releases on February 14, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer

releases on February 14, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer
United States - Texas - Dallas
38 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
11-Sep-2018 06:31
Will trade cards:
My Country
Ships sold cards to:
United States
Member of:
MTG Market, DFW Mages
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio

All the cards are in almost perfect condition unless marked as otherwise.

For selling cards I have a 15 minimum just so it's worth the time and effort. 

Feel free to start a trade for something you want, even if you don't have anything on my wishlist!

Will trim rune armor for 500 gp.

^not really though
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