Sideboard - 24 cards, 24 distinct
Power level: 5.0 - 5.5 / Bracket 1
Varina, Lich Queen leads a Zombie tribal deck focused on generating token armies through discard synergies and combat triggers, leveraging life gain and graveyard recursion for resilience. The deck combines swarm tactics with drain effects and has potential for explosive turns using Rooftop Storm combos, but lacks cEDH-level speed and protection.
Core Strategy: This deck aims to flood the board with Zombie tokens via Varina's attack triggers and token doublers like Anointed Procession, while draining opponents through Corpse Knight effects. Key phases:
Early Setup: Deploy Zombie lords (Death Baron, Undead Warchief) and card engines (Cryptbreaker, Forgotten Creation)
Combat Engine: Swing with Zombies to fuel Varina's draw/discard, creating tokens via Bone Miser and Field of the Dead
Finishers: Overwhelm with massive boards or drain via Gray Merchant of Asphodel/Gempalm Polluter, enabled by Rooftop Storm combos
Mulligan Priorities:
Keep hands with 3 lands and early Zombies (Gravecrawler, Cryptbreaker)
Prioritize Rooftop Storm in slow metas
Avoid hands without creature density or discard payoffs
Key Tips:
Use Ashnod's Altar to fuel Empty the Laboratory for massive reanimation
Lazotep Plating protects critical turns from targeted removal
Tortured Existence enables graveyard recursion loops
Mortal Combat serves as alternate wincon with sufficient self-mill
Avoid Traps:
Overextending into board wipes without Lich-Knights' Conquest ready
Holding interaction instead of advancing board state
Casting Rooftop Storm without protection in removal-heavy pods
Foldsto grave hate (Rest in Peace shuts down recursion and Bone Miser)
Relies on combat for card flow (Propaganda effects cripple strategy)
Slow reassembly after wipes (limited mass recursion)
Key combo pieces unprotected (Rooftop Storm, Ashnod's Altar)
Life gain helps stabilize against aggro
Multiple redundancy in Zombie lords
Most Important Cards:
Rooftop Storm
Anointed Procession
Ashnod's Altar
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Bone Miser
Field of the Dead
Gisa and Geralf
Diregraf Captain
Undead Warchief
Attribute Ratings:
Speed: 6/10
Goldfish win possible T6-7 via Rooftop Storm + Gravecrawler loops
Typical combat/drain wins T8-9
Resilience: 5/10
Moderate recursion (Victimize, Stitch Together)
Vulnerable to grave hate and commander removal
Limited protection spells
Consistency: 6/10
Varina provides constant card flow
5 tutors for key pieces (Gravespawn Sovereign, Tortured Existence)
Redundant Zombie payoffs
Interaction: 5/10
7 targeted removals (Swords to Plowshares, Overcharged Amalgam)
3 counterspells (Mana Drain, Imp's Mischief)
Lacks board wipes beyond Kaya's Wrath
Rating Justification:
This deck sits between Optimized Casual (T8-10 wins) and High-Power Casual (T8-9) due to:
Faster than precons but slower than cEDH combos
Moderate interaction density (5.0-5.5 range)
Strong synergy engine but foldsto common hate
Comparable to upgraded tribal decks with combo potential
Power level: 5.0 - 5.5
Varina, Lich Queen leads a Zombie tribal deck focused on generating token armies through discard synergies and combat triggers, leveraging life gain and graveyard recursion for resilience. The deck combines swarm tactics with drain effects and has potential for explosive turns using Rooftop Storm combos, but lacks cEDH-level speed and protection.
Core Strategy: This deck aims to flood the board with Zombie tokens via Varina's attack triggers and token doublers like Anointed Procession, while draining opponents through Corpse Knight effects. Key phases:
Early Setup: Deploy Zombie lords (Death Baron, Undead Warchief) and card engines (Cryptbreaker, Forgotten Creation)
Combat Engine: Swing with Zombies to fuel Varina's draw/discard, creating tokens via Bone Miser and Field of the Dead
Finishers: Overwhelm with massive boards or drain via Gray Merchant of Asphodel/Gempalm Polluter, enabled by Rooftop Storm combos
Mulligan Priorities:
Keep hands with 3 lands and early Zombies (Gravecrawler, Cryptbreaker)
Prioritize Rooftop Storm in slow metas
Avoid hands without creature density or discard payoffs
Key Tips:
Use Ashnod's Altar to fuel Empty the Laboratory for massive reanimation
Lazotep Plating protects critical turns from targeted removal
Tortured Existence enables graveyard recursion loops
Mortal Combat serves as alternate wincon with sufficient self-mill
Avoid Traps:
Overextending into board wipes without Lich-Knights' Conquest ready
Holding interaction instead of advancing board state
Casting Rooftop Storm without protection in removal-heavy pods
Foldsto grave hate (Rest in Peace shuts down recursion and Bone Miser)
Relies on combat for card flow (Propaganda effects cripple strategy)
Slow reassembly after wipes (limited mass recursion)
Key combo pieces unprotected (Rooftop Storm, Ashnod's Altar)
Life gain helps stabilize against aggro
Multiple redundancy in Zombie lords
Most Important Cards:
Rooftop Storm
Anointed Procession
Ashnod's Altar
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Bone Miser
Field of the Dead
Gisa and Geralf
Diregraf Captain
Undead Warchief
Attribute Ratings:
Speed: 6/10
Goldfish win possible T6-7 via Rooftop Storm + Gravecrawler loops
Typical combat/drain wins T8-9
Resilience: 5/10
Moderate recursion (Victimize, Stitch Together)
Vulnerable to grave hate and commander removal
Limited protection spells
Consistency: 6/10
Varina provides constant card flow
5 tutors for key pieces (Gravespawn Sovereign, Tortured Existence)
Redundant Zombie payoffs
Interaction: 5/10
7 targeted removals (Swords to Plowshares, Overcharged Amalgam)
3 counterspells (Mana Drain, Imp's Mischief)
Lacks board wipes beyond Kaya's Wrath
Rating Justification:
This deck sits between Optimized Casual (T8-10 wins) and High-Power Casual (T8-9) due to:
Faster than precons but slower than cEDH combos
Moderate interaction density (5.0-5.5 range)
Strong synergy engine but foldsto common hate
Comparable to upgraded tribal decks with combo potential
Power level: 5.0 - 5.5
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