- MTG DECKS (480)
EDH - Archive
EDH - Commander Databases
1 TINY Commanders
5-COLOR Commanders Database
ALL Commanders Database
BLACK Commanders Database
BLUE Commanders Database
COLORLESS Commanders Database
EDH $$ Pauper shortlist commanders
GREEN Commanders Database
RED Commanders Database
WHITE Commanders Database
x AZORIUS Commanders Database
x BOROS Commanders Database
x DIMIR Commanders Database
x GOLGARI Commanders Database
x GRUUL Commanders Database
x IZZET Commanders Database
x ORZHOV Commanders Database
x RAKDOS Commanders Database
x SELESNYA Commanders Database
x SIMIC Commanders Database
z ABZAN Commanders Database
z BANT Commanders Database
z ESPER Commanders Database
z GRIXIS Commanders Database
z JESKAI Commanders Database
z JUND Commanders Database
z MARDU Commanders Database
z NAYA Commanders Database
z SULTAI Commanders Database
z TEMUR Commanders Database
Bounce lands
Cycling lands
Five color lands
Landbase - 5 Color
Landbase B/G
Landbase B/R
Landbase U/G
Landbase U/W
Landbase W/R
Odd basic land types
Original duals
Tango / Battle Lands
Tribal Lands
Two / Few lands
STD B Current
STD Meta & Build
STD - SOI Jund Junket
STD - 4 Color Rally META
STD - Bant Company A
STD - Bant Company B
STD - Bant Wolf
STD - Best Rally Evah
STD - Clear Blue
STD - Coco Bant
STD - Dark Past
STD - Deleriously Abzan
STD - Deleriously Bant V1
STD - Deleriously Bant V2
STD - Eco Eldrazi
STD - Grixis Control SOI
STD - Ice, Ice, Jacey
STD - Jace's Milltown SOI
STD - RW control
STD X old
Copy of STD - BFZ Red Deck Wins
Copy of STD - BW Control - SOI
Copy of STD - Esper Control
Copy of STD - Jeskai Control - GP
Copy of STD - Kal - Metalurgic Fun
Copy of STD - Mardu Mid
Copy of STD - N GW Infinity & Beyond Meta
Copy of STD - ZOMBE! B
Copy of STD Esper Controll
DTK event deck
OLD Standard - RUG beasties
Ornithopters of Doom
STANDARD Morphlings
STANDARD B/W human army
Standard bant mid
STANDARD Bant Tricks
STANDARD Jeskai Swarm
STD - Jund Junket
STD - ! Second That Emotion
STD - Abzan Agro META 1
STD - Abzan Agro META 2
STD - Abzan Blink
STD - Abzan Elves
STD - Abzan Mid
STD - Abzan Mid V2
STD - Abzan Mid V3
STD - Abzan Red META
STD - Atarka friend of the wolves
STD - Atarka Red meta 4
STD - Atarka Red w/ side order of Dragons
STD - Atarka Sligh meta
STD - Autumn's G/W original
STD - Autumn's G/W variant
STD - Bant Company OGW
STD - Bant Company OLD
STD - Bant Tokens
STD - Best BW Control - SOI
STD - Best Gitrog Jund
STD - BFZ event deck
STD - BFZ Red Deck Wins V2
STD - Big Red
STD - Blue Light Special V.1
STD - Blue Light Special V.2
STD - BW Control - old OGW
STD - Dark Elves
STD - Dark Elves
STD - Dark Elves build
STD - Dark Jeskai 1
STD - Deadly Touch
STD - Disco Inferno aka Burn Baby Burn
STD - Disco Inferno v.1
STD - Disco Inferno V.2
STD - Dragons of Fire & Night
STD - Eldrazi Assault
STD - Eldrazi Assault Battle block
STD - Eldrazi Assault old V2
STD - Eldrazi Assault old v3
STD - Eldrazi Assault V1
STD - Eldrazi Bant Assault
STD - Elvish Blink
STD - Esper ouch
STD - Esper Tokens
STD - G/W rampage
STD - G/W rampage A
STD - G/W rampage B
STD - Great Green Beasties
STD - Grixis Eldrazi Go
STD - Heroes of Bant
STD - Jeskai Control - GP
STD - Jeskai Dark Dragons
STD - Jeskai Tempo META
STD - Land Ho!
