Sideboard - 2 cards, 2 distinct
Hedonist's Trove – Graveyard hate that is likely to provide a lot of card advantage against the decks I would want the extra hate
Phyrexian Reclamation - Graveyard-hate-insurance
Pernicious Deed – Good removal for annoying things
Tragic Arrogance – I don't mind board wipes, and I don't have a lot of non-creature things myself
Gaze of Granite – Selective boardwipe, but might be too expensive/useless
Saffi Eriksdotter - Combo/value enabler
Altar of Dementia – Sac outlet and self-mill
Beast Within - Flexible removal
Vraska the Unseen - Flexible and reusable removal
Garruk, Apex Predator - Creature/planeswalker removal
Chromatic Lantern - Ramp/fix
Kitchen Finks - A reusable 3-drop
Archangel of Thune/Spike Feeder combo - Birthing Pod staple combo
Bone Shredder – Reanimate-able removal
Sakura-Tribe Elder, Yavimaya Elder – Reanimate-able ramp
Necroplasm – Dredging removal, although pretty slow and limited to creatures with CMC<=4. It does however put itself in the 'yard for more dredging
Golgari Thug – More dredge
Harmonic Sliver + Necrotic Sliver + Sliver Hive + Mutavault – Artifact/enchantment removal from Harmonic, Vindicates from Necrotic, and more of them from the Hive
Doomed Necromancer – Cheap reanimation on a stick that puts itself back in the yard for easy reuse
Magister of Worth – Either board wipe or reanimation on a stick, that doesn't require being cast from the hand to trigger
Gatecreeper Vine – Ramp that also can fix by getting gates as well as basics
Satyr Wayfinder, Grisly Salvage, Commune With the Gods, Hermit Druid – Fill up my graveyard without relying on dredge
Marshal's Anthem – Multi-reanimate
Manabond – Ramp? Don't mind the discard
Mulch - Get the lands and/or fill the yard
Melira, Sylvok Outcast - Abuse Persist creatures
Considered cuts:
Maelstrom Pulse/Beast Within - Do we need the removal? Probably...
Merciless Eviction - I don't usually want to exile creatures because then I can't reanimate them. The flexibility is nice, however
Cards that have been cut:
Darksteel Ingot – Not as good as Chromatic Lantern or Coalition Relic
Deathrite Shaman – Incidental graveyard hate, and incidental ramp (though usually not early). Doesn't do much, really.
Anafenza the Foremost - I want them to get creatures in their yard so I can steal them
Reliquary Tower - I don't really mind discarding creatures as I can reanimate them later
Den Protector - Doesn't trigger when reanimated, unlike E.Wit
Geth, Lord of the Vault - Only being able to reanimate from opponents graveyard seems silly
Pharika, God of Affliction - Incidental graveyard hate with the downside of giving my opponents deathtouch snakes. Can however get some value out of my graveyard should it be exiled (assuming I have mana), and can become a 5/5 indestructible beater.
Nighthowler/Mortivore - Big, dumb fatties. They are good for saccing to Jarad, but don't really do much of interest
Bloodgift Demon - Reanimate-able Phyrexian arena. But what else? Might want to put this back in
Orzhov Signet - Only have one of these, and it's in Kaalia
Angel of Despair/Adarkar Valkyrie - I use these in Kaalia
Iona - Generally considered unfun, plus it doesn't do a lot in a game with many opponents. Also, I play this in Kaalia
Rune-Scarred Demon - Huge flier with ETB tutor, which is a great reanimation target. I already have a bunch of other good targets, though, and this is played in other decks
Utter End - Instant speed permanent removal is nice, but we might not need it in this deck
Sepulchral Primordial - While this does reanimate, it doesn't reanimate from my own yard, so it is more like stealing other people's creatures (which is Lazav's thing) than reanimation
Grave Betrayal - Same as Sepulchral Primordial
Whip of Erebos - I don't usually want to exile the dudes I reanimate
Scion of Darkness – Can't reanimate from my own yard. Similar to Sepulchral Primordial
Palace Siege - Similar to Phyrexian Reclamation, but only gets one dude per turn, but doesn't cost life
Stinkweed Imp - Probably don't need all this dredge
Siege Rhino - I only gain 3 life no matter how many opponents, so it's relatively small impact
Lotleth Troll - We don't really need many ways to discard creatures (for stuff like Sheoldred), and this is one of the weaker ones
Ink-Eyes – Can't reanimate my own things. Likely better in Lazav
Mikaeus the Unhallowed - I don't really need the undying because I can recast my dudes from the 'yard
Praetor's Counsel - I only really need this when Karador is too expensive to cast or I know my opponents can wipe my graveyard next turn
Soul of Innistrad - Don't need to return dudes to my hand
Foul Renewal - Cards to hand = Meh
Creeping Renaissance - Similar to Praetor's Counsel, but this can return other card types as well
Austere Command - Can't play this in every deck...
