- MTG DECKS (164)
mod akh-jeskai-turns
mod akh-life-production
mod akh-lock
mod akh-mono-blue-sun
mod akh-monoblue-for-the-win
mod akh-monoblue-splashed
mod akh-monou
mod akh-some-trash
mod akh-turns
mod akh-ub
mod akh-ur
mod akh-uw-enchantments
mod Amonkhet-owned
mod Zombies
sta grn-abzan
leg grn-all
sta grn-bg-1
sta grn-buy-my
mod grn-buy-my-2
sta grn-sultai
mod 4c-control
mod annointed-production
mod bw-control
mod esper-control
mod grixis-control
mod hou-mardu-vehicles
mod jeskai-control
mod monoblue
mod monoblue-white-splash
mod orzhov-control
mod abzan-midrange
mod aer-control
mod avacyn vehicles
mod bg-aer
mod Copy of avacyn vehicles
mod Copy of jund-midrange
mod jund-midrange
mod Mono-blue
mod Mono-blue75
mod some-tests
mod temur-tower
mod wb-control
mod white
mod found
mod fromAlexXln
mod ixalan-add
mod ixalan-buylist
mod ixalan-mono-u
mod ixl-naya-enrage
mod ixln-buy-1
mod xln-Grixis-control
mod xln-Grixis-control-Shota
mod xln-rest
mod xln-UB-control
mod xln-UB-control-esper
mod xln-ub-midrange
lantern builds
mod BBD
mod MTGOPPTQ(Lyserg)
mod MyBuild
mod PascalMaynard
mod SamBlack
sta buylist
mod 2020
mod 4c-Urza-Meriam
sta bant-ramp-vs-clover
sta bant-ramp-vs-monored
mod Barcelona
sta buy-november-202
sta cards
sta cards2
mod Charlie's angels
mod Copy of dom-constrictor
mod Copy of howtobuy
mod Copy of howtobuy
mod Copy of lantern control
leg Copy of phoenix-snap
leg Copy of phoenix-snap
mod Copy of sultai
mod Copy of Urza-v10
sta Copy of war
mod Copy of xln-Grixis-control-Shota
mod dfdf
mod dom-bg
mod dom-bg-2
mod dom-buy-3
mod dom-constrictor
mod dom-jund
sta dom-jund-2
sta dom-sultai
mod dominaria-buylist
mod dominaria-buylist-2
sta dominaria-buylist-3
sta draftsim
sta eld-buylist
mod fetchlands
mod From Dima
mod From Sasha
mod from-Dima-2
sta golgari-99
mod grixis-something
sta hou
mod howtobuy
sta jeskai-99
mod kci
mod lantern
leg legacy-delver
leg legacy-delver-2
leg legacy-MonoR-Prison
leg legacy-UR-delver
sta lich
sta m19
mod m19-lifegain
mod m19-tezzeret
leg mcq-02-06-2019
mod mill
mod modern buylist
mod modern-as-for-turns
mod modern-buy-12-2017
mod Modern-Urza
mod monored
leg monored-phoenix
sta november-2018-buy
mod order
mod order
leg phoenix-ptero
leg phoenix-pyro
leg phoenix-snap
leg phoenix-snap-2
leg phoenix-snap-3
mod removal.deck
mod RIX-buylist
mod rx-plus
sta scape
sta Some Modern Deck
mod Stone-Cat
mod sultai-midrange
mod to Sasha
mod turns
mod ug ramp
mod Urza-blade
mod Urza-new
mod Urza-v10
mod value
sta war
sta war-buylist
sta zzz
sta bant-ramp-main
sta bant-ramp-main-vs-red
sta bant-ramp-main-vs-temur-rec
sta bant-ramp-vs-bant-ramp-otp
sta bant-ramp-vs-jeskai-fires
sta bant-ramp-vs-sacrifice
sta bant-ramp-vs-temur-clover
sta bant-ramp-vs-uw-blink
sta bant-ramp-vs-uw-control
sta edh
sta rec

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 1 | 1 |
Percent | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.