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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Ballyrush Banneret
# 2 Battletide Alchemist
# 3 Burrenton Bombardier
# 4 Burrenton Shield-Bearers
# 5 Cenn's Tactician
# 6 Changeling Sentinel
# 7 Coordinated Barrage
# 8 Daily Regimen
# 9 Feudkiller's Verdict
# 10 Forfend
# 11 Graceful Reprieve
# 12 Idyllic Tutor
# 13 Indomitable Ancients
# 14 Kinsbaile Borderguard
# 15 Kinsbaile Cavalier
# 16 Kithkin Zephyrnaut
# 17 Meadowboon
# 18 Mosquito Guard
# 19 Order of the Golden Cricket
# 20 Preeminent Captain
# 21 Redeem the Lost
# 22 Reveillark
# 23 Shinewend
# 24 Stonehewer Giant
# 25 Stonybrook Schoolmaster
# 26 Swell of Courage
# 27 Wandering Graybeard
# 28 Weight of Conscience
# 29 Declaration of Naught
# 30 Dewdrop Spy
# 31 Disperse
# 32 Distant Melody
# 33 Fencer Clique
# 34 Floodchaser
# 35 Grimoire Thief
# 36 Ink Dissolver
# 37 Inspired Sprite
# 38 Knowledge Exploitation
# 39 Latchkey Faerie
# 40 Merrow Witsniper
# 41 Mind Spring
# 42 Mothdust Changeling
# 43 Negate
# 44 Nevermaker
# 45 Notorious Throng
# 46 Research the Deep
# 47 Sage of Fables
# 48 Sage's Dousing
# 49 Sigil Tracer
# 50 Slithermuse
# 51 Stonybrook Banneret
# 52 Stream of Unconsciousness
# 53 Supreme Exemplar
# 54 Thieves' Fortune
# 55 Vendilion Clique
# 56 Waterspout Weavers
# 57 Auntie's Snitch
# 58 Bitterblossom
# 59 Blightsoil Druid
# 60 Earwig Squad
# 61 Fendeep Summoner
# 62 Festercreep
# 63 Final-Sting Faerie
# 64 Frogtosser Banneret
# 65 Maralen of the Mornsong
# 66 Mind Shatter
# 67 Moonglove Changeling
# 68 Morsel Theft
# 69 Nightshade Schemers
# 70 Noggin Whack
# 71 Offalsnout
# 72 Oona's Blackguard
# 73 Pack's Disdain
# 74 Prickly Boggart
# 75 Pulling Teeth
# 76 Revive the Fallen
# 77 Scarblade Elite
# 78 Squeaking Pie Grubfellows
# 79 Stenchskipper
# 80 Stinkdrinker Bandit
# 81 Violet Pall
# 82 Warren Weirding
# 83 Weed-Pruner Poplar
# 84 Weirding Shaman
# 85 Boldwyr Heavyweights
# 86 Boldwyr Intimidator
# 87 Borderland Behemoth
# 88 Brighthearth Banneret
# 89 Countryside Crusher
# 90 Fire Juggler
# 91 Hostile Realm
# 92 Kindled Fury
# 93 Lightning Crafter
# 94 Lunk Errant
# 95 Mudbutton Clanger
# 96 Pyroclast Consul
# 97 Rage Forger
# 98 Release the Ants
# 99 Rivals' Duel
# 100 Roar of the Crowd
# 101 Seething Pathblazer
# 102 Sensation Gorger
# 103 Shard Volley
# 104 Shared Animosity
# 105 Spitebellows
# 106 Stingmoggie
# 107 Stomping Slabs
# 108 Sunflare Shaman
# 109 Taurean Mauler
# 110 Titan's Revenge
# 111 Vengeful Firebrand
# 112 War-Spike Changeling
# 113 Ambassador Oak
# 114 Bosk Banneret
# 115 Bramblewood Paragon
# 116 Chameleon Colossus
# 117 Cream of the Crop
# 118 Deglamer
# 119 Earthbrawn
# 120 Elvish Warrior
# 121 Everbark Shaman
# 122 Fertilid
# 123 Game-Trail Changeling
# 124 Gilt-Leaf Archdruid
# 125 Greatbow Doyen
# 126 Heritage Druid
# 127 Hunting Triad
# 128 Leaf-Crowned Elder
# 129 Luminescent Rain
# 130 Lys Alana Bowmaster
# 131 Orchard Warden
# 132 Reach of Branches
# 133 Recross the Paths
# 134 Reins of the Vinesteed
# 135 Rhys the Exiled
# 136 Scapeshift
# 137 Unstoppable Ash
# 138 Walker of the Grove
# 139 Winnower Patrol
# 140 Wolf-Skull Shaman
# 141 Cloak and Dagger
# 142 Diviner's Wand
# 143 Door of Destinies
# 144 Obsidian Battle-Axe
# 145 Thornbite Staff
# 146 Veteran's Armaments
# 147 Murmuring Bosk
# 148 Mutavault
# 149 Primal Beyond
# 150 Rustic Clachan