...
Bontu - Can sac Child to wipe the board and hit, but I don't have many other creatures to sac, so it is highly unlikely that this will ever deal more than 10 damage to a player, which isn't going to win me the game. Might be more interesting if I play more cards like Steve and Yavimaya Elder
Sorin, Grim Nemesis - With so many lands, this probably isn't going to do a lot of damage on average
Mogis - At the time of cutting, there is only a total of 13 possible devotion to BR in the deck, which is not enough to get him active with any consistency., and the effect is probably too minor to be worth it if he can never attack or block
Diabolic Tutor - 4 mana (and BB) at sorcery speed is a lot for just a tutor, and I don't want to run that many general tutors anyway.
Ruinous Path - Awaken is nice, but board wipes deal with creatures and Child and Hour of Revelation (plus some burn) both deal with planeswalkers. Also, BB might be tough
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - Boardwipe, chump blockers and possibly a win con, but doesn't deal with tokens, and is better used in Teysa
Sphere of Safety/Ghostly Prison - Probably don't have enough enchantments for this package to be good enough
Planar Outburst - Rarely going to awaken this, and a 4/4 isn't that great anyway
Nev's Disk - Don't need so many wipes, and this can't be fetched with BTL
Merciless Resolve - Don't need this many sac outlets
Karametra - It's probably not going to be active except very rarely, and I don't have enough creatures to reliably trigger her
Animist's Awakening - With roughly 40% lands, the expected return on this isn't that great. It's decent as a mana sink with nothing else to do, but the rate is bad
Worthy Cause - Instant and reusable, and can gain some life, but not as good when I can't just cast Child at any time
Nissa, Worldwaker - While she does allow me to win with my lands, or use my forests (including ones that tap for more colors) more than once per turn, her impact is bound to be relatively minor. If I do get to ult her, it's still unlikely that I will win because of it considering the low basic count
Keranos - Very slow as wincon and can't kill a lot of stuff reliably.
Kodama's Reach - Relatively low land count means these won't always be able to get something. I probably want at least some of them, though
Ghirapur Orrery - Extra land drops, but rarely get down to 0 cards
Vraska the Unseen - She's a reusable spot removal spell if I can avoid getting her attacked, but that seems unlikely, and the chances of winning with her ultimate is miniscule
Mind Extraction - Had to cut down on sac outlets, and this has the least synergy with my deck
Approach of the Second Sun - Another alternate wincon, though not likely to make the cut as it can be played in any white deck, and I don't have much dig
Sylvan Reclamation - Quite a bit of usefulness and flexibility, but I prooobably won't need to use it to get a land, and Child should be able to deal with most crises
Relic of Progenitus - The idea was that it could put Child back in the command zone multiple times, but it would get destroyed after the first time, and exiling my own yard is not desirable
Den Protector – Only works if unmorphed, and 5 mana is too much for this
Grim Discovery – Can only get creatures and/or lands, which, despite being able to get two cards, might be worse than e.g. Regrowth, or a reanimation card which goes straight to battlefield
Prismatic Geoscope - Even though it can tap for up to 5, with the low basic count it's not very likely to do so. Shocks and tangolands help, though
Rites of Flourishing - Giving my opponents too much of an advantage, probably
Maze's End package (10 gates, Maze's End, Gatecreeper Vine) - It's slow, and not very fun anyway. Revived in Ramos
Krosan Grip - Most instant speed removal will probably be Child of Alara-based and already pretty much uncounterable
Rude Awakening - Replaced with Sylvan Awakening. Might be worth it for the ramp, though
Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis - Great blocker, but gives my opponents too much of an advantage
Commander's Sphere - Meh, I have enough land-based ramp
Ugin - Usually ends up being just an expensive boardwipe + bolt. The ult, although a nice dream, is highly unlikely to ever be more than exactly that
Hour of Revelation - I would rather use Child for this, but might need it for when I'm being kept off Child and have to deal with non-creature permanents
Explosive Vegetation - Don't need all these ramp spells with all my ramp permanents, and this only fetches tapped basics
Borborygmos - He can do some damage with the right combination of cards (e.g. Zuran Orb + Creeping Renaissance), but it's kind of risky, and still difficult if my opponents aren't already relatively low
Sakura-Tribe Scout - Very fragile, and probably very bad past the early game
Door to Nothingness - No synergy with the land theme. Relegated to Ramos
Cultivate + Skyshroud Claim - I have enough extra land drops and land tutors that I don't need these
Darksteel Ingot - It's nice that it survives a wipe, but otherwise quite unexciting. Probably have enough other ramp
Chromatic Lantern - Do I actually need the fixing? Lots of colorless lands, so probably?
