i feel like this is slow in EDH. I get that big creatures can hit hard but there isnt very many low cost creatures in here and playing three colors works but you need the early blockers. If there isn't the quicksilver amulet out then playing the creatures without the mana is difficult. Even if Maya gets out she's a sitting target with no blockers against an aggro deck. I would put some smaller elves or creatures that tap for different manas i think this would take this deck to a whole new level
You're right, it is slower than I like, but not as slow as you might imagine. I've had pretty good luck with this at my local game store. Aether Vial, Elvish Piper and Quicksilver Amulet act just like Mayael the Anima in a pinch. Plus pretty much all the enchantments and Tooth and Nail bring in more creatures.
Then there are: Birds of Paradise, Exuberant Firestoker, Knotvine Mystic, Sacellum Godspeaker, and Sunseed Nurturer and are all mana creatures. This deck is especially good in multiplayer games when your oponents kind of forget about you because your not harrassing them in the early game. It doesn't play quite as well in 1 vs. 1 games, but is still a load of fun. I can't tell you how many times Hamletback Goliath has won games for me.
Great suggestions. Mayael's Aria and Balefire Dragon are definitely on the "to acquire" list, though have been pretty elusive in the trades andMayael's Aria is more expensive than I want to pay for buying it outright.Rancor, and Vorinclex would be awesome, I just got 2 Divine Reckonings in the mail today, I'm a little scared of Avatar of Slaughter and Novablast Wurm since it would wipe my commander as well, I don't know if the payoff is worth it. I just put Mossbridge Troll and Purity in today and pulled some of the "placeholder" stuff that I had in. I also want to put aGodsire and Aether Vial in here at some point. I do need to incorporate some removal stuff though especially if I continue to play against Momir :). I do already have a retaliator griffin in the deck. He is nasty.
Then there are: Birds of Paradise, Exuberant Firestoker, Knotvine Mystic, Sacellum Godspeaker, and Sunseed Nurturer and are all mana creatures. This deck is especially good in multiplayer games when your oponents kind of forget about you because your not harrassing them in the early game. It doesn't play quite as well in 1 vs. 1 games, but is still a load of fun. I can't tell you how many times Hamletback Goliath has won games for me.
EDIT: Oh and Retaliator Griffin. The right colors, flies, and grows big in a pinch.