Type: Built Deck
Format (legal 👍)
Approx. Value:

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Avg. CMC 2.48
Card Color Breakdown
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 61 cards, 22 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (34)
3 Gempalm Incinerator
$0.31 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Chieftain
$3.96 Creature - Goblin
2 Goblin King
$7.38 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Lackey
$16.63 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Lookout
$0.43 Creature - Goblin
4 Goblin Matron
$0.21 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Piledriver
$1.56 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Goblin Recruiter
$5.48 Creature - Goblin
4 Goblin Ringleader
$0.82 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Sharpshooter
$26.89 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Tinkerer
$0.20 Creature - Goblin Artificer
4 Goblin Warchief
$0.67 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Krenko, Mob Boss
$1.35 Legendary Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Mogg Fanatic
$0.15 Creature - Goblin
4 Mogg War Marshal
$0.15 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Reckless One
$0.79 Creature - Goblin Avatar
1 Siege-Gang Commander
$2.78 Creature - Goblin
1 Spikeshot Elder
$0.37 Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Stingscourger
$0.03 Creature - Goblin Warrior
Instant (2)
2 Tarfire
$1.18 Tribal Instant - Goblin
Sorcery (4)
4 Goblin Grenade
N/A Sorcery
Land (21)
21 Mountain
$0.11 Basic Land - Mountain
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

mogg fanatic used to be a 4-of in legacy goblins for dealing with other aggro decks.  I think it could fill a hole here.

perhaps tarfires should be mogg fanatics.  I think goblin lookouts and skirk drill sergeants will probably not be mvps, either.  But you could guess that by looking at the prices.  I hate to just be drawn inexorably into the exact same list as everyone else...

Goblin Recruiter is probably just a fantasy.  I'm imagining it leading to great ringleader draws, or fixing your topdecks for the rest of the game once you have enough mana.  I suppose it is really in there as a kind of sub for 8 fetchlands.  Since it's a goblin, it's not completely dead, but we'll have to see if it's better than drill sergeant and lookout when it comes time to make some changes.

some notes (albeit based on a true legacy deck that relies on vial/lackey/port/wasteland to be able to deploy threats while simultaneously disrupting manabases):

possible sideboard:
3x Price of Progress
4x Pyroblast
4x Pyrostatic Pillar
1x Relic of Progenitus
1x Tormod's Crypt
2x Surgical Extraction

11/20/14 - okay, totally ditching the "legacy" vibe.  In kitchen table multiplayer, I'd rather see another goblin than an aether vial.  will dump those and strip mines.  Need to choose 4 more goblins, but may also need to remove a couple for purphoros...
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