LINDSEY C.'s profile
- MTG DECKS (163)
Casual decks
New Modern 3/2018
mod Affinity
mod Burn
mod Death's Shadow
mod Eldrazi Tron
mod G Tron
mod Humans
mod Infect 3/12/18
vin Infect Final Pre Ban
mod Jeskai Control
mod Jund
mod UW Control
leg Beast
mod Infect
leg Knights
sta cEDH Edric
sta cEDH Elsha
sta cEDH Kess
sta cEDH Ukkima
sta cEDH Ukkima base
sta Cube
vin MTGO Cube 9/26/12
vin Animar EDH
vin Kaalia current
vin kaalia primed
vin Kaalia v2
vin Kaalia v3
vin mimeoplasm primed
vin Mimeoplasm v2
vin Mimeoplasm v3
vin Oloro
vin oloro multi actual
vin Oloro proxied
vin Oloro v2
vin Omnath
leg omnath budget
vin Omnath primed
EDH league budget
EDH preconned
vin Devour for Power
vin Eternal bargain
vin Evasive Maneuvers
vin Heavenly Inferno
vin Mind seize
vin Nature of the beast
vin Power Hungry
elsha ideas
sta Budget Elsha
sta Elsha precon
sta Elsha the infinite
sta non budget elsha v2
Infect decks
leg Legacy Goblin
leg legacy knights
leg Maverick
leg Reanimator
mod BW Tokens
mod C/U exalted
leg Deathfed
mod Goblins
leg Golgari
mod Little Basher
mod Modern Masters Box
mod RDW
leg Slivers
leg sorin
leg tibalt
Modern 2/15/16
New Modern
mod Budget Burn
mod Burn v2
mod Creature Toolbox
leg Eldrazi Aggro
vin Infect
mod Naya Burn
mod UW Control
mod Copy of Modern U Tron
vin Kahns Infect
mod Kahns RDW
leg Kahns Twin
mod Martyr-Proc
mod Modern RDW
mod modern RDW 2
mod Modern RDW primed
mod modern RDW v3
leg Modern TRON
mod Modern U Tron
mod TRON V2
leg Twin Exarch
mod UW midrange
mod UW Tron brew
Modern 2/2019
mod Amulet Titan
mod Burn
leg Dredge
mod Lanternless
leg Titan Shift
leg UR Phoenix
mod UW Control
Modern Competitive
Muldrotha ideas
vin Kaalia proxied
vin Mimeoplasm proxied
vin Infect to Proxy
vin Infect to Proxy post ban
mod RDW to Proxy
mod U Tron to Proxy
Unproxied EDH
sta Elsha v2
sta Kaalia proxies
sta kaalia to build
sta Kaalia unproxied
sta Kathril
sta Kathril cuts
sta Kathril Marks recs
sta kathril to add
sta Kathril to build
sta Mimeoplasm proxies
sta Mimeoplasm unproxied
sta Oloro unproxied
mod Archangel Chord
sta Average Elsha the infinite
vin BG grave
sta budget cEDH Kaalia
mod Burn
sta cEDH budget Edric
sta cEDH muldrotha
sta Consultation Kess
vin Copy of EDH Talrand
vin Copy of Infect to Proxy
sta Copy of kess budget league
sta Copy of Nicol bolas budget league
vin Copy of Oloro multi
sta Elsha
mod Esper control
mod esper control budget
sta Ghired
mod infect modern
vin Jund
sta kaalia cEDH
sta Kaalia expensive
mod Mark's Jund
mod Modern UW Control
mod New U Tron
vin Oloro multi
sta Oloro proxies removed
mod RDW2 to proxy
mod Rg Eldrazi
sta Selvala Brostorm
sta Tasigur
mod UW control
mod UW Thopter gifts
mod UW Tron post bad
leg UW tron v2
mod UWR standard
mod UWR standard budget
Lindsey C. (DYGAD)
- Location:
United States - Maryland - Rockville
- Score:
23 (100%) -
23 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 22-Sep-2024 14:43
- Will trade cards:
- My Continent
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
I will ship my cards in penny sleeves in toploaders. Neither I nor anyone I know has ever had a problem with regular envelopes, so that is how I ship unless the trade value is over $40. If it is over $40 I will send in a bubble mailer with delivery confirmation and will expect the same.
Also, if you are checking for legitimacy, go to my friends. gtcooke94 is my brother, and he is +29 if that makes you feel better about my low number of completed mail trades.
Also, if you are checking for legitimacy, go to my friends. gtcooke94 is my brother, and he is +29 if that makes you feel better about my low number of completed mail trades.