- Location:
Canada - Quebec - Montreal
- Score:
16 (100%) -
16 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 15-Nov-2024 20:58
- Will trade cards:
- My Continent
- Member of:
- Montreal MTG
User Bio
I'm a casual collector and have been playing since Revised first came out.
I'm currently working on building a Revised playset, so there are a good number of bulk revised R/U/C cards in my wishlist. I can down-trade for bulk Revised rares/uncommons, but will ask for a 50% trade compensation. This may seem high, but you can see it as me offering a very competitive buylist price for bulk cards.
As for bulk Revised commons, these tend to be considerably overpriced on Deckbox. Feel free to add some as part of a larger trade, though these will be considered at a value of $0.05 each.
The Unlimited Mox Pearl is in perfect mint condition, graded SGC 96 out of 100 (Q+). I'd consider a trade for an SP/MP Mox Pearl plus cash and/or P9. Feel free to make me an offer.
Cards in my inventory are either in decks or collections so aren't available for trade.
I'll ship anywhere in the USA or Canada, as long as the size of the trade justifies higher shipping cost.
I'm always open to hearing offers, and love trading so please get in touch if you'd like to set up a local or mail trade.
I'm currently working on building a Revised playset, so there are a good number of bulk revised R/U/C cards in my wishlist. I can down-trade for bulk Revised rares/uncommons, but will ask for a 50% trade compensation. This may seem high, but you can see it as me offering a very competitive buylist price for bulk cards.
As for bulk Revised commons, these tend to be considerably overpriced on Deckbox. Feel free to add some as part of a larger trade, though these will be considered at a value of $0.05 each.
The Unlimited Mox Pearl is in perfect mint condition, graded SGC 96 out of 100 (Q+). I'd consider a trade for an SP/MP Mox Pearl plus cash and/or P9. Feel free to make me an offer.
Cards in my inventory are either in decks or collections so aren't available for trade.
I'll ship anywhere in the USA or Canada, as long as the size of the trade justifies higher shipping cost.
I'm always open to hearing offers, and love trading so please get in touch if you'd like to set up a local or mail trade.