- MTG DECKS (410)
com 2021 Gishath
com 2021 Shirei
com 2021 Sram
com 2021 yennet
sta 2021prosper
sta 2022 Beamtown
sta 2022 Doran
sta 2022 kalamax
sta 2022 temur dragon
sta 2023budget40teysa
sta 2023Eowyn
sta 2023heartless
sta 2023magnusX
sta 2023thrundred$$
com 2024Bello
sta 2024eriette
sta 2024fangorn
com 2024ghired
sta 2024goblins
sta 2024LotN
sta 2024ninjaturtle
sta 2024swarm
sta 2024ug?
com 2024Urza
sta 2025meanbones
sta 2025mendy
sta 2025Quint
sta 2025shark
sta 2025Teval
edh 2021
sta 2021 Breena/Shadrix
com 2021 Breya
sta 2021 bugs
com 2021 Chulane
com 2021 Doran
com 2021 Ghired
sta 2021 goblins
com 2021 Kalamax
com 2021 koma
vin Gimme Dinosaurs!
vin Gitfrogged
vin $100 Breya
vin 100$ folkers
leg Current
vin doran?
vin Gish2.0
leg Gish3 enrage
vin Green God
vin Hail the Queen
vin Hundred Dollar Hidetsugu
vin Karlov
vin Locusts!
vin Rix shirei
vin Roon 18.0
leg Sramtron
leg Thantis
vin Valduk
vin Yannett
edh 2019
vin breya2019
vin heartless2019
vin karlov2019
vin rhonas2019
vin shirei2019
vin sram2019
vin thantis2019
EDH Ideas
mod 8Whack
mod Bant Eldrazi
mod EldraziTron
mod LivingEnd(Sold)
mod ManicMill
mod Mill
mod RGEldraziTron
mod RGTron
leg Tron(EoUBanned)
mod UWControl
mod UWTitan
leg $100 Pharika
vin $100 spells
vin $100 Yahenni
vin 0Doran
leg 100 Logan
mod 1cmc
leg 5c Cycling
vin 5c Hug
vin Aurelia (Noah)
leg Beasts
vin Black God
leg Blake
leg Blinky
leg Boros?
vin Brisela
leg Budget commanders
leg Bug
vin BUG edh
leg butts
vin Depala
vin Dragons?
leg DragonsEDH
sta Edh dom stuff
leg Gorm Virtus
vin Grenzo $100
vin Group Hug
vin Hazbeen
leg IHateYou
leg Infinito
vin Ishkanah, Grafwidow
mod Isperia
vin Jacobs Ruric Thar
leg Karlov upgrades/changes
vin Keiga2
leg Korlash
vin Kozilek
leg Man lands
vin Marchesa
vin Marchesa 2.0
leg Mathas
vin Mirko
vin Nazahn
leg Planeswalkers
leg Queen's knights
vin Ramses
leg Rashmi
leg Rashmi voltron
leg Reanimator
vin Reapmyr king
vin Roon
leg Roon
leg Roon playfair
leg Ruhan
leg Ruric Smash
leg Rw equip
vin Sedris Jorden
leg Shirei apostles
leg Steal yo stuff
leg table police
vin Tetsuko
leg Tiana
leg Tribe wars
mod Ug... the deck
vin Voltgrin
leg Voltron black
vin Voltron Ruhan
vin Weenie Edh
leg Windgrace
leg Bant Pod
mod Black Post
vin BUG standard
mod Hawkward
mod Hawkward(Innistrad)
mod Living End
leg U/B zombies
leg Venser
mod White Post
mod Zombies (DKA Gameday)
mod 0FavoriteArtifact/Enchantments
mod 0FavoriteCreatures
leg 0FavoriteInstants/Sorceries
mod 0Favoritelands
mod 0FavoritePlaneswalkers
vin Doran!
vin Doran1v1
vin Kami of the Crescent Moon
mod F cube a
mod F cube b
mod F cube g
mod F cube m
mod F cube Maybes
mod F cube r
vin F cube u
mod F cube w
vin F cube whole
mod Frontier cube
vin Zaverage cube
mod Aetherworkin
mod bears IXA
mod BonePicking
mod Braaiiiinnns
vin EsperDragons
mod Ew exert
mod Ew hatebears
mod Frontier monument
mod Frontier RR
mod Gatewatch
mod Goblins
mod Hardened Snake
mod Hatebears
vin Mardu
mod Mono Eldrazi
Modern 2017
mod BG Tron
mod Eldrazi Tron
mod Living End Amonkhet
mod missing trons
mod RG Tron
mod WG Tron
modern wheelspinning
mod 0devotionagain
mod 0skreddragons
mod 2018 Living End
mod Cocompany
mod jund titan
leg Red Tron
mod Shenanigans
mod Sultai tezz
mod Burn
mod Cards2get
mod Devoted aggro
mod Devoted to modern
mod Gid rekt
leg Mardumancer
mod Modern tezzerator
mod Need hierarchs
old stuff <2020
leg 000pio
mod 10mancer
sta 2020 kalamax
vin Abominable
mod Affinities
mod Approach pioneer
vin Arcades
mod Bad tron?