Cyclonic Rift – I have so many ways to clear the board, that this is probably better used in decks with less options (e.g. Rashmi)
Pir's Whim - Combine ramp with removal and potentially getting friends
Want (low priority):
$$ Lord Windgrace
$ Liege of the Tangle - Win with lands
$$ Manabond - Big ramp spell
$ Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar - Big, recurrable beater that can bounce lands if I need to reuse ETB triggers
Primal Growth
$$$ Prismatic Omen - Fixing that can also be a wincon with
$ Verdant Confluence - Get back Child, maybe some wincon, and ramp a little? Or just get three utility lands
$$$ Volraths Stronghold - Return Witness or Child
$ Summer Bloom
Sacred Ground - Protection from LD
$ Birds of Paradise - More early ramp
Consider (have):
Diabolic Intent - Sac outlet + tutor
Budoka Gardener - Ramp and threat in one
Deprive - A counterspell that lets me reuse land ETB triggers, but UU could be tough
Seasons Past - Return Child and a bunch of other stuff
Thaumatic Compass - Need more basics, but it can get lands early or Maze of Ith late
Llanowar Scout - A more expensive (but slightly tougher) Scout
Sensei's Divining Top
Scapeshift - Get Maze's End combo? Or just a bunch of ETB/sac triggers. Can be used with Splendid Reclamation to get all lands, potentially. Valakut is an option with more mountains
Quicken - Instant speed board wipes, tutors, reanimation etc. Worst case is a 1 mana cycle
Reanimate - Get back Child straight to the board for a cheap board wipe if needed, a win con if needed, or EWit/Oracle/Ramunap if I just need value
Goryo's Vengeance/Whip of Erebos/Shallow Grave - Get back Child for a cheap boardwipe, or a wincon to finish up
Genesis Wave
Into the Wilds
Supreme Verdict - Not enough copies available probably, but this is one of the better options
Nissa, Steward of Elements - Probably better used in Rashmi
Sylvan Library - Good card that's great early and remains good throughout the game, but because I want to destroy all permanents, it loses a lot of value
Brainstorm - Protect my hand from discard, and can improve card quality in conjunction with fetches and land tutors
Realm Seekers
Mulch - "Card draw"
Ranger's Path - Only gets forests, with 4 mana, and always tapped, so probably not worth it
Crystaline Crawler - Can "store" mana and potentially ramp
Rampant Growth - Early ramp
Garruk Wildspeaker - Ramp or reuse Maze's End
Emeria Shepherd
Embodiment of Insight/Fury
Rhystic Study/Mystic Remora - Card draw + Sphere of Safety buff
Elixir of Immortality
Sakura-Tribe Elder/Yavimaya Elder
Path to Exile
Anguished Unmaking
Haze of Pollen - Turbofog style, and can cycle in the worst case
Eternity Vessel - If I can get this out early, I should be safe from chip damage until it is removed
Sandwurm Convergence - Wincon that also stops fliers, but is very expensive and doesn't stop ground creatures
Kefnet - Should be included if having 5-7 cards in hand is common when I have 4 mana to spare
Scatter to the Winds - Counterspell with awaken, but UU might be tough
Liliana Vess - Repeatable tutor, but dies to Child and BB might be tough
Sol Ring - More early ramp
Greenwarden of Murasa - Get back my E.Wit. (or something else) TWICE
Noxious Revival
Devour Flesh - Can be removal for one problem creature such as a Narset, but would probably most often be used to sacrifice Child and gain some life
Far//Away - Sac outlet for Child and/or removal, or possibly even boardwipe with Child that still saves one of my destructible creatures
Altar's Reap/Merciless Resolve - Card draw and sac outlet for Child
Other stuff from this list of sac outlets: https://deckbox.org/sets/1762531
Terminate etc - instant speed removal or board wipe with Child, even if stolen through Word of Seizing
Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper
Retreat to Kazandu/Emeria/Hagra
Gift of Immortality
Worm Harvest
Traverse the Ulvenwald
Ondu Rising
Devastation Tide
Wood Elves - Ramp, fix and chump blocker
Morbid Curiosity - Card draw + sac outlet for Child
Perilous Research - Card draw + sac outlet
Logic Knot - Counterspell and delve to get Child back into the Zone
Rite of Undoing - Save something of my own from a boardwipe while getting Child back to the Zone
Sibsig Muckdraggers - Get back a wincon while putting Child in the Zone
Tasigur's Cruelty - Card advantage while getting Child to the Zone
Temporal Trespass - "Explore" and put Child in the Zone
Consider (don't have):
$$ Ad Nauseam - Probably draw a bunch of lands?
