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4874 total results       Page 1 of 10 Next Last
# Name  Mana Rarity $
# 1 Abolish
# 58 Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor
# 73 About Face
# 83 Abrade
# 114 Abrade
# 57 Abrupt Decay
# 126 Absorb Vis
# 156 Abundant Growth
# 1 Abzan Battle Priest
# 119 Abzan Beastmaster
# 177 Abzan Charm
# 2 Abzan Falconer
# 162 Abzan Guide
# 3 Abzan Runemark
# 20 Academy Elite
# 41 Academy Journeymage
# 219 Academy Manufactor
# 309 Academy Ruins
# 1 Accorder Paladin
# 85 Accursed Spirit
# 127 Acidic Slime
# 172 Acidic Soil
# 241 Acorn Catapult
# 44 Acquisition Octopus
# 1 Acrobatic Maneuver
# 91 Act of Treason
# 126 Act on Impulse
# 2 Adamant Will
# 1 Adanto Vanguard
# 1 Adarkar Valkyrie
# 190 Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
# 217 Admiral Beckett Brass
# 2 Adorned Pouncer
# 153 Adventurous Impulse
# 2 Aerial Responder
# 170 Aerie Bowmasters
# 365 Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait
# 242 Aether Hub
# 37 Aether Snap
# 196 Aether Spellbomb
# 38 Aether Tradewinds
# 91 Aether Vial
# 192 Aetherflux Reservoir
# 36 Aetherize
# 39 Aethersnipe
# 14 Affa Protector
# 121 Affectionate Indrik
# 1 Afterlife
# 160 Aftershock
# 1 Against All Odds
# 54 Agent of Acquisitions
# 34 Aggressive Instinct
# 122 Aggressive Urge
# 150 Agony Warp
# 117 Ahn-Crop Crasher
# 76 Aid the Fallen
# 3 Ainok Bond-Kin
# 172 Ainok Survivalist
# 96 Ainok Tracker
# 31 Air Elemental
# 2 Ajani, Strength of the Pride
# 184 Ajani, the Greathearted
# 4 Ajani's Last Stand
# 4 Ajani's Pridemate
# 6 Ajani's Welcome
# 33 Akki Coalflinger
# 238 Akoum Refuge
# 197 Akroan Hoplite
# 241 Akroan Horse
# 2 Akroan Phalanx
# 130 Akroan Sergeant
# 1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath
# 159 Akroma's Memorial
# 1 Alabaster Dragon
# 116 Alchemist's Greeting
# 225 Alchemist's Refuge
# 47 Alchemist's Retrieval
# 220 Alchemist's Vial
# 324 Alela, Artful Provocateur
# 160 Alena, Kessig Trapper
# 90 Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
# 60 Alesha's Vanguard
# 221 Alhammarret's Archive
# 4 Alharu, Solemn Ritualist
# 1 All Is Dust
# 81 All Suns' Dawn
# 2 All That Glitters
# 6 Alley Evasion
# 52 Alley Strangler
# 4 Alliance of Arms
# 101 Allosaurus Rider
# 201 Alloy Myr
# 141 Alluring Scent
# 1 Alms Collector
# 77 Alpha Kavu
# 127 Alpine Grizzly
# 128 Alpine Moon
# 1 Alseid of Life's Bounty
# 231 Altar of the Pantheon
# 37 Altar's Reap
# 1 Always Watching
# 41 Amass the Components
# 158 Ambassador Oak
# 292 Amber Prison
# 113 Ambition's Cost
# 72 Ambitious Aetherborn
# 1 Ambush Commander
# 169 Aminatou, the Fateshifter
# 6 Aminatou's Augury
# 51 Amoeboid Changeling
# 269 Amoeboid Changeling
# 45 Amphin Pathmage
# 121 Amulet of Vigor
# 51 An Offer You Can't Refuse
# 74 Ana Sanctuary
# 173 Anarchist
# 186 Anax and Cymede
# 264 