Type: Built Deck
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 599 cards, 278 distinct
Creature (335)
3 Apothecary Initiate
3 Ashenmoor Cohort
2 Ashenmoor Gouger
1 Ashenmoor Liege
1 Augury Adept
3 Ballynock Cohort
3 Barrenton Cragtreads
3 Barrenton Medic
3 Blazethorn Scarecrow
3 Blistering Dieflyn
2 Bloodmark Mentor
1 Boartusk Liege
3 Boggart Arsonists
2 Boggart Ram-Gang
3 Briarberry Cohort
1 Cemetery Puca
3 Chainbreaker
3 Cinderbones
3 Cinderhaze Wretch
2 Corrosive Mentor
3 Crabapple Cohort
1 Cragganwick Cremator
2 Crowd of Cinders
3 Cultbrand Cinder
1 Cursecatcher
1 Deep-Slumber Titan
2 Deepchannel Mentor
1 Demigod of Revenge
1 Deus of Calamity
3 Devoted Druid
1 Drove of Elves
3 Drowner Initiate
1 Dusk Urchins
3 Elvish Hexhunter
3 Emberstrike Duo
3 Faerie Macabre
2 Faerie Swarm
3 Farhaven Elf
3 Foxfire Oak
1 Fulminator Mage
1 Furystoke Giant
1 Ghastlord of Fugue
2 Glamer Spinners
1 Glen Elendra Liege
1 Gloomwidow
1 Godhead of Awe
3 Goldenglow Moth
3 Gravelgill Axeshark
3 Gravelgill Duo
2 Grief Tyrant
1 Grim Poppet
2 Heap Doll
1 Heartmender
1 Hollowborn Barghest
2 Hollowsage
2 Horde of Boggarts
3 Hungry Spriggan
3 Inescapable Brute
2 Inkfathom Infiltrator
2 Inkfathom Witch
3 Intimidator Initiate
1 Isleback Spawn
3 Juvenile Gloomwidow
3 Kinscaer Harpoonist
2 Kitchen Finks
2 Kithkin Rabble
3 Kithkin Shielddare
1 Knollspine Dragon
2 Kulrath Knight
2 Leech Bonder
3 Loamdragger Giant
3 Loch Korrigan
2 Lockjaw Snapper
2 Lurebound Scarecrow
3 Manaforge Cinder
3 Medicine Runner
2 Merrow Grimeblotter
3 Merrow Wavebreakers
1 Midnight Banshee
2 Mistmeadow Skulk
2 Mistmeadow Witch
3 Morselhoarder
1 Mossbridge Troll
3 Mudbrawler Cohort
3 Mudbrawler Raiders
2 Murderous Redcap
3 Nurturer Initiate
3 Old Ghastbark
3 Oona's Gatewarden
1 Oracle of Nectars
1 Order of Whiteclay
1 Oversoul of Dusk
1 Painter's Servant
2 Pale Wayfarer
3 Parapet Watchers
3 Pili-Pala
2 Plumeveil
3 Prismwake Merrow
1 Puppeteer Clique
2 Puresight Merrow
2 Pyre Charger
3 Rattleblaze Scarecrow
3 Raven's Run Dragoon
1 Reaper King
2 Resplendent Mentor
1 River Kelpie
1 Rosheen Meanderer
2 Roughshod Mentor
3 Rune-Cervin Rider
3 Rustrazor Butcher
3 Safehold Duo
3 Safehold Elite
3 Safehold Sentry
3 Scrapbasket
3 Scuttlemutt
3 Scuzzback Marauders
3 Scuzzback Scrapper
2 Seedcradle Witch
3 Sickle Ripper
3 Silkbind Faerie
2 Slinking Giant
3 Smolder Initiate
3 Somnomancer
3 Sootstoke Kindler
3 Sootwalkers
1 Spawnwrithe
2 Spiteflame Witch
1 Swans of Bryn Argoll
1 Sygg, River Cutthroat
2 Tatterkite
3 Tattermunge Duo
2 Tattermunge Maniac
2 Tattermunge Witch
3 Thistledown Duo
1 Thistledown Liege
3 Thornwatch Scarecrow
1 Twilight Shepherd
1 Valleymaker
1 Vexing Shusher