$$ Mirari's Wake - Ramp, but I often don't have anything to ramp to
Nature's Lore - Cheap ramp + fix
Rhonas/Xenagos - Strong, resilient finishers that have good synergy with Child
Terra Eternal
Tainted Aether
Obelisk of Alara
Early Harvest
Jolrael, Empress of Beasts
Countryside Crusher
Dictate of Karametra
Last Stand
Treasure Hunt
Betrayal of Flesh
Grab the Reins
$$ Maelstrom Nexus - Low synergy, but it's a useful card in all five colors
$ Herald of Leshrac
$ Traverse the Outlands
Lands to consider:
Miren, the Moaning Veil - A bit expensive for saccing Child early, but better than High Market late. Also great with Dark Depths combo
Phyrexian Tower - Sac outlet and ramp in one
* Grim Backwoods - Sac outlet for Child + card draw
Misty Rainforest/Verdant Catacombs/Flooded Strand - Fetchlands with one of the main colors
Polluted Delta/Bloodstained Mire - Fetchlands I have but are tertiary colors
Hallowed Fountain/Sacred Foundry - White shock lands
Irrigated Farmland - Fetchable W dual with cycling
* Reliquary Tower - With so much added card draw, I might need this
* Blighted Cataract - Land based, reusable card draw, but quite expensive to use
* Maze of Ith - We probably have enough stall without this, but might be good to be able to keep off a single big threat without having to boardwipe, and great if we can get it at instant speed
Volrath's Stronghold - Get back a Child or a wincon
Riftstone Portal - Fixing for two colors
Consider cutting these lands:
Ghost Quarter - Maybe Wasteland is enough?
Cascading Cataracts - Filtering is nice, but I might have too heavy color requirements to be able to afford playing this when I don't have 6 lands. Also not ideal if I want to spend less than 6 mana. Great if I have a lot of the colorless lands, though
Tranquil Thicket
Prairie Stream
Alchemist's Refuge
Golgari Rot Farm - Consider other color versions
Murmuring Bosk - Not as good without Skyshroud Claim
Scattered Groves / Sheltered Thicket - ETBT, but cycling is nice
Considered cuts:
* Life's Legacy/Momentous Fall - Could probably shave a sac outlet, as getting High Market is the most reliable, and without a lot of ways to return Child, I might not be able to use all of these. This can draw cards from Gitrog, Omnath etc though. Fall is instant and gains life, but might sometimes be too expensive
Bound//Determined - Bound is only really useful with Child, but I guess the worst case of Determined isn't too bad, being able to force through a wincon or something, without costing a card
Explore - Probably less important without the Maze's End win, but it's cheap ramp that doesn't cost a card
Merciless Eviction - Nice to have a boardwipe that deals with things Child doesn't, but it's kind of expensive, and can't be hit by BTL
Day of Judgment/Wrath of God - Can probably cut down one wrath
Treasure Cruise/Dig Through Time - Not sure I'm going to have enough cards in the graveyard for these
Kruphix - Only works as ramp if I don't have anything else to spend the mana on, and the colorless might be hard to utilize. Might be better used in Rashmi, but the Reliquary Tower effect is nice to have
Animate Dead - Gets back Child or a wincon, but not very thematic. Can be returned with Nissa, though
Amulet of Vigor - Probably need this with a lot of taplands, although Ramos might need it more for guildgates and Door
Pact of Negation - Transmutable, but the upkeep cost is pretty high
Lands that were cut:
Canyon Slough - Doesn't tap for any of the main colors (GW) and enters tapped
Stirring Wildwoods - Being pretty small, it's unlikely that this will ever have much impact on the game besides being CIPT dual lands.
Exotic Orchard - Will always tap for a color in my color identity, but is not guaranteed to tap for a color I can actually use
Tectonic Edge - Outclassed by Wasteland and Ghost Quarter
Seaside Citadel, Jungle Shrine - Enters tapped, but do add GW
Command Beacon - Probably not casting Child from the command zone a lot
Halimar Tidecaller - Not enough worthwhile Awaken-spells to play this just for the flying lands
Encircling Fissure - Too low impact
Rising Miasma - Probably not strong enough to warrant a slot
Roil Spout - Too low impact at sorcery speed
The Locust God - A god-based wincon, but besides Gitrog I don't have all that much card draw
Conflux - Versatile and gives a lot of cards, but it's mana intensive and doesn't find the main wincons
Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Brainstorm + fetches is pretty good, but even with more fetches than usual, there aren't a lot in a 100 card deck. It's a wincon if it gets to ult, but that's very unlikely. Cultivate etc work similar to fetches though
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - Doesn't really do a whole lot
Erebos - Card draw is nice, stopping lifegain is less relevant with Maze's End and Door. Probably not worth it if he can't beat, which he can't
Claws of Gix - This is unlikely to sac anything other than Child, in which case it can only be used once anyway.. Could be sweet with saccing lands with Gitrog out, though...
