releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Kevin (ArborElfPass)
United States - Maryland - Baltimore
13 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
29-Jun-2024 12:40
Will trade cards:
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Member of:
Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio

I've been a player of mainly Modern since 2015, and while I'm a Gruul pilot at heart, I have delved heavily into the rest of the color pie. This is to explain why you'll see most of what I have to trade is not strictly R, G, or RG.

If you'd like to trade, my favorite way to proceed is that you propose a list of cards in my collection that you want and leave your side blank. I reference TCGLow for determining trade value, and I do account for large disparities in card quality (if you want to trade for my $40 card with your $3-5 cards, expect the total value to be lean my way).

Card condition: I consider cards to have two conditions, either NM/LP or MP/HP. Virtually all of my cards fall in the first category, but not every listing is accurate whether it's NM or LP. Ask if the distinction concerns you. If we're trading cards valued above $40, I will send/expect pictures.

Happy to sell any cards outright as well @ 90% TCGLow, if that's your fancy. Minimum of $20.

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