3 Wanderbrine Rootcutters
2 Wasp Lancer
3 Watchwing Scarecrow
3 Whimwader
2 Wicker Warcrawler
3 Wildslayer Elves
2 Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers
1 Wilt-Leaf Liege
1 Windbrisk Raptor
3 Wingrattle Scarecrow
1 Witherscale Wurm
3 Woeleecher
1 Woodfall Primus
1 Wort, the Raidmother
3 Zealous Guardian
Instant (79)
3 Aethertow
3 Aphotic Wisps
3 Barkshell Blessing
3 Cerulean Wisps
3 Consign to Dream
1 Counterbore
3 Crimson Wisps
1 Dramatic Entrance
2 Dream Salvage
3 Fate Transfer
2 Flame Javelin
1 Fracturing Gust
3 Gloomwidow's Feast
2 Guttural Response
3 Inquisitor's Snare
3 Last Breath
3 Manamorphose
1 Memory Plunder
2 Mercy Killing
1 Mirrorweave
3 Niveous Wisps
3 Puncture Bolt
3 Put Away
2 Reknit
2 Repel Intruders
3 Scar
3 Smash to Smithereens
3 Spell Syphon
3 Strip Bare
2 Thoughtweft Gambit
3 Turn to Mist
3 Viridescent Wisps
Sorcery (86)
2 Advice from the Fae
2 Beseech the Queen
3 Burn Trail
4 Corrupt
2 Dawnglow Infusion
1 Din of the Fireherd
3 Disturbing Plot
3 Ember Gale
2 Firespout
2 Flow of Ideas
2 Fossil Find
3 Ghastly Discovery
3 Giantbaiting
3 Gleeful Sabotage
3 Gloomlance
2 Howl of the Night Pack
2 Incremental Blight
2 Jaws of Stone
1 Mass Calcify
3 Memory Sluice
3 Mine Excavation
1 Plague of Vermin
3 Poison the Well
3 Rite of Consumption
2 River's Grasp
3 Safewright Quest
1 Savor the Moment
3 Scarscale Ritual
2 Spectral Procession
3 Splitting Headache
3 Toil to Renown
2 Torrent of Souls
2 Tower Above
3 Traitor's Roar
1 Tyrannize
2 Wild Swing
1 Worldpurge
Artifact (17)
3 Blight Sickle
1 Cauldron of Souls
3 Elsewhere Flask
2 Gnarled Effigy
2 Illuminated Folio
2 Revelsong Horn
2 Trip Noose
2 Umbral Mantle
Enchantment (66)
2 Armored Ascension
2 Biting Tether
3 Bloodshed Fever
2 Blowfly Infestation
1 Boon Reflection
3 Curse of Chains
1 Dire Undercurrents
1 Elemental Mastery
1 Enchanted Evening
1 Everlasting Torment
3 Fists of the Demigod
2 Flourishing Defenses
1 Greater Auramancy
3 Helm of the Ghastlord
1 Impromptu Raid
1 Knollspine Invocation
1 Mana Reflection
1 Polluted Bonds
3 Power of Fire
3 Presence of Gond
1 Prismatic Omen
2 Prison Term
1 Puca's Mischief
1 Rage Reflection
2 Raking Canopy
1 Runed Halo
3 Runes of the Deus
3 Shield of the Oversoul
3 Sinking Feeling
1 Spiteful Visions
3 Steel of the Godhead
1 Thought Reflection
3 Torpor Dust
3 Torture
1 Wheel of Sun and Moon
1 Wound Reflection
Land (16)
1 Fire-Lit Thicket
1 Graven Cairns
2 Leechridden Swamp
2 Madblind Mountain
2 Mistveil Plains
2 Moonring Island
1 Mystic Gate
1 Reflecting Pool
2 Sapseep Forest
1 Sunken Ruins
1 Wooded Bastion
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.

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