Anax, Hardened in the Forge
# 125 Anax, Hardened in the Forge
# 12 Ancestor Dragon
# 3 Ancestor's Prophet
# 3 Ancestral Blade
# 157 Ancestral Mask
# 229 Ancestral Mask
# 40 Ancestral Memories
# 61 Ancestral Vengeance
# 175 Ancient Brontodon
# 62 Ancient Craving
# 278 Ancient Den
# 38 Ancient Excavation
# 88 Ancient Grudge
# 76 Ancient Hydra
# 230 Ancient Lumberknot
# 168 Ancient Silverback
# 96 Ancient Spider
# 159 Ancient Stirrings
# 315 Ancient Tomb
# 141 Ancient Ziggurat
# 1 Angel
# 1 Angel
# 196 Angel of Despair
# 2 Angel of Destiny
# 3 Angel of Light
# 6 Angel of Mercy
# 18 Angel of Renewal
# 58 Angel of Serenity
# 1 Angel of Serenity
# 1 Angel of the Dire Hour
# 4 Angel of Vitality
# 3 Angel's Grace
# 121 Angel's Trumpet
# 215 Angelheart Vial
# 3 Angelic Accord
# 2 Angelic Blessing
# 3 Angelic Destiny
# 2 Angelic Exaltation
# 1 Angelic Favor
# 13 Angelic Field Marshal
# 88 Angelic Gift
# 4 Angelic Page
# 2 Angelic Protector
# 3 Angelic Purge
# 228 Angelic Shield
# 15 Angelsong
# 122 Anger
# 77 Anger
# 116 Anger of the Gods
# 227 Angrath, Captain of Chaos
# 242 Animal Sanctuary
# 196 Animar, Soul of Elements
# 78 Animate Dead
# 63 Annex
# 79 Annihilate
# 2 Anointed Procession
# 3 Anointer Priest
# 44 Anticipate
# 10 Ape
# 64 Aphetto Alchemist
# 59 Aphetto Exterminator
# 55 Aphotic Wisps
# 8 Apostle's Blessing
# 84 Apprentice Necromancer
# 32 Apprentice Sorcerer
# 4 Approach of the Second Sun
# 39 Aqueous Form
# 118 Arachnus Web
# 155 Arbor Armament
# 160 Arbor Elf
# 174 Arc Lightning
# 39 Arc Trail
# 212 Arcades, the Strategist
# 30 Arcane Denial
# 60 Arcane Laboratory
# 29 Arcane Melee
# 232 Arcane Sanctum
# 234 Arcane Signet
# 331 Arcane Signet
# 157 Arcane Signet
# 223 Arcane Signet
# 78 Arcane Teachings
# 42 Arcanis the Omnipotent
# 3 Arcbound Mouser
# 99 Arcbound Overseer
# 102 Arcbound Slith
# 185 Arch of Orazca
# 81 Archaeomancer
# 12 Archaeomancer's Map
# 5 Archangel
# 4 Archangel of Tithes
# 88 Archetype of Aggression
# 116 Archetype of Endurance
# 58 Archetype of Finality
# 81 Archetype of Imagination
# 74 Archfiend of Sorrows
# 17 Architects of Will
# 41 Archive Trap
# 4 Archivist of Oghma
# 37 Archmage Emeritus
# 3 Archon of Absolution
# 3 Archway Angel
# 263 Archway Commons
# 220 Arcum's Astrolabe
# 128 Ardent Elementalist
# 1 Ardent Plea
# 198 Argentum Armor
# 6 Argivian Find
# 69 Argivian Restoration
# 233 Argothian Elder
# 167 Argothian Opportunist
# 243 Arlinn Kord // Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
# 211 Arlinn, the Pack's Hope // Arlinn, the Moon's Fury
# 150 Arlinn, Voice of the Pack
# 195 Armadillo Cloak
# 165 Armament Corps
# 203 Armillary Sphere
# 144 Armorcraft Judge
# 2 Armored Ascension
# 172 Arms Dealer
# 126 Army Ants
# 9 Arrest
# 4 Arrester's Zeal
# 79 Arrogant Vampire
# 120 Arrogant Wurm
# 98 Arrow Storm
# 4 Artful Maneuver
# 44 Artificer's