releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Mitch (mitchellbennett)
Premium User
United States - New York - Corning
100 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
13-Mar-2025 23:11
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Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
I generally like to keep trades to a minimum of $10-15 value, as I will always use PayPal shipping and this helps justify that cost a little bit.

Do not bother offering a trade if you plan to ship PWE. I've had too many bad experiences with that lately. I ship in a bubble mailer, with tracking for every trade and expect the same packaging treatment in return.

Always looking for full art lands... not a high trade priority, but feel free to throw them into a trade proposal to even things out.

I also collect cards/tokens/other mtg related items featuring Steve Argyle's work.

I have 2x sealed Commander 2013: Mind Seize decks available for trade as well. Feel free to make an offer.
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