- Location:
Canada - Quebec - Granby
- Score:
246 (100%) -
246 0 0
0 1 0
- Last seen online:
- 23-Sep-2024 16:09
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Ships sold cards to:
- Canada, International, United States
- Member of:
- MTG Market, Canadian Traders, Reddit MTG Trades

User Bio
Hi All,
- We are a B&M Store in Quebec, Canada (bestmtg.com and maitredejeu.com). You can verify us with Wizards Store Locator.
- We use Med TCG (mtggoldfish) for trade value.
- Do not hesitate to made an offer. We trade almost any cards from our tradelist for any of our wish at the same value.
- Want to trade some Foreign for English NM Modern and EDH Staples.
- Most of the time, we can take reprint of most of our want.
- Ask if you want something, we can check your list.
Have a nice day!
- We are a B&M Store in Quebec, Canada (bestmtg.com and maitredejeu.com). You can verify us with Wizards Store Locator.
- We use Med TCG (mtggoldfish) for trade value.
- Do not hesitate to made an offer. We trade almost any cards from our tradelist for any of our wish at the same value.
- Want to trade some Foreign for English NM Modern and EDH Staples.
- Most of the time, we can take reprint of most of our want.
- Ask if you want something, we can check your list.
Have a nice day!