Assistant
# 79 Artillerize
# 14 Artisan of Kozilek
# 110 Asceticism
# 235 Ash Barrens
# 7 Ashaya, the Awoken World
# 218 Ashnod's Altar
# 186 Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar
# 80 Assassin's Blade
# 155 Assault Formation
# 142 Assemble the Legion
# 128 Atarka Efreet
# 146 Athreos, God of Passage
# 176 Atraxa's Fall
# 66 Attempted Murder
# 84 Audacious Thief
# 168 Augur of Autumn
# 30 Augur of Bolas
# 63 Augur of Skulls
# 14 Augury Owl
# 94 Aura Barbs
# 128 Aura Gnarlid
# 60 Aura of Silence
# 182 Aura Shards
# 233 Aura Shards
# 26 Aura Thief
# 34 Auramancer's Guise
# 144 Aurelia's Fury
# 9 Auriok Champion
# 3 Austere Command
# 56 Austere Command
# 5 Authority of the Consuls
# 119 Avacyn's Pilgrim
# 74 Avalanche Riders
# 117 Avarax
# 6 Aven Battle Priest
# 63 Aven Fisher
# 4 Aven Liberator
# 5 Aven Mindcensor
# 1 Aven Riftwatcher
# 3 Aven Sentry
# 3 Aven Squire
# 96 Avenger of Zendikar
# 105 Avenging Druid
# 4 Avian Changeling
# 101 Awakening
# 115 Axebane Guardian
# 121 Axgard Cavalry
# 151 Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
# 176 Azor's Gateway // Sanctum of the Sun
# 192 Azorius Charm
# 243 Azorius Guildgate
# 2 Azorius Herald
# 55 Azra Bladeseeker
# 75 Azra Oddsmaker
# 234 Backlash
# 150 Backwoods Survivalists
# 89 Bad Deal
# 48 Bad Moon
# 48 Bad Moon
# 1 Baffling End
# 4 Baird, Steward of Argive
# 76 Bake into a Pie
# 180 Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary
# 79 Bala Ged Scorpion
# 2 Balance
# 41 Balance of Power
# 345 Baldur's Gate
# 120 Balduvian Horde
# 76 Balduvian Rage
# 77 Balduvian Warlord
# 129 Balefire Dragon
# 132 Balefire Liege
# 79 Baleful Ammit
# 64 Baleful Mastery
# 82 Baleful Strix
# 3 Ballynock Cohort
# 156 Baloth Gorger
# 197 Baloth Null
# 157 Baloth Woodcrasher
# 80 Balustrade Spy
# 175 Bane of Progress
# 7 Banisher Priest
# 5 Banishing Light
# 3 Banishing Slash
# 7 Banishing Stroke
# 306 Baral, Chief of Compliance
# 313 Barbarian Ring
# 121 Barbed Batterfist
# 5 Barbed Spike
# 92 Barging Sergeant
# 251 Barkchannel Pathway // Tidechannel Pathway
# 100 Barrage of Boulders
# 61 Barrow Ghoul
# 77 Barrow Witches
# 57 Barter in Blood
# 6 Bartered Cow
# 62 Bartizan Bats
# 216 Basilisk Collar
# 233 Basilisk Collar
# 2 Basking Rootwalla
# 8 Basri's Acolyte
# 10 Basri's Solidarity
# 117 Bassara Tower Archer
# 30 Bastion Inventor
# 73 Bastion of Remembrance
# 130 Batterskull
# 132 Battle Cry Goblin
# 89 Battle Mastery
# 44 Battle of Wits
# 165 Battle Rampart
# 3 Battle Screech
# 118 Battle Squadron
# 80 Battle-Rage Blessing
# 40 Battle-Rattle Shaman
# 7 Battleflight Eagle
# 197 Battlewand Oak
# 43 Battlewing Mystic
# 81 Batwing Brume
# 1 Beacon of Immortality
# 77 Beacon of Unrest
# 295 Beanstalk Giant // Fertile Footsteps //
# 123 Bear Cub
# 167 Bear's Companion
# 1 Beast
# 230 Beast Attack
# 123 Beast Whisperer
# 190 