Type: Deck Idea
Format (legal 👍)
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Avg. CMC 3.93
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 24 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Sorcery (6)
4 Enduring Ideal
$2.82 Sorcery
2 Supreme Verdict
$1.82 Sorcery
Artifact (4)
4 Lotus Bloom
$6.66 Artifact
Enchantment (25)
1 Detention Sphere
$0.40 Enchantment
1 Dovescape
$1.30 Enchantment
1 Form of the Dragon
$0.60 Enchantment
4 Ghostly Prison
$4.91 Enchantment
4 Leyline of Sanctity
$0.61 Enchantment
1 Overwhelming Splendor
$7.72 Enchantment - Aura Curse
3 Phyrexian Unlife
$0.45 Enchantment
4 Runed Halo
$0.19 Enchantment
1 Solemnity
$10.08 Enchantment
2 Sphere of Safety
$3.57 Enchantment
2 Suppression Field
$0.88 Enchantment
1 Wheel of Sun and Moon
$1.93 Enchantment - Aura
Land (25)
1 Calciform Pools
$0.20 Land
2 Flooded Strand
$10.49 Land
3 Hallowed Fountain
$8.53 Land - Plains Island
1 Mistveil Plains
$1.09 Land - Plains
2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
$37.46 Legendary Land
9 Plains
$0.06 Basic Land - Plains
1 Rugged Prairie
$1.30 Land
4 Temple of Enlightenment
$0.12 Land
2 Temple of Triumph
$0.12 Land
Sideboard - 15 cards, 10 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (1)
1 Heliod, God of the Sun
$1.00 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
Sorcery (2)
1 Bribery
$5.54 Sorcery
1 Wrath of God
$4.11 Sorcery
Artifact (2)
2 Damping Sphere
$0.47 Artifact
Enchantment (7)
1 Cast Out
$0.06 Enchantment
2 Greater Auramancy
$12.37 Enchantment
1 Nevermore
$0.45 Enchantment
1 Oblivion Ring
$0.29 Enchantment
2 Stony Silence
$8.84 Enchantment
Planeswalker (3)
3 Teferi, Time Raveler
$3.47 Legendary Planeswalker - Teferi
Scratchpad - 29 cards, 23 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (3)
1 Keranos, God of Storms
$2.26 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 Sphinx of the Final Word
$0.75 Creature - Sphinx
1 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
$2.02 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
Instant (4)
3 Negate
$0.09 Instant
1 Spell Blast
$0.06 Instant
Sorcery (1)
1 Wrath of God
$4.11 Sorcery
Artifact (3)
2 Damping Sphere
$0.47 Artifact
1 Defense Grid
$4.81 Artifact
Enchantment (13)
1 Copy Enchantment
$4.82 Enchantment
1 Curse of the Bloody Tome
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura Curse
1 Leyline of the Void
$0.77 Enchantment
1 Peace of Mind
$0.08 Enchantment
1 Porphyry Nodes
$0.28 Enchantment
3 Rest in Peace
$1.35 Enchantment
1 Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin
$1.71 Legendary Enchantment // Legendary Land
1 Smothering Tithe
$29.72 Enchantment
1 Starfield of Nyx
$15.08 Enchantment
2 Suppression Field
$0.88 Enchantment
Planeswalker (1)
1 Dovin Baan
$0.64 Legendary Planeswalker - Dovin
Land (4)
1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
$11.92 Legendary Land
1 Field of Ruin
$0.20 Land
1 Mystic Gate
$7.33 Land
1 Sacred Foundry
$16.73 Land - Mountain Plains

(Switched to UW Ideal)
2-0 vs Naya Burn
1-2 vs Scapeshift (punted; got 2nd Greater Auramancy and should have gotten Dovescape; died to Fracturing Gust)
2-1 vs Hollow One
2-0 vs Lantern
1-2 vs Mill :(

2-0 vs Hollow One [Just_Roll]
1-2 vs Merfolk [Negative_Variance] (bad mana screw in G3)
1-2 vs Dredge [Finalnub]
1-2 vs Runaway Red [dankmemes420bro]
2-0 vs Scapeshift [Hammerclown]

2-0 vs Burn (Soulerino)
0-2 vs Boros Prison (Vladimir1924)
0-2 vs Tron (ATwistOfFate)
2-1 vs UR Spells (JeffHoogland!)
0-2 vs Counters Company (ajifly)

