Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Might need:
$$$ Portal to Phyrexia
$$$ Pirated Copy
$$ Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant
Consider (have):
* March of Swirling Mists - Protect my stuff or temporarily remove some scary stuff
* Aetherspouts - Previously cut for being too expensive and situational
Back to Basics
Spectral Deluge - One-sided, sorcery-speed Engulf
It That Betrays
Reservoir Kraken - A big guy I can actually cast without Braids
Extraplanar Lens - Mana doubler, but would probably need snow basics. Mono B needs it more?
Patron of the Moon - Land-based ramp
Undercover Operative - A clone that gets a shield counter when copying my stuff
God-Pharaoh's Statue
Coastal Breach - Another sweeper
? Diluvian Primordial - Might not always have good targets
Solve the Equation - Search for whatever I need
Unwind, Negate, Rewind, Dispel, Insidious Will, Dissipate, Hinder, Overwhelming Denial
Preordain - Card selection
Strionic Resonator - Doubling Braids trigger is sweet, but Therese are other triggers to copy too.
Oblivion Stone - Replace Perilous Vault as a more realistic option?
Thassa, God of the Sea
Archmage’s Charm
Colossal Whale - Has to attack to get rid of something, and only does one per turn
River's Rebuke
Blue Sun's Zenith
Staff of Nin
Ray of Command
Nev's Disk
Sphinx of Magosi
Sphinx Ambassador
High tide
Imprisoned in the Moon
Crush of Tentacles
Devastation Tide
Baral's Expertise
Part the Waterveil
Nyx Lotus
Steel Hellkite
Run Away Together - Bounce two of the things from a Braids round
Bane of Bala Ged
Quicksilver Gargantuan
Deadeye Navigator
Hoverguard Sweepers
Faerie Artisans
Stormsurge Leviathan
Stolen Identity
Ugin's Insight
Sapphire Medallion
Gate to the Aether
Dissipation Field
Broodbirth Viper
Polymorphist's Jest
Cackling Counterpart
Polymorphous Rush
Recurring Insight
Manifold Insights
Saheeli's Artistry
Clone Legion
Sphinx of the Final Word
Chancellor of the Spires
Platinum Angel
Assault Suit, Argentum Armor, Deathrender, Empyrial Plate
Astral Cornucopia, Everflowing Chalice
Whispersilk Cloak, Champion's Helm
Ugin's Nexus
Winding Canyons - Flash in Braids so I get first trigger
Temple of the False God
Geier Reach Sanitarium
Opal Palace
Faerie Conclave, Coral Atoll
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Colossus of Akros
Gruesome Slaughter
Elder Deep-Fiend
Reins of Power
Voidmage Prodigy - Counterspell and Braids sac outlet
Consider (from budget version):
Inkwell Leviathan
Treasure Mage
Helm of Possession
Burnished Hart
Buried Ruin
Consider (don't have):
$ Astral Dragon
Sludge Monster - "Remove" someone else's Braids trigger immediately, and then one more each turn cycle
Mirrorhall Mimic - Clone twice
$ Tidal Barracuda
Sakashima, the Impostor
$ Proteus Staff
Considered cuts:
* Fact or Fiction - No graveyard synergy, and 4 mana is a lot to just draw a few cards
* Sower of Temptation - Fragile, but it does both give me something and take something away, and it's a wizard
Tidespout Tyrant - Do I cast enough spells for this to be effective?
Vedalken Orrery - Do I need the flash that bad?
Leyline of Anticipation - Do I really need the flash for other things than Braids? I'm probably not casting a lot of the bombs
Hedron Archive, Thran Dynamo, Mind Stone - Do I need lots of colorless mana?
Muddle the Mixture - I don't have that many important 2-drops here, but being able to get Rift in a pinch is sweet, or just boots for Braids. Plus cutting down on counters is good for a more casual-oriented deck
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir - Doesn't do much except lock others out, but is a wizard
Kira - Protection from spot removal, but do I need it?
* Swan Song - This is very efficient, and other more competitive decks might need it more. However, giving something back when countering is very thematic
Propaganda - Does this sufficiently protect me?
Control Magic / Corrupted Conscience - Can't be put in with Braids, but CM is very cost efficient, and CC can easily one-shot someone
Rite of Replication - Very expensive
* Flood of Tears - Expensive and is likely to set me back a lot of mana from bounced ramp, but hopefully it should affect most players equally and I get to drop something expensive
Galecaster, Azami - Not enough wizards?
Stunt Double, Vizier - Too expensive clones?
