Name |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
3 |
Totem of Wrath
Instant Ability - Elemental Talent |
March of The Legion
1 |
Totemic Focus
Ability - Restoration Talent |
March of The Legion
1 |
Totemic Mastery
Instant Ability - Restoration Talent |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Totemic Recovery
Ability - Elemental |
Servants of The Betrayer
1 |
Touch of Darkness
Ability - Shadow |
March of The Legion
3 |
Touch of Ice
Instant Ability - Frost |
March of The Legion
2 |
Touch of the Arcane
Instant Ability - Arcane |
March of The Legion
4 |
Track Demons
Ability - Survival |
March of The Legion
2 |
Track Humanoids
Ability - Survival |
Heroes of Azeroth
4 |
Trade Prince Gallywix
Ally - Goblin Trade Prince |
1 |
Trance Stone
Item |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Trapper's Rifle
Weapon - Gun |
3 |
Tree of Life
Instant Ability - Restoration Talent |
Fires of Outland
2 |
Treewarden Tolven
Ally - Night Elf Druid |
Drums of War
2 |
Tremor Totem
Instant Ability - Restoration |
Fires of Outland
2 |
Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King
Weapon - Axe |
2 |
Trollwoven Spaulders
Armor - Leather |
Icecrown Crafted
3 |
Trueshot Aura
Ability - Marksmanship Talent |
Hunt for Illidan
2 |
Truesilver Breastplate
Armor - Plate |
Heroes of Azeroth
3 |
Truesilver Champion
Two - Handed Weapon - Sword |
Heroes of Azeroth
3 |
Trytha Darksun
Ally - Blood Elf Priest |
March of The Legion
1 |
Twinblade of the Phoenix
Two - Handed Weapon - Sword |
Blood of Gladiators
3 |
Twist of Faith
Ability - Shadow |
March of The Legion
2 |
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization
Ability - Arms Talent |
March of The Legion
3 |
Ulrac Bloodshadow
Ally - Blood Elf Warlock |
Servants of The Betrayer
1 |
Unbridled Wrath
Ability - Fury Talent |
Servants of The Betrayer
2 |
Undaunted Defense
Instant Ability - Protection |
Through the Dark Portal
3 |
Unending Breath
Ability - Demonology |
Drums of War
4 |
Unfair Advantage
Ability - Subtlety |
March of The Legion
3 |
Unholy Ground
Ability - Unholy |