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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Geist of Saint Traft
# 2 Bonds of Faith
# 3 Cathedral Sanctifier
# 4 Champion of the Parish
# 5 Chapel Geist
# 6 Dearly Departed
# 7 Doomed Traveler
# 8 Eerie Interlude
# 9 Elder Cathar
# 10 Emancipation Angel
# 11 Fiend Hunter
# 12 Gather the Townsfolk
# 13 Goldnight Redeemer
# 14 Increasing Devotion
# 15 Momentary Blink
# 16 Moorland Inquisitor
# 17 Rebuke
# 18 Slayer of the Wicked
# 19 Spectral Gateguards
# 20 Thraben Heretic
# 21 Topplegeist
# 22 Village Bell-Ringer
# 23 Voice of the Provinces
# 24 Captain of the Mists
# 25 Gryff Vanguard
# 26 Mist Raven
# 27 Nephalia Smuggler
# 28 Pore Over the Pages
# 29 Tandem Lookout
# 30 Tower Geist
# 31 Butcher's Cleaver
# 32 Sharpened Pitchfork
# 33 Seraph Sanctuary
# 34 Tranquil Cove
# 35 Island
# 36 Island
# 37 Island
# 38 Plains
# 39 Plains
# 40 Plains
# 41 Mindwrack Demon
# 42 Compelling Deterrence
# 43 Forbidden Alchemy
# 44 Havengul Runebinder
# 45 Makeshift Mauler
# 46 Relentless Skaabs
# 47 Scrapskin Drake
# 48 Screeching Skaab
# 49 Stitched Drake
# 50 Abattoir Ghoul
# 51 Appetite for Brains
# 52 Barter in Blood
# 53 Butcher Ghoul
# 54 Diregraf Ghoul
# 55 Dread Return
# 56 Driver of the Dead
# 57 Falkenrath Noble
# 58 Ghoulraiser
# 59 Gravecrawler
# 60 Harvester of Souls
# 61 Human Frailty
# 62 Moan of the Unhallowed
# 63 Sever the Bloodline
# 64 Tooth Collector
# 65 Tribute to Hunger
# 66 Unbreathing Horde
# 67 Victim of Night
# 68 Diregraf Captain
# 69 Cobbled Wings
# 70 Dismal Backwater
# 71 Island
# 72 Island
# 73 Island
# 74 Swamp
# 75 Swamp
# 76 Swamp
# 77 Angel
# 78 Human
# 79 Spirit
# 80 Zombie