Name  |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
3 |
Ability - Arcane |
Heroes of Azeroth
2 |
Polymorph Penguin
Instant Ability - Arcane |
2 |
Polymorph: Pig
Ability - Arcane |
Tomb of the Forgotten
1 |
Portal Stone
Item |
5 |
Ability |
Tomb of the Forgotten
1 |
Power Generator Hood
Equipment - Armor - Cloth |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Power Infusion
Ability - Discipline Talent |
5 |
Power Word: Absorb
Instant Ability - Discipline |
Twilight of the Dragons
1 |
Power Word: Barrier
Instant Ability - Discipline |
Twilight of the Dragons
5 |
Power Word: Endurance
Ability - Discipline |
War of the Elements
8 |
Power Word: Preservation
Intant Ability - Discipline |
1 |
Power Word: Purity
Instant Ability - Holy |
Throne of the Tides
2 |
Power Word: Shelter
Instant Ability - Discipline |
2 |
Power Word: Shield
Instant Ability - Discipline |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Power Word: Spirit
Basic Ability - Discipline Attachment |
Betrayal of the Guardian
2 |
Prayer of Spirit
Ability - Discipline |
2 |
Prayer of the Ages
Basic Ability - Holy |
Betrayal of the Guardian
3 |
Prayer of Vitality
Ability - Discipline |
3 |
Predatory Sense
Instant Ability - Feral Combo |
3 |
Prey on the Weak
Instant Ability - Assassination |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Priestess of Ruin
Monster Ally - Shivarra Demon |
Reign of Fire
6 |
Primal Dexterity
Ability - Enhancement |
War of the Elements
3 |
Primal Focus
Ability - Beast Mastery |
5 |
Primal Strike
Instant Ability - Enhancement |
Twilight of the Dragons
2 |
Primal Taming
Ability - Survival Restoration |
1 |
Primalist Naseth
Ally - Draenei Shaman |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Prince Xavalis
Monster Ally - Satyr Demon Rogue |
Crown of the Heavens
4 |
Prized Beastmaster's Mantle
Armor - Mail |
2 |
Protect the Master
Instant Ability - Beast Mastery |
Through the Dark Portal
6 |
Proto-Handler's Gauntlets
Equipment - Armor - Mail |
Twilight of the Dragons