Type: Deck Idea
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Avg. CMC 1.91
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 13 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (4)
4 Guttersnipe
$0.21 Creature - Goblin Shaman
Instant (21)
4 Burst Lightning
$0.24 Instant
4 Lightning Bolt
$1.16 Instant
4 Needle Drop
$2.79 Instant
4 Shard Volley
$0.24 Instant
3 Skullcrack
$0.26 Instant
2 Thunderous Wrath
$0.14 Instant
Sorcery (11)
3 Browbeat
$0.42 Sorcery
4 Lava Spike
$1.45 Sorcery - Arcane
4 Pillar of Flame
$0.06 Sorcery
Enchantment (4)
4 Quest for Pure Flame
$0.44 Enchantment
Land (20)
1 Kher Keep
$0.79 Legendary Land
19 Mountain
$0.11 Basic Land - Mountain
Sideboard - 12 cards, 3 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Sorcery (8)
4 Faithless Looting
$0.41 Sorcery
4 Shattering Spree
$1.00 Sorcery
Enchantment (4)
4 Pyromancer Ascension
$0.29 Enchantment

  • Christopher W | 05-Jun-2013 22:47
    Beefed this up a bit; I'm hoping this will do as well as a single Quest deck, if not better.
    • Christopher W | 15-Jun-2013 00:10
      Finally realizing the faults of running both enchantments..
      • Pierce | 15-Jun-2013 22:01
        Well I like how your sideboard allows you to run the 2 decks in one. Kinda cool.
        • Christopher W | 16-Jun-2013 09:13
          I play with friends who aren't always in for the win, more for the fun; so I kept it where I can make it moderately multi-player / multi-option. Should be a fun deck to be able to pull out and kick some wizard ass ;]
  • Pierce | 23-May-2013 03:36
    I should have thought of this before: Proliferate!
    Specifically: Volt Charge!

    So I came up with this.
    "Dual Quest"
    Which throws in Keldon Marauders. It guarantees 2 triggers (or more) on Quest for Pure Flame for only 2 mana.

    One Volt Charge can add a counter to both enchanments and the marauders to keep it around longer (something opponents would probably never see coming :D ).
    Unfortunately, these two Quests are at odds with eachother. This version doesn't even have room for the Guttersnipe staple!

    Focusing on Pyromancer Ascension, I came up with "Pyromancer Battery".
    It utilizes Faithless Looting to outstanding effect. Using it to bury a Volt Charge in the graveyard, casting 1 Volt Charge alone will activate Pyromancer Ascension. It's also great for getting rid of unnecessary cards (duplicate enchantments, excess land), or getting more land if you don't have enough, and effectively drawing extra cards with Flashback and Madness.

    Both decks seem like they're very fun, but still a little clunky (getting that balance with red is pretty hard). So, focusing on easier-to-activate Quest for Pure Flame, I made
    "Like Finding a Needle in a Bonfire" [cheesey name based on Quest for Pure Flame and Needle Drop]
    This deck has less staying power than the other 2, but makes up for it in speed. It can win on turn 4 - via multiple ways. Did it once even after taking a mulligan down to 5 cards. It also has the luxury of not being shoe-horned into playsets of every card by Pyromancer Ascension.

    Out of 13 self-plays, it had this many wins on each respective turn:
    Turn 4: 3 (23%)
    Turn 5: 4 (31%)
    Turn 6: 6 (46%)

    [For the playtests, I assumed the following. Handicaps: Keldon Marauders does not hit opponent. Did not draw card on first turn. Pros: Opponent did not heal. No spells countered. Other: Guttersnipe dies after 2 turns.]

    So that's what I've got! Feel free to take 'em or edit them as you please. Cutting it down wasn't that easy, as all these cards are good, but each cut has its reason. I'll happily answer any questions.

