Type: Deck Idea
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 31 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Instant (4)
4 Crop Rotation
N/A Instant
Sorcery (4)
4 Life from the Loam
$18.68 Sorcery
Artifact (14)
1 Crucible of Worlds
$80.00 Artifact
1 Crucible of Worlds
$111.02 Artifact
1 Expedition Map
$11.02 Artifact
4 Mox Diamond
$597.43 Artifact
1 Pithing Needle
$27.57 Artifact
1 Shadowspear
$25.54 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
1 Soul-Guide Lantern
$0.35 Artifact
4 Sphere of Resistance
$15.67 Artifact
Enchantment (4)
4 Exploration
$44.10 Enchantment
Land (34)
2 Ancient Tomb
$51.30 Land
1 Blast Zone
$1.08 Land
1 Bojuka Bog
$18.82 Land
2 Boseiju, Who Endures
$31.66 Legendary Land
2 Dark Depths
$2.54 Legendary Snow Land
1 Forest
N/A Basic Land - Forest
1 Ghost Quarter
$23.91 Land
1 Horizon Canopy
$71.02 Land
1 Karakas
$41.20 Legendary Land
2 Maze of Ith
$24.45 Land
1 Rishadan Port
$41.50 Land
1 Rishadan Port
$559.96 Land
2 Savannah
$266.64 Land - Forest Plains
1 The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
$2,939.99 Legendary Land
3 Thespian's Stage
$6.14 Land
4 Urza's Saga
$64.20 Enchantment Land - Urza’s Saga
4 Wasteland
$358.78 Land
1 Windswept Heath
$138.09 Land
1 Wooded Foothills
$127.91 Land
2 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth
$14.07 Legendary Land
Sideboard - 15 cards, 8 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (5)
2 Containment Priest
$32.45 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Faerie Macabre
$71.53 Creature - Faerie Rogue
1 Haywire Mite
$2.48 Artifact Creature - Insect
Instant (7)
2 Force of Vigor
$16.52 Instant
1 Surgical Extraction
$18.60 Instant
4 Swords to Plowshares
$4.90 Instant
Artifact (1)
1 Thorn of Amethyst
$20.44 Artifact
Enchantment (2)
2 Choke
N/A Enchantment
Scratchpad - 9 cards, 8 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Instant (2)
1 Force of Vigor
$7.21 Instant
1 Surgical Extraction
$3.16 Instant
Enchantment (3)
1 Drop of Honey
$360.27 Enchantment
2 Sylvan Library
$24.30 Enchantment
Planeswalker (3)
1 Nissa, Ascended Animist
$14.82 Legendary Planeswalker - Nissa
1 Wrenn and Realmbreaker
$6.14 Legendary Planeswalker - Wrenn
1 Wrenn and Realmbreaker
$6.95 Legendary Planeswalker - Wrenn
Land (1)
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
$6.43 Legendary Land

I went 4-0 today at Gamer's Gauntlet with GW Sphere Lands - a 9 player tournament. Won $55 store credit. It was essentially Kurt Spiess's SGC Con list with a few tweaks, and I loved playing it.

Match 1:  Naya Minsc/Goodstuff (2-1)  Jesse Hawaii PenDragon
    Minsc, Wrenn & Realmbreaker, Loam, STP, Urza's Saga, Haywire Mite
    urza's saga tokens, lost to wrenn and realmbreaker, then won with DD combo & end of turn Marit Lage
Match 2:  Bant Control/Miracles (2-0)  John McGarrey~
    Terminus, Staff of the Storyteller, Uro, Force of Will,
    Urza's Saga token, 2 spheres, 2 wastelands closed the game
Match 3: Sneak & Show (2-1)  Jason A
    Atraxa, Omniscience, Emrakul, Show and tell
    Sphere of Resistance, Rishadan Port, and Wasteland closed the match
Match 4: Cephalid Breakfast w/ Staff of the Storyteller (2-0) Jeff D
    Pithing Needle on 2 uncracked Flooded Strands
    2 Sphere of Resistance - he got Dread Return stuck in his hand with Cabal Therapy in the sideboard only

3rd place out of 17 players at Gamer's Gauntlet Monthly Legacy. 3-1-1 record, for $40 store credit. I ran the list with 2x Crucible main, no Sylvan Library, and Haywire Mite/Containment Priest in the sideboard. Added Thorn of Amethyst to the sideboard as the 5th Sphere effect after Mind's Desire was unbanned.

Match 1: High Tide combo (2-0) Colin Wu
  Game 1 he FOW'd my first Sphere, and then I landed an early Sphere of Resistance on turn 2.
  I hit Pithing Needle on Lorien Revealed, because I didn't see Candelabras yet.. He attempted to combo under the Sphere, using Candelabra got up to 13 mana but it wasn't enough and constructs won me the game.
  Game 2 I made a Marit Lage token which he bounced with Snap. Ultimately, I landed 2 Spheres and won with constructs.

