This deck is incomplete. It is not listed in the decks section and does not count towards the total decks count. A complete WoW deck contains between 61 and 70 cards, and includes a hero card.

releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 20 distinct
Name  Type Classes Edition
Hero (2)
2 Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Master Hero - Red Dragonkin Aspect Worldbreaker
Weapon (3)
3 Scimitar of the Sirocco Weapon - Sword     Worldbreaker Crafted
Ally (32)
4 Broderick Langforth Ally - Undead Mage Scourgewar
3 Cromarius Blackfist Ally - Orc Shaman Drums of War
3 Deathcharger Ally - Deathcharger   Scourgewar
4 Drandus the Deathcaller Ally - Blood Elf Death Knight Scourgewar
2 Garrosh Hellscream Ally - Orc Warrior Scourgewar
3 Skumm Bag'go Ally - Troll Rogue Drums of War
3 Spectral Kitten Ally - Tiger Scourgewar
4 Tatulla the Reclaimer Ally - Tauren Druid Servants of The Betrayer
2 Thrall, Warchief of the Horde Ally - Orc Shaman Icecrown
4 Xanata the Lightsworn Ally - Draenei Paladin Servants of The Betrayer
Ability (14)
4 Army of the Dead Ability - Unholy   Scourgewar
2 Frenzy Ability - Blood   Worldbreaker
3 Hysteria Ability - Blood Talent   Wrathgate
3 Tuskarr Kite Ability            Scourgewar
2 Unholy Ground Ability - Unholy   Worldbreaker
Quest (6)
3 Defiling the Defilers Quest Scourgewar
3 The Overseer's Shadow Quest Scourgewar
Location (3)
3 Eye of the Storm Location - Battleground Fields of Honor
Sideboard - 10 cards, 4 distinct
Name  Type Classes Edition
Weapon (4)
3 Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver Two - Handed Weapon - Axe     Wrathgate
1 Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King Weapon - Axe     Worldbreaker
Item (3)
3 Signet of the Impregnable Fortress Item      Badge of Justice Promos
Ally (3)
3 Munkin Blackfist Ally - Orc Warrior Drums of War

  • dieter00 | 03-Aug-2011 14:21
    Hero: Dragonslayer Drux
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