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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 50 cards, 17 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (18)
3 Baby Squig Orc Unit 0 + The Imperial Throne
3 Da Immortulz Orc Unit 4 + Vessel of the Winds
3 Goblin Raiders Orc Unit 1 + Oaths of Vengeance
3 Grimgor Ironhide Orc Unit 6 + Core Set
3 Lobber Crew Orc Unit 2 + Core Set
3 Spider Riders Orc Unit 1 + The Skavenblight Threat
Legend (3)
3 Wurrzag Orc Legend 3 + Battle for the Old World
Tactic (15)
3 Get Outta My Way! Orc Tactic 1 + Oaths of Vengeance
3 Mork's Teef Ritual Orc Tactic 0 + The Iron Rock
3 Pillage Orc Tactic 2 + Core Set
3 Smash 'Em! Orc Tactic 3 + Fiery Dawn
3 Troll Vomit Orc Tactic 4 + Core Set
Support (14)
3 Mob O' Hutz Orc Support 1 + Battle for the Old World
3 Morglor the Mangler Orc Support 1 + Vessel of the Winds
3 One Orc's Scrap... Orc Support 2 + Bleeding Sun
3 Squig Pen Orc Support 3 + The Burning of Derricksburg
2 Valley of Many Eyes Orc Support 2 + The Accursed Dead
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

  • Tony | 17-Nov-2013 09:44
    I tried this deck out and it's honestly just a mess.  Directionless and very weak in combat.  I find it hard to believe it finished as high as it did considered how impotent it feels in combat.  You have one card that doles out damage to other cards (Baby Squig) and then 12 Units that would immediately die if that damage is dealt to them?  WTF?  Then, as if that wasn't bizarre enough, there are WAY too many Support cards and the collection of Tactics is bizarre as well with tons of Unit sweepers but no way to really resist their effects yourself.  And this deck always feels like you don't have enough potent units.  Morglor is great but that and Grimgor are your only genuine threats and even Grimgor isn't that scary, all things considered. 

    Unfortunately, this deck lacks the precise things which make the Orks so fearsome in W40k and in W:I up to this point - speed and sheer attacking power. 

    Badly needs an overhaul.  I'd avoid playing or making this deck without serious tweaks, folks.  You've been warned.
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