GRAILS's profile
- MTG DECKS (57)
EDH Decks
1 colour
2 colour
com Arixmethes - Deep Rising
com Athreos - Final Destination
com Dina - Heathers
com Esix - Multiplicity
com Grenzo - The People Under The Stairs
com Halana & Sengir - Touch Of Evil
com Killian - Hard Target
com Lonis - Clueless
com Nikya - Wild
com Noyan Dar - Awakenings
com Rielle - Real Genius
com Rograkh & Ardenn - Lord Of War
com Skullbriar - You Can Count On Me
com Tahngarth - A Fistful Of Dollars
com Toothy & Pir - Harvey
com Vela - The Untouchables
com Yuriko - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
com Zara - The Departed
3 colour
5 colour
oth Current Commanders
oth Retired Commanders
Alexander Practice
com (Baird)
com (Grumgully)
Modern Decks
mod Rivendell
mod Sanguine
leg The Big Bad
mod Together
leg Tokens Of Tandris
mod Wolfpack
cub Cube 2: Hypercube
oth Crimson & Gold
com Duskana (WIP)
com Elsha (WIP)
oth potential commanders
com Safana (WIP)
com Starn (WIP)
com The Howling Abomination (WIP)
oth Treasure Cruise WIP
com Treebeard (WIP)
com Umbris (WIP)