- MTG DECKS (69)
[Inventory List]
vin Price Listing
[ Gifts ]
com Animar v1.5
com Edgar v1.5
com Kaalia v2.0
com Lazav v2.0
com Zedruu v4.0
com Zegana v1.5
[ Retired ]
com Akiri v1.0
com Bosh v4.5
com Bruna v1.0
com Capt. Sisay v1.0
com Dralnu v1.0
com Edric v2.0
com Ezuri v0.5
com Feather v0.5
com Glissa v2.0
com Hanna v1.5
com Jhoira v3.5
com Karn v6.0
com Kethis v1.0
com Kozilek v2.0
com Krenko v1.5
com Kumena v1.5
com Mayael v1.5
com Mishra v4.0
com Mistform v2.0
com Muzzio v1.5
com Nath v1.5
com Neheb v1.0
com Nekusar v1.5
com Nevinyrral v0.5
com Oloro v2.5
com Omnath v1.5
com Oona v1.5
com Rienne v0.5
com Riku v2.5
com Ruric-Thar v1.0
com Selvala v1.5
com Sharuum v0.5
com Sram v0.5
com Sydri v0.5
com Tatyova v0.5
com Vorel v0.5
com Wort v1.5
com Zacama v1.0
com Zedruu v3.5
com Zirda v0.5
com Alela v0.5
com Sygg v0.5
com Feldon v1.0
com Glissa v3.0
[ Retired ]
oat Ajani v2.5
oat Ashiok v2.0
oat Nahiri v1.5
oat Saheeli v1.5
oat Sorin v2.0
oat Vraska v1.5
oat Bolas v0.5
oat Daretti v0.5
oat Tezzeret v4.0
oat Tezzeret v4.5
oat Wrenn&Six v0.5
oat Ashiok v2.5
oat Chandra v1.5
oat Dovin v1.5
oat Huatli v1.5
oat Kiora v2.0
oat Tezzeret v3.5
Jordan Powers (Jord_Tron_5K)
- Location:
United States - California - Irvine
- Score:
4 (100%) -
4 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 17-Oct-2024 17:16
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- MTG California
User Bio
I started playing Magic around Revised and really got into the swing of things during the Tempest block, which is by far my favorite set. I took a hiatus from the game during Onslaught and got back into the game during the time of Alara/Zendikar.
I love artifacts and any colorless decks. I primarily play eternal formats like EDH/Commander and Oathbreaker.
I am not interested in trades at this time as I am trying to round off my collection with some rare cards.
I love artifacts and any colorless decks. I primarily play eternal formats like EDH/Commander and Oathbreaker.
I am not interested in trades at this time as I am trying to round off my collection with some rare cards.