Sol Ring - Ramping lands preferred
Cultivate/Kodama's Reach - Ramp through creatures instead
Wake the Dead - Hmm...
Ghastly Conscription – I want my creatures in the graveyard for reanimation rather than on the board as 2/2s, because I want the ETB abilities. And *potentially* a bunch of 2/2s from my opponents isn't all that exciting at this cost.
Liliana Vess - I mostly want her for her ultimate (Rise of the Dark Realms), but having access to the tutor is nice too. Getting to the ultimate may prove to be impossible, though
Infernal Offering – While there may often be opponents I can target where this won't benefit them (no creatures on board/no creatures in yard), this is probably just too slow and situational
Tempt With Immortality – Giving my opponents the option of reanimating their best creature might not be worth it even if I get multiple creatures
Unburial Rites – Only gets creatures, at sorcery speed. Only really interesting because of the flashback
Liliana of the Veil – I rarely have that many cards in my hand, and the -2 is usually not that interesting. Mostly just there for the ultimate and the few times I can get value from the +1. Probably not worth it
Hedonist's Trove – Graveyard hate that is likely to provide a lot of card advantage against the decks I would want the extra hate
Phyrexian Reclamation - Graveyard-hate-insurance
Pernicious Deed – Good removal for annoying things
Tragic Arrogance – I don't mind board wipes, and I don't have a lot of non-creature things myself
Gaze of Granite – Selective boardwipe, but might be too expensive/useless
Saffi Eriksdotter - Combo/value enabler
Altar of Dementia – Sac outlet and self-mill
Beast Within - Flexible removal
Vraska the Unseen - Flexible and reusable removal
Garruk, Apex Predator - Creature/planeswalker removal
Chromatic Lantern - Ramp/fix
Kitchen Finks - A reusable 3-drop
Archangel of Thune/Spike Feeder combo - Birthing Pod staple combo
Bone Shredder – Reanimate-able removal
Sakura-Tribe Elder, Yavimaya Elder – Reanimate-able ramp
Necroplasm – Dredging removal, although pretty slow and limited to creatures with CMC<=4. It does however put itself in the 'yard for more dredging
Golgari Thug – More dredge
Harmonic Sliver + Necrotic Sliver + Sliver Hive + Mutavault – Artifact/enchantment removal from Harmonic, Vindicates from Necrotic, and more of them from the Hive
Doomed Necromancer – Cheap reanimation on a stick that puts itself back in the yard for easy reuse
Magister of Worth – Either board wipe or reanimation on a stick, that doesn't require being cast from the hand to trigger
Gatecreeper Vine – Ramp that also can fix by getting gates as well as basics
Satyr Wayfinder, Grisly Salvage, Commune With the Gods, Hermit Druid – Fill up my graveyard without relying on dredge
Marshal's Anthem – Multi-reanimate
Manabond – Ramp? Don't mind the discard
Mulch - Get the lands and/or fill the yard
Melira, Sylvok Outcast - Abuse Persist creatures
Considered cuts:
Maelstrom Pulse/Beast Within - Do we need the removal? Probably...
