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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Banishing Light
# 2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
# 3 Brave-Kin Duo
# 4 Brightblade Stoat
# 5 Builder's Talent
# 6 Caretaker's Talent
# 7 Carrot Cake
# 8 Crumb and Get It
# 9 Dawn's Truce
# 10 Dewdrop Cure
# 11 Driftgloom Coyote
# 12 Essence Channeler
# 13 Feather of Flight
# 14 Flowerfoot Swordmaster
# 15 Harvestrite Host
# 16 Hop to It
# 17 Intrepid Rabbit
# 18 Jackdaw Savior
# 19 Jolly Gerbils
# 20 Lifecreed Duo
# 21 Mabel's Mettle
# 22 Mouse Trapper
# 23 Nettle Guard
# 24 Parting Gust
# 25 Pileated Provisioner
# 26 Rabbit Response
# 27 Repel Calamity
# 28 Salvation Swan
# 29 Season of the Burrow
# 30 Seasoned Warrenguard
# 31 Shrike Force
# 32 Sonar Strike
# 33 Star Charter
# 34 Starfall Invocation
# 35 Thistledown Players
# 36 Valley Questcaller
# 37 Warren Elder
# 38 Warren Warleader
# 39 Wax-Wane Witness
# 40 Whiskervale Forerunner
# 41 Azure Beastbinder
# 42 Bellowing Crier
# 43 Calamitous Tide
# 44 Daring Waverider
# 45 Dazzling Denial
# 46 Dire Downdraft
# 47 Dour Port-Mage
# 48 Eddymurk Crab
# 49 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea
# 50 Finch Formation
# 51 Gossip's Talent
# 52 Into the Flood Maw
# 53 Kitnap
# 54 Kitsa, Otterball Elite
# 55 Knightfisher
# 56 Lightshell Duo
# 57 Long River Lurker
# 58 Long River's Pull
# 59 Mind Spiral
# 60 Mindwhisker
# 61 Mockingbird
# 62 Nightwhorl Hermit
# 63 Otterball Antics
# 64 Pearl of Wisdom
# 65 Plumecreed Escort
# 66 Portent of Calamity
# 67 Run Away Together
# 68 Season of Weaving
# 69 Shore Up
# 70 Shoreline Looter
# 71 Skyskipper Duo
# 72 Spellgyre
# 73 Splash Lasher
# 74 Splash Portal
# 75 Stormchaser's Talent
# 76 Sugar Coat
# 77 Thought Shucker
# 78 Thundertrap Trainer
# 79 Valley Floodcaller
# 80 Waterspout Warden
# 81 Wishing Well
# 82 Agate-Blade Assassin
# 83 Bandit's Talent
# 84 Bonebind Orator
# 85 Bonecache Overseer
# 86 Coiling Rebirth
# 87 Consumed by Greed
# 88 Cruelclaw's Heist
# 89 Daggerfang Duo
# 90 Darkstar Augur
# 91 Diresight
# 92 Downwind Ambusher
# 93 Early Winter
# 94 Feed the Cycle
# 95 Fell
# 96 Glidedive Duo
# 97 Hazel's Nocturne
# 98 Huskburster Swarm
# 99 Iridescent Vinelasher
# 100 Maha, Its Feathers Night
# 101 Moonstone Harbinger
# 102 Nocturnal Hunger
# 103 Osteomancer Adept
# 104 Persistent Marshstalker
# 105 Psychic Whorl
# 106 Ravine Raider
# 107 Rottenmouth Viper
# 108 Ruthless Negotiation
# 109 Savor
# 110 Scales of Shale
# 111 Scavenger's Talent
# 112 Season of Loss
# 113 Sinister Monolith
# 114 Stargaze
# 115 Starlit Soothsayer
# 116 Starscape Cleric
# 117 Thornplate Intimidator
# 118 Thought-Stalker Warlock
# 119 Valley Rotcaller
# 120 Wick, the Whorled Mind
# 121 Wick's Patrol
# 122 Agate Assault
# 123 Alania's Pathmaker
# 124 Artist's Talent
# 125 Blacksmith's Talent
# 126 Blooming Blast
# 127 Brambleguard Captain
# 128 Brazen Collector
# 129 Byway Barterer
# 130 Conduct Electricity
# 131 Coruscation Mage
# 132 Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest
# 133 Emberheart Challenger
# 134 Festival of Embers
# 135 Flamecache