- Location:
- United States - California - Thousand Oaks
- Score:
0 (100%)
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 01-Sep-2019 01:37
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades, MTG California
User Bio
If there's a 99 in my wishlist, it means I'm always looking for that card as an add-in.
I'm looking for cheap modern staples (think Gurmag Angler or Arbor Elf, not discounted expensive cards) because SaffronOlive is pretty much my Jesus.
I'm also willing to trade for HP/damaged expensive cards at a significant discount, because I'm not a collector or investor, I'm a player.
If the price is right I also want cool modern cards, but I don't have the income or enough trade fodder to actively seek them out.
I'm looking for cheap modern staples (think Gurmag Angler or Arbor Elf, not discounted expensive cards) because SaffronOlive is pretty much my Jesus.
I'm also willing to trade for HP/damaged expensive cards at a significant discount, because I'm not a collector or investor, I'm a player.
If the price is right I also want cool modern cards, but I don't have the income or enough trade fodder to actively seek them out.
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