Type: Deck Idea
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 21 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (11)
4 Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration
$0.44 Creature - Human Wizard // Creature - Human Insect
4 Squadron Hawk
$0.19 Creature - Bird
3 Trinket Mage
$0.62 Creature - Human Wizard
Instant (14)
4 Brainstorm
$1.28 Instant
1 Enlightened Tutor
$23.21 Instant
2 Muddle the Mixture
$1.35 Instant
3 Prohibit
$0.04 Instant
4 Rune Snag
$0.05 Instant
Sorcery (4)
4 Sunlance
$0.04 Sorcery
Artifact (3)
2 Bonesplitter
$0.15 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sensei's Divining Top
$27.87 Artifact
Enchantment (6)
3 Counterbalance
$11.82 Enchantment
1 Faith's Fetters
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Journey to Nowhere
$0.27 Enchantment
1 Oblivion Ring
$0.28 Enchantment
Land (22)
1 Ancient Den
$2.15 Artifact Land
2 Evolving Wilds
$0.07 Land
9 Island
$0.14 Basic Land - Island
5 Plains
$0.06 Basic Land - Plains
1 Seat of the Synod
$1.30 Artifact Land
4 Terramorphic Expanse
$0.09 Land
Sideboard - 15 cards, 12 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Instant (4)
1 Disenchant
$0.10 Instant
1 Echoing Truth
$0.25 Instant
2 Negate
$0.14 Instant
Artifact (6)
1 Dispeller's Capsule
$0.03 Artifact
2 Relic of Progenitus
$4.35 Artifact
1 Runed Stalactite
$0.18 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sunbeam Spellbomb
$0.18 Artifact
1 Viridian Longbow
$2.72 Artifact - Equipment
Enchantment (5)
1 Circle of Protection: Black
$0.27 Enchantment
1 Circle of Protection: Red
$0.25 Enchantment
2 Journey to Nowhere
$0.27 Enchantment
1 Spreading Seas
$0.28 Enchantment - Aura

  • Aaaarg | 27-Feb-2012 13:25
    j'ai pas encore regarder ton side, mais effectivement 23 lands on l air juste un poil trop, je suis passé a 22... et j ai rajouté un bonespliter...
  • Maëlig | 26-Feb-2012 23:27
    Ca a vraiment l'air solide comme deck. Est ce que 23 lands c'est le bon nombre? A partir du 4-5è j'ai l'impression qu'on n'a plus d'utilité à faire ses land drops. Par rapport à ta version j'ai juste cut 1 contre pour rentrer un 2è bonesplitter que je trouve super fort avec les squadron hawk, et vu qu'on est un peu light en tutor targets pour trinket. Tu penses quoi de mon side?
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