- NIKITA SOSNOV's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (186)
- mod Eldrazi
- mod grixis 75
- mod Standard Jund
- mod Sultai Contol
- mod UW Spirits for AER GD
- mod Bant aggro
- mod Deep Bant
- mod Temur tower
- mod Temur tower v2
- mod Turbo fog
- mod UR control
- mod UW Spirits
- mod Last flight of Eisenstein (UW Spirits)
- mod Temur control v1
- mod test
- mod UR Prowess
- mod Aetherflux combo
- mod Bant Spirits
- mod BG delirium
- mod Copy of UW flash
- mod Esper Control
- mod esper prototype
- mod Grixis Control
- mod Jeskai Control
- mod Marvel combo
- mod Sultai Control
- mod UB control
- mod UR burn
- mod UR spells
- mod UW control
- mod UW aggro
- mod WU spirits tempo
- mod Esper Queller
- mod Jeskai spirits
- mod Mono green revenge
- mod RB vampire idea
- mod RG ramp hydra
- mod UB reanimator
- mod uB zombies
- mod UW control
- mod UW spirits
- mod W Eldrazi
- mod WB control
- mod WU watching deck
- mod GB aristocrats
- mod izzet control
- mod WB ally deck
- mod WGB ally deck
- mod WU spirits control
- mod Dimir Control
- mod Esper Approach
- mod Esper Control
- mod Grixis Control
- mod Sultai Tempo
- mod Temur control
- mod Temur Cryptic
- mod Temur Energy
- mod Temur Prowess
- mod UB control
- mod UB fly pirates
- mod UR prowess
- mod UW approach
- mod UW approach v2
- mod UW auras
- mod UW auras v2
- mod UW control
- mod UW control
- mod UW drake haven
- mod WB approach
Other's cards
- mod card from Demure1
- mod cards from Denis
- mod cards to Mikhno M
- sta A list
- mod brystic
- mod Esper Control
- mod Fevered spirits
- mod Goblins oath patched
- mod grixis 75
- mod Grixis Midrange
- mod Infect
- sta Izzet Drakes
- sta Mono U tempo
- mod RGW gameday idea
- sta UB Pirates
- mod UR prowess agro idea
- mod UW control
- sta From Denis
- mod From Dima
- sta From Igor
- sta From Witas
- sta To Alexey M
- sta To Denis
- sta To Dima
- sta To Gontaev
- mod To Igor
- sta To Murager
- sta To Pryazhnikov
- sta To Victor
- sta To Witas
- mod UW control
- mod 2021 buylist
- sta 2021 fall buylist
- sta Small Buylist
- mod winter buylist
- mod Azorius Mentor
- mod Bant Spirits
- mod Bant StoneBlade
- mod Blue Moon
- mod BR midrange
- mod Esper Mentor
- mod Esper Mentor Spellless
- mod Esper Mentor v2
- mod Esper Shadow
- mod Esper Stoneblade
- mod Eternal Command
- mod Grixis Control-discard
- mod Grixis Death Shadow
- mod Grixis Delver
- leg Grixis Phoenix
- mod Grixis Thing (Control)
- mod Jeskai Control
- mod Jeskai control
- mod Jeskai Flash
- mod Jeskai Mystic Tempo
- mod Jeskai Saheeli
- mod Jeskai Tempo (v3)
- mod Jeskai Terminus
- leg Jeskai Thing Ascension
- mod Jeskai Thing Mentor
- leg Mardu Phoenix
- leg Mardu Pyro
- mod Mardu Shadow
- mod Monored Prowess
- mod Restore Balance
- mod SnowShift
- mod Sultai Control
- mod Tempo Geist
- leg Temur Phoenix
- mod UR 42 land swans
- mod UR Control
- mod UR delver
- mod UR Fiend
- leg UR Living End
- leg UR Phoenix
- leg UR Phoenix - alter
- mod UR Pyromancer
- mod UR Twin
- mod UR wizards
- mod UW Control
- mod UW spirits
modern leagues
Modern postMH2
- sta 4C Reanimator
- sta Bant Control
- sta Esper Mentor
- leg Esper Obzedat
- sta Esper Reanimator
- sta Jeskai Hard Control
- sta Jeskai Murk Phoenix
- mod Jeskai Murktide
- mod Jeskai Phoenix
- sta Jeskai Stoneforge
- sta Sultai Reclamation
- mod Sultai Reclamation Control
- mod Temur Reclamation
- sta Temur Rhinos
- sta UB Murk Control
- mod UB Titi Control
- sta UR Murk Control
- sta UR TiTi Control
- sta UW StoneBlade
- sta Bant Spirits
- sta Bant Tempo
- pio BR midrange
- pio Grixis Spells
- sta Jeskai Conrol?
- sta Jeskai Tempo
- pio Mardu Pyromancer
- sta Sultai Control (P)
- sta Temur control
- pio UR Eldrazi
- pio UR phoenix
- sta UW Spirits
- sta UW tempo
- pio WR Feather
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