Name  |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
1 |
Prayer of Vitality
Ability - Discipline |
2 |
Prey on the Weak
Instant Ability - Assassination |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Primal Strike
Instant Ability - Enhancement |
Twilight of the Dragons
1 |
Primalist Naseth
Ally - Draenei Shaman |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Protect the Master
Instant Ability - Beast Mastery |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Psychic Melt
Instant Ability - Shadow |
Twilight of the Dragons
3 |
Ability - Subtlety |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Pygmy Firebreather
Monster Ally - Pygmy Mage |
Tomb of the Forgotten
1 |
Pyroclastic Consumption
Ability - Fire |
Drums of War
1 |
Queen Sylvanas Windrunner
Ally - Undead Banshee Ranger |
Through the Dark Portal
3 |
Ally - Troll Priest |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Ra'waza Stonetusk
Ally - Troll Shaman |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Raena the Unpredictable
Ally - Night Elf Warrior |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Raene's Cleansing
Quest |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Rain of Shadow
Ability - Affliction |
Drums of War
1 |
Raise the Dead
Ability - Unholy |
Tomb of the Forgotten
2 |
Rakala Deathsmash
Ally - Orc Death Knight |
Twilight of the Dragons
1 |
Ramstein's Lightning Bolts
Item |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Randolphe Mortimer
Hero - Human Death Knight |
Death Knight Starter
3 |
Raul "Fingers" Maldren
Ally - Human Rogue |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Rensarth Shadowsun
Ally - Blood Elf Warlock |
Drums of War
1 |
Renshol, Herald of Nature
Monster Ally - Keeper of the Grove Druid |
Tomb of the Forgotten
1 |
Instant Ability - Retribution |
Drums of War
1 |
Retainer Faryn
Ally - Blood Elf Rogue |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Return to Angrathar
Quest |
2 |
Return to the Scryers
Quest |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Instant Ability - Protection |
Through the Dark Portal
3 |
Reverend Tobias
Ally - Human Priest |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Instant Ability - Restoration Holy |
Drums of War
1 |
Revival Stone
Ability - Restoration Demonology |
Drums of War