Gecko
# 136 Frilled Sparkshooter
# 137 Harnesser of Storms
# 138 Heartfire Hero
# 139 Hearthborn Battler
# 140 Hired Claw
# 141 Hoarder's Overflow
# 142 Kindlespark Duo
# 143 Manifold Mouse
# 144 Might of the Meek
# 145 Playful Shove
# 146 Quaketusk Boar
# 147 Rabid Gnaw
# 148 Raccoon Rallier
# 149 Reptilian Recruiter
# 150 Roughshod Duo
# 151 Sazacap's Brew
# 152 Season of the Bold
# 153 Steampath Charger
# 154 Stormsplitter
# 155 Sunspine Lynx
# 156 Take Out the Trash
# 157 Teapot Slinger
# 158 Valley Flamecaller
# 159 Valley Rally
# 160 War Squeak
# 161 Whiskerquill Scribe
# 162 Wildfire Howl
# 163 Bakersbane Duo
# 164 Bark-Knuckle Boxer
# 165 Brambleguard Veteran
# 166 Bushy Bodyguard
# 167 Cache Grab
# 168 Clifftop Lookout
# 169 Curious Forager
# 170 Druid of the Spade
# 171 Fecund Greenshell
# 172 For the Common Good
# 173 Galewind Moose
# 174 Hazardroot Herbalist
# 175 Heaped Harvest
# 176 High Stride
# 177 Hivespine Wolverine
# 178 Honored Dreyleader
# 179 Hunter's Talent
# 180 Innkeeper's Talent
# 181 Keen-Eyed Curator
# 182 Longstalk Brawl
# 183 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods
# 184 Mistbreath Elder
# 185 Overprotect
# 186 Pawpatch Formation
# 187 Pawpatch Recruit
# 188 Peerless Recycling
# 189 Polliwallop
# 190 Rust-Shield Rampager
# 191 Scrapshooter
# 192 Season of Gathering
# 193 Stickytongue Sentinel
# 194 Stocking the Pantry
# 195 Sunshower Druid
# 196 Tender Wildguide
# 197 Thornvault Forager
# 198 Three Tree Rootweaver
# 199 Three Tree Scribe
# 200 Treeguard Duo
# 201 Treetop Sentries
# 202 Valley Mightcaller
# 203 Wear Down
# 204 Alania, Divergent Storm
# 205 Baylen, the Haymaker
# 206 Burrowguard Mentor
# 207 Camellia, the Seedmiser
# 208 Cindering Cutthroat
# 209 Clement, the Worrywort
# 210 Corpseberry Cultivator
# 211 Dreamdew Entrancer
# 212 Finneas, Ace Archer
# 213 Fireglass Mentor
# 214 Gev, Scaled Scorch
# 215 Glarb, Calamity's Augur
# 216 Head of the Homestead
# 217 Helga, Skittish Seer
# 218 Hugs, Grisly Guardian
# 219 The Infamous Cruelclaw
# 220 Junkblade Bruiser
# 221 Kastral, the Windcrested
# 222 Lilysplash Mentor
# 223 Lunar Convocation
# 224 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame
# 225 Mind Drill Assailant
# 226 Moonrise Cleric
# 227 Muerra, Trash Tactician
# 228 Plumecreed Mentor
# 229 Pond Prophet
# 230 Ral, Crackling Wit
# 231 Seedglaive Mentor
# 232 Seedpod Squire
# 233 Starseer Mentor
# 234 Stormcatch Mentor
# 235 Tempest Angler
# 236 Tidecaller Mentor
# 237 Veteran Guardmouse
# 238 Vinereap Mentor
# 239 Vren, the Relentless
# 240 Wandertale Mentor
# 241 Ygra, Eater of All
# 242 Zoraline, Cosmos Caller
# 243 Barkform Harvester
# 244 Bumbleflower's Sharepot
# 245 Fountainport Bell
# 246 Heirloom Epic
# 247 Patchwork Banner
# 248 Short Bow
# 249 Starforged Sword
# 250 Tangle Tumbler
# 251 Three Tree Mascot
# 252 Fabled Passage
# 253 Fountainport
# 254 Hidden Grotto
# 255 Lilypad Village
# 256 Lupinflower Village
# 257 Mudflat Village
# 258 Oakhollow Village
# 259 Rockface Village
# 260 Three Tree City
# 261 Uncharted Haven
# 262 Plains
# 263 Plains
# 264 Plains
# 265 Plains
# 266 Island
# 267 Island
# 