STD - Let there be light
STD - Mardu Mid
STD - Milltown V.1
STD - Milltown V.2
STD - my plus one
STD - Narset Walks
STD - Naya Dragons
STD - News
STD - OLD Great Green Beasties
STD - Pale Grixis delve
STD - Red Deck Wins meta
STD - Red Deck Wins OLD meta
STD - Red Deck Wins V
STD - RG Stomp
STD - Second that Emotion v.1
STD - Sultai Froggie ver 1
STD - Sultai From Beyond
STD - Sultai Reanimator
STD - Take Over Control
STD - Tuxedo Eldrazi V2
STD - U/B Exploits
STD - U/R Soul Thopters
STD - V1 Grixis Eldrazi
STD - V1 Jeskai Black
STD - V2 Jeskai Black
STD - Varda's Milltown
STD Abzan Aggro
STD Attack of the walls
STD Dragonlords!
STD G/W Company Men
STD Homebrew
STD Ichikawa Abzan
STD Jeskai Tempo
STD Mardu Allies
w MODERN Builds & research
Copy of [MODERN] - UR Storm
Copy of Black Drain Deck
Copy of MOD - Jeskai Control - Ethan
Copy of STD - Abzan Tokens
MOD - Abzan Agro
MOD - Abzan Soul Sisters
MOD - Bant Human Company
MOD - Dark Elves 15/16
MOD - Death & Taxes meta
MOD - Elves meta
MOD - G/W Hate Bears Meta
MOD - Jeskai Control V1 - Ethan
MOD - Mefolk meta
MOD - Merfolk 2016
MOD - META Goroyo's Vengeance
MOD - R/G Tron meta
MOD - Scapeshift
MOD - Storm
MOD - Truthfully Inverted
MOD - UR Zapper
MOD - Vampire Rally template
MOD Allies
MOD Bant tricks
MOD Cranky Brew
MOD Grixis Delving
MOD merfolk meta 2
MOD merfolk meta 3
MOD Merfolk meta 4
MOD Tooth and Nail
MOD U/G Infect meta
MOD U/G Infect meta v.2
MOD U/W Tron
MOD Warping weirdness
MOD White Prison
MODERN Dimir Crypt
Modern Merfolk current
Modern Soul Sisters build
x EDH - Build ...
Copy of EDH - Hapatra of Slytherin
Copy of EDH - Milltown 1st build
Copy of EDH - Permanently
Copy of EDH - Whitewash
Copy of MOD - Elf-ball V2
EDH - Ch Ch Ch Changelings
EDH - Counters Count
EDH - Daretti Cmdr 2014
EDH - Elesh, that bitch
EDH - Elves of light and shadow
EDH - Elvish ways
EDH - Exterminator
EDH - Gitrog build
EDH - I Sacrifice
EDH - Karn
EDH - Karn V2
EDH - Lordy, Lordy
EDH - Melek Madness
EDH - Memnarch
EDH - Narset Reigns Alone
EDH - Nekusar Nastinees
EDH - Omnath Elementary
EDH - Selesnya Vengance
EDH - Serpentine
EDH - Shizo
EDH - Simic Spymastery
EDH - Swamp King Thing
EDH - The anti-Sheoldred
EDH - Varmints
EDH - Voldaren Vamps
EDH - Volrath on the cheap
EDH - Volrath V1
EDH - Volrath V2
EDH - Volrath V3 Mono
EDH - Volrath V4
EDH - Yemaya
EDH Captain Sisay ideas
EDH Maralen Madness
Kyle's Toshiro EDH deck
z EDH - Current
EDH - 99 cent Wort
EDH - Allied Might
EDH - Am I a Man or am I a Mountain?
EDH - Atarka eats the world
EDH - Cats of SelesNYA
EDH - Don't Blink
EDH - Ethan's Unhallowed
EDH - Mine mine mine
EDH - Morphlings
EDH - Narset Voodoo - CURRENT
EDH - Oloro's Zombie Army
EDH - Rainbow Dragons
EDH - Rhys and his token army
EDH - Rhys CURRENT 12/16
EDH - Roil away
EDH - Slivericious
EDH - Whitewash
z MOD - Current
z STD - Curre ...
