Kyle Richey (krichey15)Premium User
User Bio
Hello I am fairly new to Deckbox but I am loving using it to keep track of my cards.
I am a Deck builder, I buy a lot of boosters from Local Game Stores or Lots from Ebay. I try to be as honest as possible about condition and most my cards up for trade have never been used in a deck.
My Wishlist consists of cards I need to complete Decks I am in the process of creating or have yet to start.
I am a Deck builder, I buy a lot of boosters from Local Game Stores or Lots from Ebay. I try to be as honest as possible about condition and most my cards up for trade have never been used in a deck.
My Wishlist consists of cards I need to complete Decks I am in the process of creating or have yet to start.
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