Merciless Eviction - I don't usually want to exile creatures because then I can't reanimate them. The flexibility is nice, however
Cards that have been cut:
Darksteel Ingot – Not as good as Chromatic Lantern or Coalition Relic
Deathrite Shaman – Incidental graveyard hate, and incidental ramp (though usually not early). Doesn't do much, really.
Anafenza the Foremost - I want them to get creatures in their yard so I can steal them
Reliquary Tower - I don't really mind discarding creatures as I can reanimate them later
Den Protector - Doesn't trigger when reanimated, unlike E.Wit
Geth, Lord of the Vault - Only being able to reanimate from opponents graveyard seems silly
Pharika, God of Affliction - Incidental graveyard hate with the downside of giving my opponents deathtouch snakes. Can however get some value out of my graveyard should it be exiled (assuming I have mana), and can become a 5/5 indestructible beater.
Nighthowler/Mortivore - Big, dumb fatties. They are good for saccing to Jarad, but don't really do much of interest
Bloodgift Demon - Reanimate-able Phyrexian arena. But what else? Might want to put this back in
Orzhov Signet - Only have one of these, and it's in Kaalia
Angel of Despair/Adarkar Valkyrie - I use these in Kaalia
Iona - Generally considered unfun, plus it doesn't do a lot in a game with many opponents. Also, I play this in Kaalia
Rune-Scarred Demon - Huge flier with ETB tutor, which is a great reanimation target. I already have a bunch of other good targets, though, and this is played in other decks
Utter End - Instant speed permanent removal is nice, but we might not need it in this deck
Sepulchral Primordial - While this does reanimate, it doesn't reanimate from my own yard, so it is more like stealing other people's creatures (which is Lazav's thing) than reanimation
Grave Betrayal - Same as Sepulchral Primordial
Whip of Erebos - I don't usually want to exile the dudes I reanimate
Scion of Darkness – Can't reanimate from my own yard. Similar to Sepulchral Primordial
Palace Siege - Similar to Phyrexian Reclamation, but only gets one dude per turn, but doesn't cost life
Stinkweed Imp - Probably don't need all this dredge
Siege Rhino - I only gain 3 life no matter how many opponents, so it's relatively small impact
Lotleth Troll - We don't really need many ways to discard creatures (for stuff like Sheoldred), and this is one of the weaker ones
Ink-Eyes – Can't reanimate my own things. Likely better in Lazav
Mikaeus the Unhallowed - I don't really need the undying because I can recast my dudes from the 'yard
Praetor's Counsel - I only really need this when Karador is too expensive to cast or I know my opponents can wipe my graveyard next turn
Soul of Innistrad - Don't need to return dudes to my hand
Foul Renewal - Cards to hand = Meh
Creeping Renaissance - Similar to Praetor's Counsel, but this can return other card types as well
Austere Command - Can't play this in every deck...
Sol Ring - Ramping lands preferred
Cultivate/Kodama's Reach - Ramp through creatures instead
Wake the Dead - Hmm...
Ghastly Conscription – I want my creatures in the graveyard for reanimation rather than on the board as 2/2s, because I want the ETB abilities. And *potentially* a bunch of 2/2s from my opponents isn't all that exciting at this cost.
Liliana Vess - I mostly want her for her ultimate (Rise of the Dark Realms), but having access to the tutor is nice too. Getting to the ultimate may prove to be impossible, though
Infernal Offering – While there may often be opponents I can target where this won't benefit them (no creatures on board/no creatures in yard), this is probably just too slow and situational
Tempt With Immortality – Giving my opponents the option of reanimating their best creature might not be worth it even if I get multiple creatures
Unburial Rites – Only gets creatures, at sorcery speed. Only really interesting because of the flashback
Liliana of the Veil – I rarely have that many cards in my hand, and the -2 is usually not that interesting. Mostly just there for the ultimate and the few times I can get value from the +1. Probably not worth it
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