MATT 17462's profile
- MTG DECKS (209)
mod Aggressively defensive
leg Casual - Neuro
vin Casual - take this!
mod Fun deck - booby trap
mod Fun deck - walls
sta Library Theme 60 card
sta Library Theme EDH
leg One creature
leg Planeswalkers
mod Tree of perdition
leg Win through Life Gain
vin 2015 - Abzan
leg 2015 - Doran
vin 2015 - Green Stompy
leg 2015 - Group Hug
vin 2015 - Maga, Traitor to Mortals
vin 2015 - Master of Cruelties - Cromat
vin 2015 - Scion of the Ur-Dragon
vin 2016 - Captain Sisay
vin 2016 - Ezuri, Renegade Leader
vin 2016 - Karlov - WB lifegain
vin 2016 - Merieke Ri Berit EDH
vin 2016 - Prossh
vin 2016 - Sidisi EDH
vin 2016 - Sliver Queen & Super Friends
vin 2016 - Uril EDH
vin WB - Daxos - enchantments
Draft decks
mod Fnm UG 5-6-16
Interesting Interactions or Cards
leg Infinite tokens
Kid Decks
Kitchen Table
leg 2009 - Giants
leg 2009 - White Creature Life
vin 2010 - Black Advantage
mod 2010 - Hands of Flame - Premade
leg 2010 - The Wombat
vin 2011 - 20 mana
leg 2011 - beasts
leg 2011 - Best Offense is a Good Defencer
leg 2011 - Exalted
vin 2011 - Horse Storm
leg 2011 - ROMZOM
leg 2011 - The Hellmouth
mod 2011 - WB Humans
leg 2012 - Burn
vin 2012 - Crucible of Plenty
vin 2012 - goblins
leg 2012 - Mill
leg 2012 - RG Wolves
mod 2012 - Zombie or Bust
vin 2013 - Battle of Wits
leg 2013 - Colossus
mod 2013 - Devotion to Darkness - Premade
leg 2013 - Elf
leg 2013 - POD
leg 2013 - Treefolk
leg 2014 - Boros Trooper
leg 2014 - G Devote
leg 2014 - Mother of Rats
vin 2014 - Slivers
leg 2014 - Thune Pridemate
leg 2014 - UG Fungus
leg Legacy _ mono black
vin Legacy - 12 post
leg Legacy - death and taxes
leg Legacy - Elves!
vin Legacy - Food Chain
leg Legacy - mono black powered
leg Legacy - Rats!
leg Legacy- dark depths
mod Blue Robots
mod Bogles
mod G Infect
mod Goats v2
mod GR tron
mod Illusion Tribal
mod Modern - Budget elves
mod Modern - Skred Red
mod Modern - UB Budget Mill
mod Modern - UG Big Butts
mod Soul Sisters
mod The Rat Deck
mod WU bogles
mod Zada hijinks
Old Deck Lists
leg 2010 - Green Machine
leg 2012 - Golgari Premade
leg 2012 - Kangee
vin 2012 - Merieke
leg 2012 - Uril
leg 2014 - Doran
vin 2014 - Forged in Stone - Premade
vin 2015 - Merieke
vin 2015 - Sidisi
vin 2015 - Talrand, Sky summoner
vin 2015 - Uril
leg Pauper Artifacts
leg Pauper Binding Agony effects
leg Pauper domain
leg Pauper domain
leg Pauper elves
leg Pauper Flying men tribal
leg Pauper gbrw control
mod Pauper mill
leg Pauper Ratty Control
leg Pauper Taxing effects
leg Pauper urb control
leg Steal and sac
Silver Bordered
sta RG D6 Rolling
To be assembled/ordered
vin 2015 - Jeleva
vin 2015 - Kruphix
leg blue green counters
leg Five Color Base
mod Golgari Rats - to be made
mod gorgon
sta Henry's zoo deck
leg hornet nest
vin Memnark
mod Non Creature Creatures!
mod unblockable deck?
vin White Tokens
Work in progress
vin 2016 Atraxa & Super Friends
mod 2017 - Modern - Cheerios
mod Aggressively defensive u unblockable
mod Aggressively defensive W
leg All basic land types
mod Bant Silvers - to be made
leg Blue tokens
mod Brain Deck
sta brion stoutarm
leg Cards to get
leg Casual - Jellyfish
mod Casual nocreature creature
mod casual tribal tribal
sta Coin flips
mod Copy of All basic land types
mod Copy of Goats
sta Cube
sta Cube Ideas
leg Damia rat edh
leg Discard
mod Edh - 5 color allies
vin EDH - Atla Palani, Nest Tender
vin Edh - Bantvisionary with Roon
mod Edh - deathtouch gorgon
leg Edh - green 5 color
vin Edh - kurkesh and artifacts
vin EDH - Ratty
vin Edh - rug biovisionary
leg EDH - Sea of Thieves
sta Edh - ug ramp
leg Edh - wg tokens
vin EDH - Zada Storm
sta Edh BUG relentless rats
sta Edh chance
sta Edh changling
leg Edh commander eesha
leg EDH dinosaur enrage
leg Edh Flickering
leg Edh hate
mod Edh Helmsmashing
leg Edh Humans
leg EDH Land stuff
vin Edh nekrusar
leg Edh pingers
leg Edh Prison deck
leg Edh Skeleton
vin Edh vanilla + anthems
leg EDH wall stuff
leg Edh WBG mean
sta Edh Xantcha, Sleeper
leg Elves
sta Flavor text
sta GB D6 Rolling
leg Legacy False Cure
leg mayaela
leg Mnemonic songs
mod Modern - Harvest Wave
mod Modern - Rat Deck Discard
mod Modern - waste not
leg Modern Dredge
mod Modern mill
mod Modern Paradox Sprouts
mod Modern Rat Value
leg New and old
vin Nic Fit budget
leg Pauper - harvest pyre
mod Pauper Devoid
leg Pauper green
vin Prossh, Skyraider of Kher - Power Hungry - 2013 premade
leg Queens
sta Rats combo
mod Squirrels Modern
mod Tree of Perdition Frogify
sta UG chicken Rolling
sta Unset cards of interest
sta Unset random
vin W Tokens Jazal
vin WB EDH lifegain
sta Zombie Zoo

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Forest | |
2 | Rampant Growth | |
3 | Forest | |
4 | Briarpack Alpha | |
5 | Mondronen Shaman // Tovolar's Magehunter | |
6 | Hunger of the Howlpack |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 35 | 15 |
Percent | 70.0 | 30.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.