releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Mihai Rotar (mihairotar)
Romania - Brasov - Brasov
3 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
07-Oct-2020 22:38
Will trade cards:
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Member of:
MTG Brasov, Reddit MTG Trades, MTG Targu Mures, Games Academy, Gameflux, The European MTG League, Paladins Sword, Romanian EDH Commander Group, European Traders
User Bio
My cards are all NM/SP (willing to provide pictures if needed), I will mention if they are foils/promos/newer edition.

Trading in EU only. The price I usually ask is the average price on Deckbox.

For the moment, I trade shock-lands ONLY with other shock-lands. Same goes for dual-lands. (I don't want creatures that much and if/when I do, I'll ask.)
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