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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Divine Verdict
# 2 Glory Seeker
# 3 Serra Angel
# 4 Standing Troops
# 5 Stormfront Pegasus
# 6 Victory's Herald
# 7 Air Elemental
# 8 Coral Merfolk
# 9 Drag Under
# 10 Inspiration
# 11 Sleep Paralysis
# 12 Sphinx of Magosi
# 13 Stealer of Secrets
# 14 Tricks of the Trade
# 15 Bloodhunter Bat
# 16 Certain Death
# 17 Nightmare
# 18 Raise Dead
# 19 Sengir Vampire
# 20 Untamed Hunger
# 21 Falkenrath Reaver
# 22 Shivan Dragon
# 23 Thundering Giant
# 24 Garruk's Horde
# 25 Oakenform
# 26 Rabid Bite
# 27 Rootwalla
# 28 Stalking Tiger
# 29 Stampeding Rhino
# 30 Wing Snare