- Location:
- United States - California - San Jose
- Score:
0 (100%)
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 17-May-2017 19:04
- Will trade cards:
- Local
- Member of:
- Mumblinati
User Bio
If you're a wandering Deck Boxer and have stumbled upon my tradelist, and are thinking 'this guy has lots of neat cards that I want, I wonder if he'll trade', I'm afraid I must inform you of the following.
Unfortunately I don't have physical copies of my absurd collection of cards, because this is for an online MtG league on LackeyCCG. I'm sorry to disappoint, but them's the breaks.
If you're a wandering Deck Boxer and have stumbled upon my tradelist, and are thinking 'this guy has lots of neat cards that I want, I wonder if he'll trade', I'm afraid I must inform you of the following.
Unfortunately I don't have physical copies of my absurd collection of cards, because this is for an online MtG league on LackeyCCG. I'm sorry to disappoint, but them's the breaks.
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