    [/For the playtests, I assumed the following. Handicaps: Keldon Marauders does not hit opponent. Did not draw card on first turn. Pros: Opponent did not heal. No spells countered. Other: Guttersnipe dies after 2 turns.][/cheesey name based on Quest for Pure Flame and Needle Drop]
    • Christopher W | 23-May-2013 08:51
      Sounds intriguing; I'll take a look at these decks tomorrow (later today..).
    • Christopher W | 24-May-2013 01:15
      I think you're right about the conflicting Quests; especially about needing to run playsets. I'll look into your decks now and see what I can do to this one to make it as streamlined for both as possible.
  • Pierce | 20-May-2013 05:27
    This looks pretty good and fun.
    I'd ditch the Spark Elementals. At best they're a 3 mana burn spell that doesn't work with your Guttersnipe, Pyromancer Ascension, Past in Flames, or Increasing Vengeave. At worst it's worthless.
    Take a look at these one drop spells instead:
    Dead // Gone (shock // unsummon)
    Burst Lightning (good early or late)
    Firebolt (good early and late)
    Needledrop (But this one you won't cast turn 1. You must already do damage to cast it, but it nets you a card. With Pyromancer Ascension ready you get 2 damage and 2 cards for 1 mana!)

    And one more card I'll point out: Staggershock
    This card + guttersnipe will put 4 quest counters on Quest for Pure Flame all by itself. You cast it once for 3 mana, and it does a measely 2 damage (instant speed though). Guttersnipe will net your 2 more. Then it's cast again for free the next turn! 4 more damage! Heck, it still even goes into your graveyard after it's all done.

    And none of them cost more than a quarter!
    • Pierce | 20-May-2013 05:36
      Oh, FYI if you didn't already know:
      The copies from Increasing Vengeance are not "cast", so they don't put counters on Pyromancer Ascension.
      • Christopher W | Edited 20-May-2013 06:21
        Thanks for the card suggestions, threw in Dead // Gone and Staggershock; you were also very right about the Spark Elementals: they're gonzo. 
        Would casting a spell as a Flashback trigger Pyromancer Ascension?

        Also, need to trim this down to size..
        • Pierce | 20-May-2013 07:05
          Yes and no.
          If you have only one specific flashback card in the graveyard, and you flash it back, it is no longer in the graveyard to trigger Pryomancer Ascension.
          If you have 2 of the flashback spells in the graveyard, and you cast one by paying the flashback cost, it is "cast", and will trigger thanks to the other one.