268 Island
# 269 Island
# 270 Swamp
# 271 Swamp
# 272 Swamp
# 273 Swamp
# 274 Mountain
# 275 Mountain
# 276 Mountain
# 277 Mountain
# 278 Forest
# 279 Forest
# 280 Forest
# 281 Forest
# 282 Season of the Burrow
# 283 Season of Weaving
# 284 Season of Loss
# 285 Season of the Bold
# 286 Season of Gathering
# 287 Beza, the Bounding Spring
# 288 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea
# 289 Maha, Its Feathers Night
# 290 Rottenmouth Viper
# 291 Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest
# 292 Sunspine Lynx
# 293 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods
# 294 Ygra, Eater of All
# 295 Dawn's Truce
# 296 Jackdaw Savior
# 297 Salvation Swan
# 298 Starfall Invocation
# 299 Valley Questcaller
# 300 Warren Warleader
# 301 Whiskervale Forerunner
# 302 Azure Beastbinder
# 303 Dour Port-Mage
# 304 Kitsa, Otterball Elite
# 305 Mockingbird
# 306 Portent of Calamity
# 307 Thundertrap Trainer
# 308 Valley Floodcaller
# 309 Coiling Rebirth
# 310 Cruelclaw's Heist
# 311 Darkstar Augur
# 312 Osteomancer Adept
# 313 Valley Rotcaller
# 314 Wick, the Whorled Mind
# 315 Emberheart Challenger
# 316 Festival of Embers
# 317 Hired Claw
# 318 Manifold Mouse
# 319 Stormsplitter
# 320 Valley Flamecaller
# 321 For the Common Good
# 322 Keen-Eyed Curator
# 323 Mistbreath Elder
# 324 Scrapshooter
# 325 Tender Wildguide
# 326 Valley Mightcaller
# 327 Alania, Divergent Storm
# 328 Camellia, the Seedmiser
# 329 Clement, the Worrywort
# 330 Finneas, Ace Archer
# 331 Glarb, Calamity's Augur
# 332 Helga, Skittish Seer
# 333 Hugs, Grisly Guardian
# 334 The Infamous Cruelclaw
# 335 Kastral, the Windcrested
# 336 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame
# 337 Three Tree City
# 338 Three Tree City
# 339 Three Tree City
# 340 Three Tree City
# 341 Ral, Crackling Wit
# 342 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods
# 343 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods
# 344 Alania, Divergent Storm
# 345 Baylen, the Haymaker
# 346 Camellia, the Seedmiser
# 347 Clement, the Worrywort
# 348 Finneas, Ace Archer
# 349 Gev, Scaled Scorch
# 350 Kastral, the Windcrested
# 351 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame
# 352 Muerra, Trash Tactician
# 353 Ral, Crackling Wit
# 354 Vren, the Relentless
# 355 Zoraline, Cosmos Caller
# 356 Essence Channeler
# 357 Kitnap
# 358 Wishing Well
# 359 Iridescent Vinelasher
# 360 Byway Barterer
# 361 Hearthborn Battler
# 362 Fecund Greenshell
# 363 Pawpatch Recruit
# 364 Thornvault Forager
# 365 Dreamdew Entrancer
# 366 Lunar Convocation
# 367 Fabled Passage
# 368 Fountainport
# 369 Plains
# 370 Plains
# 371 Island
# 372 Island
# 373 Swamp
# 374 Swamp
# 375 Mountain
# 376 Mountain
# 377 Forest
# 378 Forest
# 379 Bria, Riptide Rogue
# 380 Byrke, Long Ear of the Law
# 381 Hop to It
# 382 Shoreline Looter
# 383 Fell
# 384 Wear Down
# 385 Stormcatch Mentor
# 386 Thundertrap Trainer
# 387 Serra Redeemer
# 388 Charmed Sleep
# 389 Mind Spring
# 390 Thieving Otter
# 391 Flame Lash
# 392 Colossification
# 393 Giant Growth
# 394 Rabid Bite
# 395 Sword of Vengeance
# 396 Blossoming Sands
# 397 Swiftwater Cliffs