Dan (Hyperion964)
- Location:
United States - Florida - Miami
- Score:
5 (100%) -
5 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 21-Aug-2017 16:50
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades, MTG Market
User Bio
Hey, I am a relatively old player (been playing since kamigawa block) and took a break right after new phyrexia, but new to the whole trading online. I'm slowly getting back into the game after some years now and am looking to trade some cards I'm not using for different cards.
The cards in my wishlist are generally the ones I am mainly looking for, but I am open to all trades so feel free to message me or send me a trade.
The cards in my wishlist are generally the ones I am mainly looking for, but I am open to all trades so feel free to message me or send me a trade.