Athena list
Atraxa superfriends
Copy of EDH - Karametra Earth Enchantress
Copy of EDH - Oona’s Milltown #1
Copy of EDH - Oona’s Milltown Current
Copy of STD - Merfolk 5.3
EDH - 5C Alternative Wins
EDH - Alt Whitewash
EDH - Big Bad Froggie (Gitrog)
EDH - Derevi Bird Tribal
EDH - Doran Doran Mega
EDH - Doran Doran V1
EDH - Elfball V1
EDH - Ethan Gisela R/W
EDH - Hapatra of Slytherin
EDH - Kaalia
EDH - Karametra Earth Enchantress
EDH - Karn meta
EDH - Krond the flyin lion
EDH - Marchesa
EDH - Memnarch the menace
EDH - Narset 3/14/17
EDH - Narset Rebuild Mar '17
EDH - Narset Var 2
EDH - Naya Cats LAST before change
EDH - Oona’s Milltown 2019
EDH - Permanently
EDH - Rhys Rebuild A 3/17
EDH - Rhys Trial 1
EDH - Tolarian Academy Karametra
EDH - Van Pod #1 (Toolkit)
EDH - Wort
EDH Azami
Ethan Standard ‘19
HASCON opens
L0 Green Teaching Deck
LIST - Green Ramp & Draw
Merfolk vs Goblins - Goblins
Merfolk vs Goblins - Merfolk
MOD - 8 Rack Meta
MOD - Abzan Druid
MOD - Budget Blue Tron
MOD - Death & Taxes CW
MOD - Dredge meta
MOD - Eldrazi Tron
MOD - Elf-ball V1
MOD - Elf-ball V2
MOD - Gen Wave
MOD - Genesis Wave Devotion
MOD - Griselform
MOD - Hate Bears
MOD - Humans
MOD - Infect 2016 Meta
MOD - Jeskai Control - Ethan
MOD - Mefolk Mine OLD 2017 V1 Copter
MOD - Merfolk claasic win
MOD - Merfolk 8 seas
MOD - Merfolk META 2017
MOD - Merfolk MINE 9/17
MOD - Merfolk SIMIC 1
MOD - Merfolk SIMIC 2
MOD - Merfolk T3
MOD - Merfolk T4 2017
MOD - Merfolk T5 2017
MOD - Merfolk T6 2017 winner
MOD - RU Gift Storm
MOD - Slivers!
MOD - UW Control
MOD - WG Hatebears
Modern Masters 2017 set
Oddball duals
PAUP - 1 Land Spy
Reveal Lands
Reveal Lands
STD - 4.5 Company
STD - 4C copycat V1
STD - 4C copycat V2
STD - 4C Superfriends
STD - Abzan Tokens
STD - Abzan Tokens
STD - Bant fun
STD - Bant Kaladesh
STD - Bant Spirits
STD - BG Aurora
STD - BW Control - SOI building
STD - Cats V1
STD - Cats V2
STD - Curses!
STD - E - Not Blue
STD - Eldrazi Nibblers
STD - Enchanted Esper
STD - Esper Super-Control
STD - Ethan Boros
STD - Ethan Total Control V1
STD - Ethan Total Control V2
STD - Ethan UR Homebrew
STD - Fishies NOW
STD - Frog Monster & Friends
STD - GB Sacrifice
STD - Gitrog Goggles
STD - Gitrog Sultai mashup
STD - Golgari Ramp
STD - Grixis Emerge
STD - Grixis on the Wing
STD - GW Infinity & Beyond
STD - Hazoret & friends
STD - It is ZOMBE! B
STD - Jeskai Control - Game Day version
STD - Jund em out
STD - Jund Mid Meta SOI
STD - Jund Monsters
STD - Jund Tracker
STD - Kal - BW Control
STD - Kal - GR Energy
STD - Kal - Metalurgic Temur
STD - Kal - RW Vehicles
STD - Kal WW & friends
STD - Marvel
STD - Merfolk 5.0
STD - Merfolk 5.1
STD - Merfolk 5.2
STD - Merfolk 5.3
STD - Merfolk Mine
STD - Merfolk T1
STD - Merfolk T2
STD - Merfolk T3
STD - Merfolk T4
STD - Metalurgic Summons
STD - Naya tokens
STD - Oreodrazi
STD - Ramping
STD - RU Challenger Deck
STD - SOI Jund Junket
STD - Sultai Froggie ver 2
STD - Traversing Gitrog
STD - U/W Monument
STD - UR Mill meta SOI
STD - V1 GW Infinity & Beyond
STD - Vampires Feast T1
STD - White Weenie Wins
STD - White Weenies & friends
STD - WW v.2
STD Helm of the Gods
STD Jeskai CopyCat Control
STD Jund Company
STD Tokens all day long
STG - Arlin tokens
STS - RW Humans
X Combo
XX Test deck
Z Test subject A
Varda Steinhardt (Varda)
Premium User
- Location:
United States - New York - New York
- Score:
51 (100%) -
51 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 13-Jul-2023 19:30
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- EDH traders

User Bio
NOTE: Am really NOT trading right now, taking a break. But I had to take myself off official vacation status to do something. So don't bother proposing a trade, it ain't happening.
