Sideboard - 1 cards, 1 distinct
Crypt Incursion - Great graveyard hate at instant speed to either survive an otherwise lethal attack or stop an opponent's shenanigans (e.g. Living Death), but only works once. Should be sided in in a graveyard-heavy meta
Necromancer's Covenant – More graveyard hate, board presence and lifegain. Could possibly be mainboarded, but should at least be sided in a graveyard heavy meta
Cards I NEED:
Cabal Coffers - Mana-mana
Cards I'm considering adding:
Venser's Journal – Lifegain plus no max handsize for turns where I draw a lot of cards, e.g. from Decree of Pain or Harvester of Souls
Crypt of Agadeem – Ramp
Crypt Ghast – Mana!
Greed – Card draw for disposable life, good with Urborg
Martial Coup – More board wipe and more board presence
Myth Realized – Potentially big beater that survives most boardwipes
Deathless Angel – Let some dudes survive the wraths
Palace Siege - Drain everyone for 2 every turn, or Raise Dead every turn if needed
Phyrexian Reclamation - Spend that spare life on getting back creatures
No Mercy - Don't attack me!
Cards that might get cut:
Vampire Nighthawk – Dissuades opponents from attacking me, but doesn't stop a lethal attack with many dudes. Gives much needed early presence, however
Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath – Probably doesn't do enough, but I haven't been able to try it yet (not yet drawn)
Grave Betrayal – Steals their guys when I wipe the board, but does it fit thematically?
Vault of the Archangel – I don't have that many creatures, and the ones I have are big anyway and likely don't need deathtouch. Probably have enough lifegain outside of this?
Elspeth, Sun's Champion – Only kills large dudes and will then quickly die if that's her first activation
Cards I want to play but were cut:
Vizkopa Guildmage - Life drain shenanigans, but dies too easily
Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief - Removal, but expensive to kill many
Dregs of Sorrow - Card draw and removal, but too expensive
Orzhov Signet - Mana fix and ramp, but I'm greedy
Darksteel Ingot - Same as signet
Sensei's Divining Top - It's nice to manipulate the top, but I don't think it will do much except with Terminus
Norn's Annex - To dissuade people from attacking me. Hopefully people won't attack me so they can keep their creatures
Ghostly Prison - Same as Norn's Annex
Liliana Vess - She tutors, but she's slow
Reaper From the Abyss - Can only kill one creature per turn, and I don't have much targeted removal
Avatar of Woe - Too slow removal, similar to the Reaper
Sunblast Angel - Boardwipe on a stick, but requires me to actually let my opponent attack me (it can't stop the attack). Might get stuck in my hand
High Priest of Penance - Dissuades opponents from attacking, but does nothing against "destroy" effects, and only blocks one creature and destroys one permanent, and only once
Life's Finale - It takes a long time to search for three creatures, and that clause only hits a single opponent. Also enables their graveyard interactions and makes Living Death worse
Deathrender - Too few creatures, will often not have a creature in hand
Vish Kal - Can sac creatures that are about to die and use as removal, but the creatures I'd remove should probably be dying with my own creatures anyway. I also don't have that many creatures, but works nicely with persist/undying dudes. Can also sac dudes to gain more life before a board wipe (or with Wake the Dead, after blocks).
Phyrexian Arena - Might not need two of this (Underworld Connections). Keeping Connections because of Terminus
Proper Burial - Not enough creatures to make the lifegain substantial (probably)
Serra Avatar – Huge but non-evasive creature
Divine Deflection - Only fogs once, and only as much damage as I have mana
Faith's Reward – Gets back my things after a board wipe, but can only be used once
Living Death – I probably have fewer creatures than my opponents
In Garruk's Wake / Plague Wind – So insanely expensive, and my creatures dying isn't really that big of a deal anyway
Sudden Spoiling - Just a fog? Can let other board wipes take out difficult-to-remove threats, win combats or stop creature combos, but typically only stalls for a turn
Nim Deathmantle – Meh. Never got to use it, as I rarely have creatures up and this on the table with 4 mana up.
Hythonia the Cruel - Can serve as a big, deathtouchy blocker that threatens a boardwipe, but requires two big costs, and if she gets killed in response to monstrous there will be no wrath
Grand Abolisher - Feels like some protection, but is too fragile and will die to my wraths
Death Grasp – Being able to target creatures is nice, but being limited to a single target (player) makes it not good enough
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts – At 7 mana I'll likely want to wipe the board rather than put a creature that will die to a board wipe or any removal on the board
Rune-Scarred Demon – I have so much redundancy, I might not really need this tutor.
Solemn Simulacrum – Likely to die to a boardwipe before it gets to chump. Perhaps a Signet is better?
