Tomas Lastuvka (th_toothless)
- Location:
United Kingdom - England - Camberley
- Score:
-3 (0%) -
0 0 0
0 0 3
- Last seen online:
- 09-Oct-2019 07:23
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Ships sold cards to:
- European Union, International, United States, Canada
- Member of:
- MTG Market, Foil Traders, Reddit MTG Trades

User Bio
I've here only cards for sell.. I get around 4000 cards, so I add my decks in near future.
About me - I'm from czech republic, for 6 month I live in UK and now I try to join mtg community here.
Most of price are half-price of SCG.
About me - I'm from czech republic, for 6 month I live in UK and now I try to join mtg community here.
Most of price are half-price of SCG.