Cryptic Command - Probably the best of my EDH decks to play one, what with needing the single-target bounce to get rid of Braids drops
Phyrexian Ingester
Ghost Quarter - Upgrade to Wasteland?
Cuts from original list:
Too expensive:
Mana Crypt
Tawnos's Coffin
Mana Drain
Gilded Drake
Ancient Tomb
Ulamog/Kozilek OGs
Used in other decks:
Mana Vault - Currently used in Sharuum
Academy Ruins - Used in Breya
Sensei's Divining Top - Better used in Rashmi and Yuriko
Don't have them yet:
$$ Vedalken Shackles - Add back if I get it
Snow-Covered Islands - For Extraplanar Lens
Eldrazi theme:
* Kozilek, the Great Distortion
Pathrazer of Ulamog
Myr Battlesphere
Sandstone Oracle
Ulamog's Crusher
Scuttling Doom Engine
Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
Emrakul, the Promised End
Void Winnower
Artisan of Kozilek - Cut Eldrazis for Rakdos. Decent things to Braids in, but mostly only worth it with other eldrazi, and annihilator is unfun
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - It's still scary when put in with Braids, but casting it is when it becomes really valuable, and that's difficult
Sanctum of Ugin
Maze of Ith - Might need mana in this slot
Blighted Cataract - Expensive card draw and doesn't make blue
Emergence Zone - Losing a land just to flash out Braids is a bit much
Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse - Don't need these when I don't play delve spells, Top or Roil Elemental
Nykthos - By the time this nets me extra mana, I'm probably in a winning position and don't have a huge need for a few extra mana
Worn Powerstone - Replaced with Sky Diamond
Dig Through Time - I don't really fill up my graveyard that easily
Frost Titan - Might be too slow at disabling things and only holds them for one turn
Memnarch - Expensive to use
Sakashima's Student - Put in Yuriko instead, already have a bunch of clones
Wash Out - Can't hit colorless, and can't get threats of multiple colors. Might be able to cut a sweeper with more spot removal now
Show and Tell - Might give my opponents too much flexibility
Lorthos - Quite expensive to activate, but gets rid of a lot of dudes
Roil Elemental - I don't have a lot of extra land drops, so it's going to take a while to steal a good amount and if it gets bounced I might not be able to use it again. Should also cut fetches
Venser - While this can bounce one player's thing, if I have this as my Braids trigger I'd be pretty sad. It's a wizard for Galecaster and Azami, though
* Commit // Memory - I have access to so much cheaper removal now that this temporary removal probably isn't worth it, even with the option of a (very expensive) wheel on the back half
? Diluvian Primordial - Might not always have good targets
Capsize - This can be pretty unfun, and is not that efficient when you're not producing loads of mana
Perilous Vault - Expensive, but if I can put it out with Braids it's a decently costed sweeper. Does take care of my board too, though
? Rhystic Study - Casual unfriendly
? Foil - A free counterspell is nice to have access to, but the condition is surprisingly hard and I never want to hardcast it. Probably don't need free counters for casual
? Counterspell - While fair, I might not need so many pure counterspells for casual when I have modular ones. Replaced with Arcane Denial, which is more in the spirit
Disallow - Cut down on counters? Being able to counter abilities is nice, and 3-mana counters are VERY fair
Supplant Form - 6 mana might be too much for a bounce even if I get a copy from it
? Paradox Haze - Is it worth a whole card? It currently only affects Braids and The Magic Mirror. Maybe try without and potentially re-introduce if I find I can't drop things fast enough
Mystic Remora - Cut for power (and inventory) reasons
Duplicant - Duplicant can be played in Rakdos, and probably doesn't become very impressive, but exile is nice
Blatant Thievery - Very expensive
? Sublime Epiphany - 6 mana is a lot, and a lot of my things that I would want to copy don't do much in multiples
? Thought Vessel - I usually won't be able to draw tons of cards
Kederekt Leviathan - Resets everyone else (except the green player), but doesn't actually give me much of an advantage besides being the first to redeploy
Dreamstone Hedron - Do I need lots of colorless mana? I probably won't ever cast this, so this is only useful if I already have an active Braids, and then I probably have better things to drop
Phantasmal Image - Easy to kill, and being a 2-drop is only relevant for multi-spelling later as I don't want to play it early
? Mirage Mirror - The flexibility is nice, but having to keep sinking mana into it for it to do anything is a bit rough
? Sphinx of Uthuun - No graveyard synergy. It does get me cards immediately, though
$$$ Portal to Phyrexia
$$$ Pirated Copy
$$ Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant
Consider (have):
* March of Swirling Mists - Protect my stuff or temporarily remove some scary stuff
* Aetherspouts - Previously cut for being too expensive and situational
Back to Basics
Spectral Deluge - One-sided, sorcery-speed Engulf
It That Betrays
Reservoir Kraken - A big guy I can actually cast without Braids
Extraplanar Lens - Mana doubler, but would probably need snow basics. Mono B needs it more?