Beast Within
# 103 Beast Within
# 10 Beastbreaker of Bala Ged
# 92 Beastmaster Ascension
# 159 Beastmaster Ascension
# 123 Beck // Call //
# 130 Become Immense
# 175 Bedlam
# 40 Beetleback Chief
# 309 Befuddle
# 126 Belbe's Armor
# 127 Belbe's Portal
# 29 Belfry Spirit
# 218 Belligerent Brontodon
# 4 Bellowing Aegisaur
# 111 Bellowing Tanglewurm
# 132 Bellows Lizard
# 46 Belltoll Dragon
# 11 Beloved Chaplain
# 8 Benalish Infantry
# 111 Beneath the Sands
# 3 Benediction of Moons
# 12 Benevolent Ancestor
# 5 Benevolent Bodyguard
# 113 Benthic Giant
# 55 Benthic Infiltrator
# 47 Berg Strider
# 130 Berserkers' Onslaught
# 57 Beseech the Queen
# 49 Besmirch
# 141 Bestial Menace
# 58 Betrayal of Flesh
# 43 Bewilder
# 102 Big Score
# 123 Biogenic Upgrade
# 213 Biomass Mutation
# 146 Biovisionary
# 176 Birds of Paradise
# 221 Birthing Boughs
# 91 Bishop of the Bloodstained
# 8 Bishop of Wings
# 127 Bitter Reunion
# 65 Bitter Revelation
# 157 Bitterblade Warrior
# 112 Bitterbow Sharpshooters
# 83 Bituminous Blast
# 86 Black Cat
# 347 Black Dragon Gate
# 85 Black Knight
# 98 Black Market
# 8 Blackblade Reforged
# 1 Blade Instructor
# 88 Blade Sliver
# 86 Bladebrand
# 105 Blades of Velis Vel
# 193 Bladewing the Risen
# 55 Bladewing's Thrall
# 169 Blanchwood Armor
# 172 Blanchwood Prowler
# 162 Blasphemous Act
# 238 Blasted Landscape
# 130 Blastfire Bolt
# 107 Blasting Station
# 7 Blastoderm
# 8 Blatant Thievery
# 118 Blaze
# 123 Blazing Crescendo
# 96 Blazing Shoal
# 119 Blazing Volley
# 55 Bleak Coven Vampires
# 156 Blessed Defiance
# 2 Blessed Reversal
# 7 Blessed Spirits
# 77 Blessing of Belzenlok
# 62 Blessing of Leeches
# 112 Blight Mamba
# 247 Blight Sickle
# 87 Blightbeetle
# 29 Blighted Agent
# 80 Blighted Bat
# 230 Blighted Fen
# 198 Blightning
# 80 Blightsoil Druid
# 235 Blightsteel Colossus
# 252 Blightstep Pathway // Searstep Pathway
# 77 Blightwidow
# 114 Blindblast
# 202 Blinding Souleater
# 46 Blink of an Eye
# 40 Blistergrub
# 99 Blood Artist
# 153 Blood Clock
# 171 Blood Crypt
# 75 Blood Curdle
# 95 Blood Fountain
# 164 Blood Frenzy
# 115 Blood Knight
# 122 Blood Moon
# 41 Blood Ogre
# 88 Blood Pact
# 109 Blood Pet
# 101 Blood Rites
# 103 Blood Speaker
# 84 Bloodbraid Elf
# 82 Bloodchief Ascension
# 94 Bloodchief's Thirst
# 101 Bloodfire Expert
# 83 Bloodghast
# 83 Bloodied Ghost
# 235 Bloodline Pretender
# 82 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
# 120 Bloodlust Inciter
# 146 Bloodmad Vampire
# 40 Bloodmark Mentor
# 45 Bloodrite Invoker
# 115 Bloodstone Goblin
# 22 Bloodsworn Steward
# 91 Bloodthirsty Aerialist
# 98 Bloodthrone Vampire
# 232 Bloodtithe Harvester
# 154 Bloom Hulk
# 66 Bloom Tender
# 178 Blossom Dryad
# 175 Blossom Prancer
# 146 Blossoming Defense
# 237 Blossoming Sands
# 12 Blot Out
# 114 Blow Your House Down
4874 total results       Page 1 of 10 Next Last