- Location:
- United States - Virginia - Annandale
- Score:
50 (100%)
50 1 0
- Last seen online:
- 24-Sep-2023 05:32
- Will trade cards:
- Local
- Member of:
- MTG Market, Reddit MTG Trades, DC Metro Area MTG, Foil Traders
User Bio
Trying to up my rep so small stuff trades are cool too, anything $20+ I'll do tracking
I go by TCGmid and will take cards depending on condition. P-MP I will pay a dollar or two less than a NM-LP copy. Sometimes I prefer P-MP if the card is not apart of my speculation but for personal use.
I also would prefer simul-sending. I am willing to track the majority of my packages.
I go by TCGmid and will take cards depending on condition. P-MP I will pay a dollar or two less than a NM-LP copy. Sometimes I prefer P-MP if the card is not apart of my speculation but for personal use.
I also would prefer simul-sending. I am willing to track the majority of my packages.
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