Patron of the Moon - Land-based ramp
Undercover Operative - A clone that gets a shield counter when copying my stuff
God-Pharaoh's Statue
Coastal Breach - Another sweeper
? Diluvian Primordial - Might not always have good targets
Solve the Equation - Search for whatever I need
Unwind, Negate, Rewind, Dispel, Insidious Will, Dissipate, Hinder, Overwhelming Denial
Preordain - Card selection
Strionic Resonator - Doubling Braids trigger is sweet, but Therese are other triggers to copy too.
Oblivion Stone - Replace Perilous Vault as a more realistic option?
Thassa, God of the Sea
Archmage’s Charm
Colossal Whale - Has to attack to get rid of something, and only does one per turn
River's Rebuke
Blue Sun's Zenith
Staff of Nin
Ray of Command
Nev's Disk
Sphinx of Magosi
Sphinx Ambassador
High tide
Imprisoned in the Moon
Crush of Tentacles
Devastation Tide
Baral's Expertise
Part the Waterveil
Nyx Lotus
Steel Hellkite
Run Away Together - Bounce two of the things from a Braids round
Bane of Bala Ged
Quicksilver Gargantuan
Deadeye Navigator
Hoverguard Sweepers
Faerie Artisans
Stormsurge Leviathan
Stolen Identity
Ugin's Insight
Sapphire Medallion
Gate to the Aether
Dissipation Field
Broodbirth Viper
Polymorphist's Jest
Cackling Counterpart
Polymorphous Rush
Recurring Insight
Manifold Insights
Saheeli's Artistry
Clone Legion
Sphinx of the Final Word
Chancellor of the Spires
Platinum Angel
Assault Suit, Argentum Armor, Deathrender, Empyrial Plate
Astral Cornucopia, Everflowing Chalice
Whispersilk Cloak, Champion's Helm
Ugin's Nexus
Winding Canyons - Flash in Braids so I get first trigger
Temple of the False God
Geier Reach Sanitarium
Opal Palace
Faerie Conclave, Coral Atoll
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Colossus of Akros
Gruesome Slaughter
Elder Deep-Fiend
Reins of Power
Voidmage Prodigy - Counterspell and Braids sac outlet
Consider (from budget version):
Inkwell Leviathan
Treasure Mage
Helm of Possession
Burnished Hart
Buried Ruin
Consider (don't have):
$ Astral Dragon
Sludge Monster - "Remove" someone else's Braids trigger immediately, and then one more each turn cycle
Mirrorhall Mimic - Clone twice
$ Tidal Barracuda
Sakashima, the Impostor
$ Proteus Staff
Considered cuts:
* Fact or Fiction - No graveyard synergy, and 4 mana is a lot to just draw a few cards
* Sower of Temptation - Fragile, but it does both give me something and take something away, and it's a wizard
Tidespout Tyrant - Do I cast enough spells for this to be effective?
Vedalken Orrery - Do I need the flash that bad?
Leyline of Anticipation - Do I really need the flash for other things than Braids? I'm probably not casting a lot of the bombs
Hedron Archive, Thran Dynamo, Mind Stone - Do I need lots of colorless mana?
Muddle the Mixture - I don't have that many important 2-drops here, but being able to get Rift in a pinch is sweet, or just boots for Braids. Plus cutting down on counters is good for a more casual-oriented deck
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir - Doesn't do much except lock others out, but is a wizard
Kira - Protection from spot removal, but do I need it?
* Swan Song - This is very efficient, and other more competitive decks might need it more. However, giving something back when countering is very thematic
Propaganda - Does this sufficiently protect me?
Control Magic / Corrupted Conscience - Can't be put in with Braids, but CM is very cost efficient, and CC can easily one-shot someone
Rite of Replication - Very expensive
* Flood of Tears - Expensive and is likely to set me back a lot of mana from bounced ramp, but hopefully it should affect most players equally and I get to drop something expensive
Galecaster, Azami - Not enough wizards?
Stunt Double, Vizier - Too expensive clones?