2-1 vs Mono-green Infect
2-0 vs Ramunap Red

2-1 vs Bogles (oldmanwizard)
2-1 vs Hardened Scales (Psyjedi)
0-2 vs Amulet Titan (g4gale)
2-0 vs Scapeshift (hugtheaquilifer)
0-2 vs Red Hollow Call (goobygoo)

2-0 vs Storm
1-2 vs Grixis Control (punted, misclicked on Story Circle)
2-0 vs Boros Burn
2-1 vs UR Storm
2-0 vs Boros Burn

2-1 vs Jund (Pepeapple)
1-2 vs Jeskai Geist (martindoktor)
0-2 vs Amulet Titan (ChoManno)
2-1 vs Counters Company (coert)
1-2 vs Mono-W Weenies (jpimentel)

2-0 vs Burn
1-2 vs Tron
2-1 vs Blue Moon
2-0 vs Treasure Hunt Combo
1-2 vs Scapeshift
2-1 vs Bogles
1-2 vs Hardened Scales
2-1 vs Jund
1-2 vs Soulflayer Delve
1-2 vs GB Death Cloud
2-0 vs Scapeshift
1-2 vs Esper Gifts (Teferi, planeswalkers in general hard to beat)
1-2 vs Mardu Control (died to Chandra emblem + Wear)

# Rebuilt a bit for more variety/maybe better answers
TP: 2-0 vs Burn
TP: 1-0 vs Puresteel Paladin

2-0 vs UR Moon/Thing in the Ice
2-0 vs Boros Burn
2-0 vs 5c Humans
2-0 vs Titanshift
2-0 vs Ad Nauseum

Rebuild notes:
* Don't love the Search for Azcantas but it probably won us at least a game -- keep it for now, but might be better as a Thassa or planeswalker (new Teferi?).
* Not sure Starfield of Nyx is worth a slot; won me a _very_ loose game against Burn but was a nailbiter, probably more of a liability. Could swap in a Heliod and free up a board slot?
*  New Benalia and Copy Enchantment are great

0-2 vs UW Control
1-2 vs Bant Spirits
0-2 vs 5c Spirits
0-2 vs Tron/Eldrazi Aggro? (Perilous Vault, Endless One)
1-2 vs BW Eldrazi

2-0 vs Moon Prison
2-0 vs Assault Loam
1-2 vs UR Breach

0-2 vs Hardened scales
1-2 vs BW Devotion
1-2 vs Mono Black Devotion
0-2 vs Grixis Shadow
1-2 vs Jund

1-2 vs Humans
0-2 vs UW Control
0-2 vs Naya Ponza
1-2 vs 5c Shadow Zoo

2-1 vs UB Mill
1-2 vs BG Elves
0-2 vs Bant Spirits
1-2 vs Hollow One
0-2 vs Mono-Green Tron

0-2 vs Mono-Green Tron
1-2 vs GB Midrange
2-1 vs Hardened Scales
0-2 vs Mono-Green Tron
2-1 vs UR Moon

1-2 vs Izzet Phoenix (ms)
0-2 vs Scales (ms)
2-0 vs Burn
2-0 UR Control
0-2 vs Cragganwick Eldrazi (!)

1-2 vs Jund Burn (double d-rev, punted g3 stepping through leyline)
2-1 vs Martyr Proc
2-0 vs Hollow Call
2-1 vs 4c Shadow
2-0 vs Burn

1-2 vs Naya Zoo

2-1 vs Soul Sisters
0-2 Amulet Titan
1-2 vs Counters Company
1-2 vs Grixis Shadow
2-1 vs Affinity

0-2 vs Grixis Shadow
0-2 vs Humans (maybe need another Verdict?)
2-1 vs Amulet Titan
1-2 vs Grishoalbrand
0-2 vs Ponza

0-2 vs Bloomless Titan (w/ Hive Mind)
1-2 vs 8-Whack
0-2 drop vs Blue Moon

2-1 vs Grixis Shadow
1-2 vs Storm
1-2 vs Bant Spirits
0-2 vs Abzan
0-2 vs Amulet Titan

0-2 vs UR Thing in the Ice
1-2 vs Eldrazi Tron
2-0 vs UR Prowess
1-2 vs Rg Burn
1-2 vs Dimir Mill :((

2-1 vs UG Infect
1-2 vs Mardu Pyromancer
1-2 vs Grixis Shadow
2-0 vs GW Enchantress (!)
2-0 vs Dredge
2-1 vs Infect
1-2 vs 8-Whack
0-2 vs Grixis Turbo Reanimator
1-2 vs GB Rock
2-0 vs Rakdos Aggro (brew/budget?)
1-2 vs Grixis Shadow (4x Stubborn Denial 4x Snapcaster 2x Disdainful Stroke + Snapcaster Beats Q_Q)

