Name  |
Race |
Type |
Cost |
Edition |
1 |
Disciple of Khaine
Dark Elf |
Unit |
3 +  |
Core Set |
3 |
Disciple of Malekith
Dark Elf |
Unit |
5 +   |
The Fourth Waystone |
3 |
Disgraced Champion
Chaos |
Unit |
3 +  |
Redemption of a Mage |
2 |
Doom Divers
Orc |
Unit |
4 +  |
Core Set |
3 |
Chaos |
Unit |
3 +  |
Chaos Moon |
3 |
Doomsayer of Morr
Neutral |
Unit |
3 |
Redemption of a Mage |
3 |
Doubling of the Guard
Empire |
Tactic |
1 +   |
The Imperial Throne |
3 |
Douse the Flames
Empire |
Tactic |
0 +   |
The Fourth Waystone |
4 |
Dragon Mage Wakening
High Elf |
Support |
0 +  |
Assault on Ulthuan |
2 |
Dragon Prince
High Elf |
Unit |
4 +   |
Assault on Ulthuan |
3 |
Dragon's Lair
High Elf |
Support |
4 +   |
Chaos Moon |
3 |
Dreadfire Portal
Neutral |
Fulcrum |
1 |
Cataclysm |
3 |
Dreamer of Dragons
High Elf |
Unit |
3 +  |
Redemption of a Mage |
3 |
Drowned Zombies
Neutral |
Unit |
3 |
March of the Damned |
1 |
Druchii Noble
Dark Elf |
Unit |
3 +   |
The Burning of Derricksburg |
3 |
Duregan Thorgrimson
Dwarf |
Unit |
4 +   |
The Fourth Waystone |
2 |
Durgnar the Bold
Dwarf |
Unit |
3 +    |
Core Set |
1 |
Dwarf Cannon Crew
Dwarf |
Unit |
2 +   |
Core Set |
3 |
Dwarf Embassy
Dwarf |
Support |
0 |
Hidden Kingdoms |
1 |
Dwarf Masons
Dwarf |
Unit |
3 +   |
Core Set |
2 |
Dwarf Ranger
Dwarf |
Unit |
3 +   |
Core Set |
3 |
Dwarf Thunderer
Dwarf |
Unit |
4 +   |
Legends |
1 |
Dwarf/Empire Alliance
Neutral |
Support |
2 |
Core Set |
1 |
Dwarf/High Elf Alliance
Neutral |
Support |
2 |
Core Set |
3 |
Effulgent Boils
Chaos |
Support |
1 +   |
The Fall of Karak Grimaz |
3 |
Ellyrian Knight
High Elf |
Unit |
3 +  |
Legends |
3 |
Elven Embassy
High Elf |
Support |
0 |
Hidden Kingdoms |
3 |
Elven Steed
High Elf |
Support |
1 +   |
Legends |
3 |
Elven Warship
High Elf |
Support |
3 +  |
March of the Damned |
1 |
Embers to Inferno
Chaos |
Tactic |
1 +   |
The Silent Forge |