Sorin Markov - Not fun to play against
Bloodchief Ascension - Not fun, and used in Nekusar
Sol Ring - Heavy color requirements, and gets destroyed by Planar Cleansing, Akroma's Vengeance etc. Replaced with a land
Exsanguinate - Much worse than Debt to the Deathless, and one of those effects is probably enough
Crypt Incursion - Great graveyard hate at instant speed to either survive an otherwise lethal attack or stop an opponent's shenanigans (e.g. Living Death), but only works once. Should be sided in in a graveyard-heavy meta
Necromancer's Covenant – More graveyard hate, board presence and lifegain. Could possibly be mainboarded, but should at least be sided in a graveyard heavy meta
Cards I NEED:
Cabal Coffers - Mana-mana
Cards I'm considering adding:
Venser's Journal – Lifegain plus no max handsize for turns where I draw a lot of cards, e.g. from Decree of Pain or Harvester of Souls
Crypt of Agadeem – Ramp
Crypt Ghast – Mana!
Greed – Card draw for disposable life, good with Urborg
Martial Coup – More board wipe and more board presence
Myth Realized – Potentially big beater that survives most boardwipes
Deathless Angel – Let some dudes survive the wraths
Palace Siege - Drain everyone for 2 every turn, or Raise Dead every turn if needed
Phyrexian Reclamation - Spend that spare life on getting back creatures
No Mercy - Don't attack me!
Cards that might get cut:
Vampire Nighthawk – Dissuades opponents from attacking me, but doesn't stop a lethal attack with many dudes. Gives much needed early presence, however
Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath – Probably doesn't do enough, but I haven't been able to try it yet (not yet drawn)
Grave Betrayal – Steals their guys when I wipe the board, but does it fit thematically?
Vault of the Archangel – I don't have that many creatures, and the ones I have are big anyway and likely don't need deathtouch. Probably have enough lifegain outside of this?
Elspeth, Sun's Champion – Only kills large dudes and will then quickly die if that's her first activation
Cards I want to play but were cut:
Vizkopa Guildmage - Life drain shenanigans, but dies too easily
Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief - Removal, but expensive to kill many
Dregs of Sorrow - Card draw and removal, but too expensive
Orzhov Signet - Mana fix and ramp, but I'm greedy
Darksteel Ingot - Same as signet
Sensei's Divining Top - It's nice to manipulate the top, but I don't think it will do much except with Terminus
Norn's Annex - To dissuade people from attacking me. Hopefully people won't attack me so they can keep their creatures
Ghostly Prison - Same as Norn's Annex
Liliana Vess - She tutors, but she's slow
Reaper From the Abyss - Can only kill one creature per turn, and I don't have much targeted removal
Avatar of Woe - Too slow removal, similar to the Reaper
Sunblast Angel - Boardwipe on a stick, but requires me to actually let my opponent attack me (it can't stop the attack). Might get stuck in my hand
High Priest of Penance - Dissuades opponents from attacking, but does nothing against "destroy" effects, and only blocks one creature and destroys one permanent, and only once
Life's Finale - It takes a long time to search for three creatures, and that clause only hits a single opponent. Also enables their graveyard interactions and makes Living Death worse
Deathrender - Too few creatures, will often not have a creature in hand
Vish Kal - Can sac creatures that are about to die and use as removal, but the creatures I'd remove should probably be dying with my own creatures anyway. I also don't have that many creatures, but works nicely with persist/undying dudes. Can also sac dudes to gain more life before a board wipe (or with Wake the Dead, after blocks).
Phyrexian Arena - Might not need two of this (Underworld Connections). Keeping Connections because of Terminus
Proper Burial - Not enough creatures to make the lifegain substantial (probably)
Serra Avatar – Huge but non-evasive creature
Divine Deflection - Only fogs once, and only as much damage as I have mana
Faith's Reward – Gets back my things after a board wipe, but can only be used once
Living Death – I probably have fewer creatures than my opponents
In Garruk's Wake / Plague Wind – So insanely expensive, and my creatures dying isn't really that big of a deal anyway
Sudden Spoiling - Just a fog? Can let other board wipes take out difficult-to-remove threats, win combats or stop creature combos, but typically only stalls for a turn
Nim Deathmantle – Meh. Never got to use it, as I rarely have creatures up and this on the table with 4 mana up.
Hythonia the Cruel - Can serve as a big, deathtouchy blocker that threatens a boardwipe, but requires two big costs, and if she gets killed in response to monstrous there will be no wrath
Grand Abolisher - Feels like some protection, but is too fragile and will die to my wraths
Death Grasp – Being able to target creatures is nice, but being limited to a single target (player) makes it not good enough
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts – At 7 mana I'll likely want to wipe the board rather than put a creature that will die to a board wipe or any removal on the board
Rune-Scarred Demon – I have so much redundancy, I might not really need this tutor.
Solemn Simulacrum – Likely to die to a boardwipe before it gets to chump. Perhaps a Signet is better?
Sorin Markov - Not fun to play against
Bloodchief Ascension - Not fun, and used in Nekusar
Sol Ring - Heavy color requirements, and gets destroyed by Planar Cleansing, Akroma's Vengeance etc. Replaced with a land
Exsanguinate - Much worse than Debt to the Deathless, and one of those effects is probably enough
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