I have been playing MTG for about 2 years years now. I got into it to play with my son, who is now 12. He plays casual decks with his friends, standard or modern in tournaments and EDH with me and my playgroup. I am in love with EDH, and play that as often as I can, but also build Modern and Standard decks to play with my son. I also love the cards themselves for the art, beauty, and humor of them.
As for trading policies, a few things of note:
WILL DO TRADES: Within the USA only.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT VALUATION: DeckBox pricing can be a bit wonky and very volatile. So I check all higher priced cards (over $10) against TCG mid prices, which are the most reliable standard. Thus if I propose a trade or modify your proposal in a way that seems unbalanced according to DeckBox, it WILL be even according to TCG - and I will note how and why.
PACKING /SHIPPING POLICY: For small numbers of cards, of smaller value (generally trades under $20) I will usually just use a standard mailing envelope with penny sleeves & toploaders for protection. Over $20 gets the addition of bubble mailer and tracking. Over $50 and I'll add insurance. Let me know if you need to modify this.
Also note: I have kids and a very hectic life, so am not always the speediest sender, but I always do send and the cards will be very well packed.
Finally, if we have successfully completed a trade I will leave positive feedback for you. So PLEASE leave me some nice feedback, too. Thanks!
Also, I am a collector of tokens and emblems. If you have any older, unusual or particularly beautiful tokens, let me know. Likewise if you are looking for any specific tokens or emblems, ask me, I may have some to trade. (Merfolk Wizards, Red Ogres, Shapeshifters, etc.)
Also if there is filler needed to even out a trade, I will trade for or with Zendikar full-art lands, valued at $1.25 for trade purposes.
NOTE: Am really NOT trading right now, taking a break. But I had to take myself off official vacation status to do something. So don't bother proposing a trade, it ain't happening.
I have been playing MTG for about 2 years years now. I got into it to play with my son, who is now 12. He plays casual decks with his friends, standard or modern in tournaments and EDH with me and my playgroup. I am in love with EDH, and play that as often as I can, but also build Modern and Standard decks to play with my son. I also love the cards themselves for the art, beauty, and humor of them.
As for trading policies, a few things of note:
WILL DO TRADES: Within the USA only.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT VALUATION: DeckBox pricing can be a bit wonky and very volatile. So I check all higher priced cards (over $10) against TCG mid prices, which are the most reliable standard. Thus if I propose a trade or modify your proposal in a way that seems unbalanced according to DeckBox, it WILL be even according to TCG - and I will note how and why.
PACKING /SHIPPING POLICY: For small numbers of cards, of smaller value (generally trades under $20) I will usually just use a standard mailing envelope with penny sleeves & toploaders for protection. Over $20 gets the addition of bubble mailer and tracking. Over $50 and I'll add insurance. Let me know if you need to modify this.
Also note: I have kids and a very hectic life, so am not always the speediest sender, but I always do send and the cards will be very well packed.
Finally, if we have successfully completed a trade I will leave positive feedback for you. So PLEASE leave me some nice feedback, too. Thanks!
Also, I am a collector of tokens and emblems. If you have any older, unusual or particularly beautiful tokens, let me know. Likewise if you are looking for any specific tokens or emblems, ask me, I may have some to trade. (Merfolk Wizards, Red Ogres, Shapeshifters, etc.)
Also if there is filler needed to even out a trade, I will trade for or with Zendikar full-art lands, valued at $1.25 for trade purposes.