mod Bant company
sta Bant Ramp
leg Bant walking
leg Blake
vin Bugz
leg Chainer
leg Chulane
leg Commander needs
mod Copy of Burn
mod Copy of Mill2
leg Copy of TemurTron
sta Dec19mill
mod Deploy
mod DLO
leg Edric
leg Edric straight rip
vin Elves
mod Esperscheme
vin Feather, voltron
leg Fire ants
vin Ghired
leg Ghired +50
mod Gid2019july
mod Gideon?
leg Gideonpioneer
mod Goblin mardu
mod Goblinengineer
mod Green karnza
sta Greendevo
mod Grindingmill
vin Isperia
mod Knight company
mod M20
mod Mill
mod Mill2
sta Mod mill aggro
sta Moforests
sta Morofolk
sta Morophonsects
mod Naya knight
mod Nc
mod Newtron
leg Nikya
mod Octomancer
sta Oops
leg PauperC1
sta Pio don’t touch me
sta Pio dragons
sta Pio edf
sta Pio murica dragons
vin Pioapproach
sta Piored
sta Pioshimmer
sta PioUW
mod Piozombies
leg Rakdos lives!
vin RakdosRakdos
sta Rb dragons
leg Saskia
mod Soulherder
sta Srogles
mod Symmetrical mill
sta Tron
leg Ub pauperc
mod Urza2019
vin Varina
vin Varina
mod Warmill
mod White ish?
mod White walkers
leg Yarok
mod Zzz Calgary
vin 1Land Pauper
leg Aristocrats
leg CracktheEarth
sta cube idea?
leg IzzetTron
mod missing
mod missing(tokens)
leg Pauper Fog
leg Pauper Leeches
leg PauperGoodies
vin PauperStaples
mod SoulSisters
vin UGThreshold
leg URTron Drake
leg Whaffinity
leg zoo
mod Zoo
leg Zoo Flames
leg Elves
leg Existence
leg Goblins
leg KuldothaJeskai
leg Midnight Presence
leg MonoB
leg Orzhov
leg Pauper Energy
leg RB Reanimator
leg Songs
leg Stompy
leg Teachings
leg TemurTron
leg Threshold
leg Veekles
leg Wallpauper
mod Wolf
leg WWTokens
recon upgrades
leg anje 15-25$
leg Ghired 15-25$
leg kaduna 15-25$
leg sevinne 15-25$
sta Stubbs
maybe edh 2021
sta 2021 BG dt
com 2021 clerics
sta 2021 Dwarves
sta 2021 o-kagachi
sta 2021 red dragons
sta 2021 URW vt
sta 2021 yedora
sta ? 2022
sta 2001elenora
sta 2021sefris
sta 2021stubbsknights
sta 2021vrondiss
sta 2022 +1/+1
sta 2022 BS Doran
sta 2022 commanders??
sta 2022 dungeon divers
sta 2022 Heartless (again[again])
sta 2022 Jmmy Magnus
mod 2022 modern coffers
sta 2022 needs
sta 2022 pio devo red
sta 2022 Runo
sta 2022 Thantis redux
sta 2022 Thantis redux
sta 2022 treefolkers
sta 2022 turtles
sta 2022 Vega
sta 2022 volo zoo
sta 2022cofferslearn
sta 2022errrr....tai?
sta 2022ferggiants
sta 2022greenbigguns
sta 2022karn
sta 2022Magnus
sta 2022Shanna
sta 2022stubbsdwarf
sta 2023 budget ferg
sta 2023 Shanna
sta 2023 ugcompanion
sta 202350$ferg1
sta 2023CBVenser
sta 2023Dungeon
sta 2023DungeonBant
sta 2023fanghorn
sta 2023ferglob
sta 2023gimli
sta 2023goreclawcreatures
sta 2023gretta
sta 2023heartlesspws
sta 2023Lathielpw
sta 2023Magnusbrown
sta 2023meanbones
sta 2023mtgoshirei
sta 2023Nazguls
sta 2023squirrelman
sta 2023stang
sta 2023stubbsisshin
sta 2024 Stubbs equip
sta 2024bonnypall
sta 2024cynette
sta 2024grolnok
sta 2024Helga
sta 2024jyoti
sta 2024Loot
com 2024pantlaza
sta 202511andAmy
sta 2025stufftotry?
com Commanders
sta Doran super aggro
sta for mtgo
sta G edh 2022
sta Kathril
sta Maelstrom
sta Oathbreakers
sta Prismari
sta Runo2021
sta Thrun, f u Brady
sta to get 2021
sta TRON

Name | Cost ![]() |
Brimaz, King of Oreskos | |
Doran, the Siege Tower | |
Marrow-Gnawer | |
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born | |
Ishkanah, Grafwidow | |
Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper | |
Wort, the Raidmother |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Jazal Goldmane | |
2 | Kaseto, Orochi Archmage | |
3 | Sygg, River Guide | |
4 | Gisa and Geralf | |
5 | Jori En, Ruin Diver | |
6 | Sygg, River Cutthroat |
Mana Base
Colors | |||||
Symbols | 10 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Percent | 25.6 | 20.5 | 17.9 | 17.9 | 17.9 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.