Name  |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
1 |
Huntsman Gorwal
Hero - Worgen Hunter |
War of the Elements
4 |
Hur Shieldsmasher
Ally - Orc Warrior |
Heroes of Azeroth
3 |
Hurlorn Battlechaser
Ally - Tauren Hunter |
Fires of Outland
2 |
Huruk Lightvow
Ally - Tauren Paladin |
2 |
Hyjal Stag
Ally - Stag |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Ian Barus
Ally - Human Death Knight |
War of the Ancients
3 |
Ian Lanstrick
Ally - Undead Mage |
Crown of the Heavens
3 |
Icaros the Sunward
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Ice Block
Instant Ability - Frost Talent |
Through the Dark Portal
4 |
Ice Nova
Instant Ability - Frost |
2 |
Iceblade Hacker
Weapon - Axe |
Heroes of Azeroth
4 |
If You're Not Against Us
Quest |
Crown of the Heavens
2 |
Illiyana Moonblaze
Ally - Night Elf Rogue |
Fields of Honor
4 |
Illusionary Rod
Two - Handed Weapon - Staff |
Heroes of Azeroth
5 |
Ability - Destruction |
Fires of Outland
4 |
Immolation Trap
Instant Ability - Survival |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
In Dreams
Quest |
Heroes of Azeroth
3 |
In Unending Numbers
Quest |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Ability - Destruction |
Fires of Outland
1 |
Hero - Troll Warrior |
Fires of Outland
3 |
Infectious Brutality
Ability - Fury |
Crown of the Heavens
2 |
Ally - Infernal Demon |
Heroes of Azeroth
4 |
Inferno Totem
Ability Ally - Elemental |
Twilight of the Dragons
4 |
Ability - Subtlety |
War of the Elements
2 |
Infusion of Light
Ability - Holy |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Inner Focus
Ability - Discipline Talent |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Inner Will
Ability - Discipline |
Twilight of the Dragons
3 |
Instant Ability - Restoration |
Heroes of Azeroth
5 |
Ability - Holy |
War of the Elements
1 |
Instant Ability - Fire Destruction |
War of the Elements