0-2 vs Jeskai  Control
0-2 vs Grixis Death's Shadow (need answers to counterspells.)
2-0 vs 8-Rack
0-2 vs UW Miracles (beat resolved Enduring Ideal both games.)
0-2 vs BR Hollow Call

2-1 vs Grixis Shadow
2-0 vs Martyr-Proc

0-2 vs KCI
2-1 vs Titanshift
0-2 vs BG Tron
0-1 scoop vs Tron
0-2 vs Jund
2-1 vs BUG Control

1-2 vs Mono-white Eldrazi
0-2 vs Dredge
0-2 vs Mono-U Tron
2-1 vs Dredge
1-2 vs Scales

0-2 vs Jund
0-2 vs UW Control
2-0 vs Elves
0-2 vs Grixis Shadow
2-0 vs BW Eldrazi Taxes

2-1 vs Mono-U Merfolk
0-2 vs UW Control
0-2 vs Simic Taking Turns
1-2 vs Grixis Control
2-1 vs Storm

0-2 vs Storm
0-2 vs Tron
2-1 vs RG Valakut
2-0 vs Lanternless Control
1-2 vs GW Hatebears

1-2 vs Humans
0-2 vs Burn
2-0 Demonic Pact/Enchantment Control
1-2 vs Amulet Titan
2-1 vs UW Control

Changes: reworked manabase a bit, dropped the "Copy Enchantment" and 3-ofs tech to a more traditional build, based on GP LA decklist.

2-0 vs BW Tokens
0-2 vs Scales Affinity
2-0 vs Phoenix Deck Wins
1-2 vs BW Eldrazi
0-2 vs Colorless Eldrazi

2-1 vs Bogles
1-2 vs Phoenix Deck Wins
1-2 vs Bogles
2-1 vs Dredge
2-1 vs Affinity

2-0 vs Eggs (Post-ban KCI list, Grinding Station/Arcbound Ravager?)
2-1 vs UB Faeries
0-2 vs Jund
1-2 vs GB Elves
1-0 vs Griselbrand Reanimator (shame-scooped on misplay)

2-1 vs BW Tokens
2-1 vs Pyro Prison
1-2 vs Tron
1-2 vs UW Hate Bears/Eldrazi
0-2 vs Infect

1-2 vs 4c Bring to Light
2-0 vs Burn
1-2 vs GB Rock
2-0 vs Dredge
2-1 vs Affinity (should have died)

2-0 vs Burn

2-1 vs Affinity
2-0 vs Storm
2-0 vs Merfolk (Mono-U)
1-2 vs Humans
2-0 vs Dredge

0-2 vs Flash Reclamation
0-2 vs GB Rock
0-2 vs Tron
2-1 vs Rakdos Control (Blood Moon + PWs)
1-2 vs Eldrazi Tron

1-2 vs Jeskai Flash
1-2 vs Infect
1-2 vs UW Battle of Wits Control

1-2 vs Jund Hollow Call
0-2 vs Cheeri0s
0-2 vs Storm
2-1 vs Boros Burn

League (Green splash instead; staying with blue):
2-1 vs Amulet Titan
0-2 vs Shadow Zoo
2-0 vs Phoenix
1-2 vs Jund
1-2 vs Esper Control

0-2 vs UR Tempo Moon
1-2 vs Tron
0-2 vs Esper Control
2-0 vs 8-Whack
0-2 vs Sultai Reclamation

0-2 vs Burn
2-1 vs Electro End
1-2 vs Tron
1-2 vs Humans (drop)

2-1 vs Grixis Urza
0-2 vs UW Control
1-2 vs Amulet Titan
2-1 vs Burn
0-2 vs UW Control

1-2 vs Bring to Niv
0-2 vs Bant oko
1-2 vs Marit Lage Brew?
0-2 vs Jeskai Cat

1-2 vs Crabvine
0-2 vs Oko
2-1 vs Titan Hoof
2-1 vs Neobrand
2-1 vs Burn

Updated a bit, 2020-03-14
2-0 vs Prowess/Burn
0-2 vs Bant Control
1-2 vs Grixis Shadow
1-2 vs GW hatebears
1-0 vs Taking Turns (?)

Updated, 2020-05-12
2-1 vs Gyruda Clones (lol)
1-2 vs Lurrus Burn (lost to blood moon both games)
0-2 vs UW Yorion tempo (calebd!)
1-2 vs 4c Cat Combo
2-1 vs Lurrus Burn
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