releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Nick Vodka743 (NBK_SHREDDER)
United States - California - Vallejo
274 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
13-Nov-2022 20:39
Will trade cards:
My Country
Ships sold cards to:
United States
Member of:
MTG Market, MTG Instagram Community
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio
I think I am done trading cards, if anything, it's got to be a sweet trade for some cool card I want on my wish list. Otherwise I will probably get distracted and take too long and not make the trade. I am sorry, life happens.

Come check out, this is a channel I stream on during the weekends. We focus mainly on EDH, we play physical magic in the same room (though not now due to COVID19) instead of MTGO.

Please when purposing a trade to me, take 1 minute to write something in the chat box to me. Let me know why you want the cards or what deck it’s for. This is a trading/social website. Make friends, talk cards.

I now have a personal goal of owning every dragon creature card in Magic, if a foil is available that's what I want. Currently Collected 199/203

If you have a low ref number I would ask you to send first. When I was a noob on here I got scammed. Now I have earned a good ref I will ask that new traders send first.

Find me on the twitter birds @NickS743
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