          So, you can trigger it with just 2 flashback cards.
          Cast Firebolt from hand.
          Cast 2nd Firebolt from hand. Add counter.
          Flashback one of the Firebolts. Add 2nd counter.
        • Pierce | 20-May-2013 07:06
          Keep in mind for Dead // Gone - you choose one of the spells. You can't cast them both at the same time.
  • Chris O'Neal | 02-May-2013 08:47
    Fyi, you do know you have to sac quest to activate the double damage, and only for that turn, right?
    • Christopher W | 03-May-2013 18:00
      Yeah, it's supposed to assist with fatal damage in turn 5 and on. I threw 4 in hoping to get on starting hand; it usually ends up well, with from turn 6-8 being able to deal 20+ damage in single a turn.
  • Christopher W | 25-Apr-2013 06:27
    Put Past in Flames back in, removed all Bond of Agony. Really want to change back to Lava Spike, only because it would benefit from Quest for Pure Flame as well; but it's expensive and has no inherent Flashback (though that is oft too late in the game anyway).
  • Christopher W | Edited 24-Apr-2013 20:06
    Added 3x Bond of Agony, removed most spells over 2 mana.
    • Paul_K | 24-Apr-2013 20:05
      nice choices!
      • Christopher W | 25-Apr-2013 05:40
        Just read the rulings on Bond of Agony; unfortunately, I misunderstood its cost. It's not 1B X Life, it's 1B XC X Life. Not nearly as deadly as I thought, so I will be looking to replace this.
  • Paul_K | 24-Apr-2013 16:59
    try adding goblin guide's and terminate's (for kill) - perhaps sideboard.  if detonate is modern add that for artifact kill
    • Christopher W | Edited 24-Apr-2013 17:52
      Goblin Guides maybe.. I saw them floating around and they look great, would be excellent substitute for the Grim Lavamancer if that don't float me boat!
      I really want to keep destruction damage-centric. I hate having a hand full of monster hate with no monster to hate.. If need be, my super Putrefy (Rakdos Charm) can be sub'd in. What do you think?
    • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 19:47
      How about Spark Elemental? :o
  • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 16:05
    I'm debating taking out Painful Quandary and adding Chandra's Phoenix.
  • Christopher W | Edited 24-Apr-2013 14:50
    After 10 or so one-sided playtests, I was getting to lethal damage by turn 5, latest 8. Ran into mana starvation once, but lightning bolts / unearths held me over. 
    I did notice, even with just 2 of the Grim Lavamancer, I was having trouble powering the ability with my graveyard. I was often pulling these in the first hand or early game, and especially with flashback/unearth, I was very reluctant to activate it even during the short times I had the option to. Exiling my own cards may just not be my style (at least not the deck's), even though it is an awful nice trade.
    To be honest, Grim Lavamancer would do great in my Goblin deck.
  • Paul_K | 24-Apr-2013 14:35
    what is your budget for the deck?
    • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 14:52
      I would like to keep it under $100 as best I can; even at that it will be slow coming.
  • Christopher W | Edited 24-Apr-2013 14:59
    So made a few more changes, added a playset of Anathemancer, replacing 3 Ball Lightnings. Took those out due to price* and potentially easy to remove. I prefer the instant effect of the Anathemancers, and it is very true everyone is running plenty of nonbasic lands.
    I will be closely studying the feasibility of reusing the graveyard and punishing the opponent for it versus eating the graveyard ad punishing the opponent for it :P
    Also added 1 more Browbeat, because it really is a beautiful soft burn.
    Card total is at 62, can't decide on the trim.
  • Chris O'Neal | Edited 24-Apr-2013 13:45
    With over half your lands turning on dragonskull summit, the shocks are not necessary.
    -4 Gutter Snipe (Too slow)
    +2 Grim Lavamancer
    +1 Browbeat
    Swap Incinerates and skullcracks (this would be a meta call)
    +1 Anathemancer
    (finding more space for anathemancer might be awesome, if you face people using non-basics alot. which you will)

    Sideboard stuff... I don't see the point in anything you've got on there (assuming my suggestion of swapping incenerate/skullcrack). Your sideboard will be to deal with other decks you face that use a difficult mechanic. Without knowing your meta, that's hard to predict. Slaughter Games is probably a good choice. Its expensive, but un-counterable and can shut something down in a heartbeat. Make sure you don't give free info on it. You don't have to name the card until it *resolves*, meaning its too late for them to cast the named card. Lots of people don't know that :) 

    You need some way to deal with artifacts, I'd recommend rakdos charm. That'll blow up a cranial plating, which is a real threat. 
    Life's finale too slow, you shouldn't need to board wipe, and if you do it's too late on turn 6 in modern. 
    Combusts might be a good idea in your sideboard for blue decks. Plus, don't forget to use triggers right. If someone flashes something in to block, you can respond to their enter-battlefield trigger and burn it *before* they can declare blocks. They still get the ETB effect, but they dont block your generic dude.
    • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 13:45
      The Gutter Snipe I only really liked in after adding Past in Flames; Past in Flames + Gutter Snipe + Lightning Bolt + Bump in the Night has a potential of 5 damage / 1 mana (after casting PiF for 4).
      I kind of chose a route, exploit graveyard with Gutter Snipe and Past in Flames, or with a playset of the Grim Lavamancer..
      I don't have much experience, so I really don't know which would do better, I just foresee higher damage spikes with the former. Now that you seem so sure of the superiority of the latter, I'll be playtesting on this change..
      I like Anathemancer!
      • Chris O'Neal | 24-Apr-2013 13:48
        Keep in mind, its simply my opinion.
        I've been playing red since tempest block. Literally. 
        I also see you're trying to keep this in budget, which is why I don't suggest some things. Bloodmoon's in the sideboard for example. COMPLETE BLOWOUT in modern.