Bontu - Can sac Child to wipe the board and hit, but I don't have many other creatures to sac, so it is highly unlikely that this will ever deal more than 10 damage to a player, which isn't going to win me the game. Might be more interesting if I play more cards like Steve and Yavimaya Elder
Sorin, Grim Nemesis - With so many lands, this probably isn't going to do a lot of damage on average
Mogis - At the time of cutting, there is only a total of 13 possible devotion to BR in the deck, which is not enough to get him active with any consistency., and the effect is probably too minor to be worth it if he can never attack or block
Diabolic Tutor - 4 mana (and BB) at sorcery speed is a lot for just a tutor, and I don't want to run that many general tutors anyway.
Ruinous Path - Awaken is nice, but board wipes deal with creatures and Child and Hour of Revelation (plus some burn) both deal with planeswalkers. Also, BB might be tough
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - Boardwipe, chump blockers and possibly a win con, but doesn't deal with tokens, and is better used in Teysa
Sphere of Safety/Ghostly Prison - Probably don't have enough enchantments for this package to be good enough
Planar Outburst - Rarely going to awaken this, and a 4/4 isn't that great anyway
Nev's Disk - Don't need so many wipes, and this can't be fetched with BTL
Merciless Resolve - Don't need this many sac outlets
Karametra - It's probably not going to be active except very rarely, and I don't have enough creatures to reliably trigger her
Animist's Awakening - With roughly 40% lands, the expected return on this isn't that great. It's decent as a mana sink with nothing else to do, but the rate is bad
Worthy Cause - Instant and reusable, and can gain some life, but not as good when I can't just cast Child at any time
Nissa, Worldwaker - While she does allow me to win with my lands, or use my forests (including ones that tap for more colors) more than once per turn, her impact is bound to be relatively minor. If I do get to ult her, it's still unlikely that I will win because of it considering the low basic count
Keranos - Very slow as wincon and can't kill a lot of stuff reliably.
Kodama's Reach - Relatively low land count means these won't always be able to get something. I probably want at least some of them, though
Ghirapur Orrery - Extra land drops, but rarely get down to 0 cards
Vraska the Unseen - She's a reusable spot removal spell if I can avoid getting her attacked, but that seems unlikely, and the chances of winning with her ultimate is miniscule
Mind Extraction - Had to cut down on sac outlets, and this has the least synergy with my deck
Approach of the Second Sun - Another alternate wincon, though not likely to make the cut as it can be played in any white deck, and I don't have much dig
Sylvan Reclamation - Quite a bit of usefulness and flexibility, but I prooobably won't need to use it to get a land, and Child should be able to deal with most crises
Relic of Progenitus - The idea was that it could put Child back in the command zone multiple times, but it would get destroyed after the first time, and exiling my own yard is not desirable
Den Protector – Only works if unmorphed, and 5 mana is too much for this
Grim Discovery – Can only get creatures and/or lands, which, despite being able to get two cards, might be worse than e.g. Regrowth, or a reanimation card which goes straight to battlefield
Prismatic Geoscope - Even though it can tap for up to 5, with the low basic count it's not very likely to do so. Shocks and tangolands help, though
Rites of Flourishing - Giving my opponents too much of an advantage, probably
Maze's End package (10 gates, Maze's End, Gatecreeper Vine) - It's slow, and not very fun anyway. Revived in Ramos
Krosan Grip - Most instant speed removal will probably be Child of Alara-based and already pretty much uncounterable
Rude Awakening - Replaced with Sylvan Awakening. Might be worth it for the ramp, though
Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis - Great blocker, but gives my opponents too much of an advantage
Commander's Sphere - Meh, I have enough land-based ramp
Ugin - Usually ends up being just an expensive boardwipe + bolt. The ult, although a nice dream, is highly unlikely to ever be more than exactly that
Hour of Revelation - I would rather use Child for this, but might need it for when I'm being kept off Child and have to deal with non-creature permanents
Explosive Vegetation - Don't need all these ramp spells with all my ramp permanents, and this only fetches tapped basics
Borborygmos - He can do some damage with the right combination of cards (e.g. Zuran Orb + Creeping Renaissance), but it's kind of risky, and still difficult if my opponents aren't already relatively low
Sakura-Tribe Scout - Very fragile, and probably very bad past the early game
Door to Nothingness - No synergy with the land theme. Relegated to Ramos
Cultivate + Skyshroud Claim - I have enough extra land drops and land tutors that I don't need these
Darksteel Ingot - It's nice that it survives a wipe, but otherwise quite unexciting. Probably have enough other ramp
Chromatic Lantern - Do I actually need the fixing? Lots of colorless lands, so probably?
Cyclonic Rift – I have so many ways to clear the board, that this is probably better used in decks with less options (e.g. Rashmi)
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