Cryptic Command - Probably the best of my EDH decks to play one, what with needing the single-target bounce to get rid of Braids drops
Phyrexian Ingester
Ghost Quarter - Upgrade to Wasteland?
Cuts from original list:
Too expensive:
Mana Crypt
Tawnos's Coffin
Mana Drain
Gilded Drake
Ancient Tomb
Ulamog/Kozilek OGs
Used in other decks:
Mana Vault - Currently used in Sharuum
Academy Ruins - Used in Breya
Sensei's Divining Top - Better used in Rashmi and Yuriko
Don't have them yet:
$$ Vedalken Shackles - Add back if I get it
Snow-Covered Islands - For Extraplanar Lens
Eldrazi theme:
* Kozilek, the Great Distortion
Pathrazer of Ulamog
Myr Battlesphere
Sandstone Oracle
Ulamog's Crusher
Scuttling Doom Engine
Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
Emrakul, the Promised End
Void Winnower
Artisan of Kozilek - Cut Eldrazis for Rakdos. Decent things to Braids in, but mostly only worth it with other eldrazi, and annihilator is unfun
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - It's still scary when put in with Braids, but casting it is when it becomes really valuable, and that's difficult
Sanctum of Ugin
Maze of Ith - Might need mana in this slot
Blighted Cataract - Expensive card draw and doesn't make blue
Emergence Zone - Losing a land just to flash out Braids is a bit much
Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse - Don't need these when I don't play delve spells, Top or Roil Elemental
Nykthos - By the time this nets me extra mana, I'm probably in a winning position and don't have a huge need for a few extra mana
Worn Powerstone - Replaced with Sky Diamond
Dig Through Time - I don't really fill up my graveyard that easily
Frost Titan - Might be too slow at disabling things and only holds them for one turn
Memnarch - Expensive to use
Sakashima's Student - Put in Yuriko instead, already have a bunch of clones
Wash Out - Can't hit colorless, and can't get threats of multiple colors. Might be able to cut a sweeper with more spot removal now
Show and Tell - Might give my opponents too much flexibility
Lorthos - Quite expensive to activate, but gets rid of a lot of dudes
Roil Elemental - I don't have a lot of extra land drops, so it's going to take a while to steal a good amount and if it gets bounced I might not be able to use it again. Should also cut fetches
Venser - While this can bounce one player's thing, if I have this as my Braids trigger I'd be pretty sad. It's a wizard for Galecaster and Azami, though
* Commit // Memory - I have access to so much cheaper removal now that this temporary removal probably isn't worth it, even with the option of a (very expensive) wheel on the back half
? Diluvian Primordial - Might not always have good targets
Capsize - This can be pretty unfun, and is not that efficient when you're not producing loads of mana
Perilous Vault - Expensive, but if I can put it out with Braids it's a decently costed sweeper. Does take care of my board too, though
? Rhystic Study - Casual unfriendly
? Foil - A free counterspell is nice to have access to, but the condition is surprisingly hard and I never want to hardcast it. Probably don't need free counters for casual
? Counterspell - While fair, I might not need so many pure counterspells for casual when I have modular ones. Replaced with Arcane Denial, which is more in the spirit
Disallow - Cut down on counters? Being able to counter abilities is nice, and 3-mana counters are VERY fair
Supplant Form - 6 mana might be too much for a bounce even if I get a copy from it
? Paradox Haze - Is it worth a whole card? It currently only affects Braids and The Magic Mirror. Maybe try without and potentially re-introduce if I find I can't drop things fast enough
Mystic Remora - Cut for power (and inventory) reasons
Duplicant - Duplicant can be played in Rakdos, and probably doesn't become very impressive, but exile is nice
Blatant Thievery - Very expensive
? Sublime Epiphany - 6 mana is a lot, and a lot of my things that I would want to copy don't do much in multiples
? Thought Vessel - I usually won't be able to draw tons of cards
Kederekt Leviathan - Resets everyone else (except the green player), but doesn't actually give me much of an advantage besides being the first to redeploy
Dreamstone Hedron - Do I need lots of colorless mana? I probably won't ever cast this, so this is only useful if I already have an active Braids, and then I probably have better things to drop
Phantasmal Image - Easy to kill, and being a 2-drop is only relevant for multi-spelling later as I don't want to play it early
? Mirage Mirror - The flexibility is nice, but having to keep sinking mana into it for it to do anything is a bit rough
? Sphinx of Uthuun - No graveyard synergy. It does get me cards immediately, though
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