Match 2 - Red/White Initiative Eorlingas (0-2) Phil Williams
  Game 1, Phil landed a Magus of the Moon and I had no maindeck answers. He played Forth Eorlingas and quickly overtook my constructs.
  Game 2 - I answered his Fable of the Mirror-Breaker with a Boseiju, and next turn he played Caves of Chaos Adventurer. I had STP for the Adventurer, but he followed up with a Forth Eorlingas. Construct tokens could not keep up, since I had been playing to tax his mana and his Chrome Mox, Simian Spirit Guides, Sol lands plan was too fast.

Match 3 - Izzet Only Hour of Devastation / bargain bin brew (2-1) Giuseppe; he was joining a friend and brewed an unsleeved deck using only Hour of Devastation set cards. Still managed to take a game off me.
  Game 1 - I got a Sphere down and Wasted a few deserts that he played. I made a marit lage and he unsummoned it. I made very large construct tokens and beatdown to win.
  Game 2 - I boarded in Thorn of Amethyst thinking it was a combo deck (I had only seen spells and cantrips). I got Thorn and a Sphere down, and he hit all his land drops and played 3 2-mana 2-power creatures. Eventually, I chump blocked with a construct and had it unsummoned. I found Maze of Ith too late and his creatures closed the game.
  Game 3 - I boarded back in my Blast Zone and Tabernacle. I played Choke, and one Sphere. I started to Rishadan Port all his Islands, while he got a Firebrand Archer out and started to ping. I eventually assembled Dark Depths/Thespian's stage, and used Choke/Wasteland/Rishadan Port to take him off blue mana (unsummon), and fired off a Marit  Lage token for the win.

Match 4 - Reanimator (1-1-1) Jesse/Hawaii
  Game 1 - I kept a hand with Bojuka Bog in it, because it had Sphere and Urza's Saga. They won the die roll and fired off discard and took the sphere. I played a mox diamond  and turn 1 urza's saga. They put Atraxa and Archon of Cruelty into the graveyard on 2 consecutive turns , but I was already forced to play bog. They passed back and I used urza's saga to tutor for graveyard hate, only I had accidentally left the Soul-guide Lantern boarded out with a Choke in its place from last match. This error would cost me the game, because this was the only window to land that permanent. I ended up picking Pithing Needle to turn off Griselbrand. They reanimated Atraxa, and I bounced with Karakas. They landed Archon, and I fended off with Maze of Ith until the next Atraxa and Archon came down - game loss.
  Game 2 - I played two Spheres of Resistance, Jesse played Dauthi Voidwalker for my loams, but I boarded out 3 Loams and 2 Crucible for 2 Faerie Macabre, 2 Containment Priest, and 1 Surgical Extraction. Also brought in Thorn of Amethyst. I started a tutor plan with Urza's Saga but they killed it with Wear/Tear. They played Serenity and cleared my Mox Diamonds and Spheres. I rebuilt with a Urza's Saga construct plan and attacked through the Shadow to win.
  Game 3 - I muliganned looking for turn 0 interaction and did not find it. They muliganed to 6. I played a sphere of resistance. We went to time and were the last ones to play, so all the players were gathered around. I took a big swing to win with an end of turn Marit Lage, but I had miscounted and was 1 mana short because of my 2x Sphere of resistance. an onlooker called out my blunder so I had to make a new play. Made my Marit Lage 1 turn later, but it was  chumped by an Archon, and killed by the next turn reanimating an archon. Ultimately, we got to extra turn 4 on Jesse's turn, they got 2x Archon of Cruelty triggers (1 attack) and an Atraxa into play, putting me to 1 life. They had to pass, and I drew a land and the game ended in a draw.

Match 5 - Reanimator (2-1) Mark McGarry (John's brother from Lansing)
  Game 1 - He mulligan'd to 5 cards but won the die role and was able to land a turn 2 Gristlebrand, drew 14 cards down to 3 life, picked apart my hand with discard, and dropped another creature. I conceded
  Game 2 - He mulligan'd down to 4 cards, I played a turn 1 Containment Priest, equipped with shadowspear on turn 2 and started to beat down. he Wear/Tear'd my shadowwpear. then got into Urza's Saga constructs and tutored up soul-guide lantern.
He cast Unmask while my hand was Horizon Canopy, Wasteland, Crop Rotation, and Surgical Extraction. There was only Gristlebrand as a reanimator target in the graveyard. I surgical'd his Lotus Petals (2x in the graveyard) mostly to get a look at his hand, and his hand was Archon of Cruelty and Lotus Petal :D  I then used Crop Rotation to hit Bojuka Bog and clear his graveyard, leaving 2 lands for Unmask. I snuck in a Pithing Needle via Urza's Saga tutor, and he missed cracking his Bloodstained Mire so I named it. I beat down with constructs to win.
  Game 3 - he mull'd to 6, then passed his first turn with no plays. I drew and played Exploration/Wasteland. He drew and missed his land drop. I started loaming to assemble Marit Lage. He discards Gristebrand to handsize. I look for graveyard hate. He hits a land, but I land a Sphere and he can't reanimate. I create a Marit Lage and attack for the win. 

1st place ($100) goes to Jason Rosencranz; 2nd place ($75) is Phil Williams; 3rd place ($40) is me; 4th place ($40) is Jesse
  • lordbloodraven | 20-Aug-2023 01:54
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