        I'm messing with a jund deck right now, which might be AWESOME if it works. Plus I only need ~8 cards for it. http://deckbox.org/sets/332849

        • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 15:02
          Jund is what I'm aspiring to.. Don't know much about MTG, but I know I like R/B/G ;)
        • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 19:50
          I'm now seeing more of the benefit of the Grim Lavamancer with all the cheap haste creatures.. Will try it out some more.
      • Paul_K | 24-Apr-2013 14:44
        I love Guttersnipe, take a look at my Dante's Inferno deck, it's built around him.  My recommendation use cards you have.
        • Christopher W | Edited 24-Apr-2013 16:14
          He has been stacking quite nicely with the cheap burns, though I don't know how well he would do against an actually deck haha..
          and yeah lol I may just try to perfect this one, then slowly build it as I do more with cards I already own.
    • Paul_K | 24-Apr-2013 14:43
      My recommendation is not to use the stack, "If someone flashes something in to block, you can respond to their enter-battlefield trigger and burn it *before* they can declare block".  There's no need to respond to their enter-battlefield trigger.  They have to flash their creature in during the attackers phase (not the declare blockers phase) thus you can burn it during the attackers phase.
    • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 14:44
      Thanks much! I was going to say Putrefy for artifacts, but I see how much better Rakdos Charm is now. I don't like the selectiveness of Combust, but I suppose a counter deck wouldn't oft be running G/B/R creatures.
      Sideboard I see will take a lot more experience/time to be able to perfect..
  • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 05:11
    I mainly put in Lava Spike for it's cheap R cost and in conjuction with Past in Flames/Lightning Bolts: deadly. Bump in the Night (don't remember taking that great burn out), I'll probably put pack in, but I don't want to see Lava Spike go.. And you are very right about the shocks.. probably should just let them sit out for now.
    • Christopher W | Edited 24-Apr-2013 05:44
      But 3.50/Lava Spike.. I already took out Vexing Devils for this kind of reason.. I assume Past in Flames would reduce Bump in the Night's cost to it's original cast cost? I'll see if their are any special rulings on it..
      • Paul_K | 24-Apr-2013 13:15
        Past in the flames should reduce bump in the night's cost to 1.  Play this deck out, i'd like to hear how it works and what your thoughts about it are.
        • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 13:47
          Ok, I'll update this list on Tappedout and give it a few playtests.
  • Christopher W | 24-Apr-2013 05:03
    Agreed, Browbeat would do much better here, I'll change that straightaway.  I modified the lands, mostly following your suggestions, hate to see the Akoum's go, but I see this deck needs the mana before the +1 life. Sideboard needs lots of work..
  • Paul_K | 24-Apr-2013 05:02
    If you're concerned about cost, remove the blood crypt's, in burn dual lands are really unnecessary when you can do dragonskull summit.  Also - bump in the night is better than lava spike in every way (since nothing is spliced onto the arcane)  same cost but has flashback
    and is monetarily cheaper.

  • Chris O'Neal | 23-Apr-2013 23:51
    Instead of running diabolic tutor, run Browbeat.
  • Chris O'Neal | 23-Apr-2013 23:50
    Not bad, but I'd look at your landbase. Burn can't afford to have their lands coming into play tapped all the time. The Lavaclaws are reasonable. Ghitu is not good enough, nor is Akoum Refuge. 2/2 Bloodcrypt / Dragonskull would be better. Obviously replace the crappy non-basics with basics
    Incinerate is better than annihilating fire, period. 

  • Christopher W | 23-Apr-2013 05:07
    Made a lot of edits, then re-edits to get the price (way) down. Hopefully more lethal now ;)
  • Chris O'Neal | 22-Apr-2013 20:48
    This: http://deckbox.org/sets/336554
    Is a competative level B/R burn.
  • Paul_K | 22-Apr-2013 16:35
    As a competitive deck i see you going 1-3 at a tournament, maybe 2-2.  I don't see this as a competitive modern deck.
    • Christopher W | 22-Apr-2013 18:31
      Thank you for your honesty! I'll be looking closely at the one you put together and heavily remodel this one.
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