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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Absolute Grace
# 2 Absolute Law
# 3 Angelic Chorus
# 4 Angelic Page
# 5 Brilliant Halo
# 6 Catastrophe
# 7 Clear
# 8 Congregate
# 9 Defensive Formation
# 10 Disciple of Grace
# 11 Disciple of Law
# 12 Disenchant
# 13 Elite Archers
# 14 Faith Healer
# 15 Glorious Anthem
# 16 Healing Salve
# 17 Herald of Serra
# 18 Humble
# 19 Intrepid Hero
# 20 Monk Idealist
# 21 Monk Realist
# 22 Opal Acrolith
# 23 Opal Archangel
# 24 Opal Caryatid
# 25 Opal Gargoyle
# 26 Opal Titan
# 27 Pacifism
# 28 Pariah
# 29 Path of Peace
# 30 Pegasus Charger
# 31 Planar Birth
# 32 Presence of the Master
# 33 Redeem
# 34 Remembrance
# 35 Rune of Protection: Artifacts
# 36 Rune of Protection: Black
# 37 Rune of Protection: Blue
# 38 Rune of Protection: Green
# 39 Rune of Protection: Lands
# 40 Rune of Protection: Red
# 41 Rune of Protection: White
# 42 Sanctum Custodian
# 43 Sanctum Guardian
# 44 Seasoned Marshal
# 45 Serra Avatar
# 46 Serra Zealot
# 47 Serra's Embrace
# 48 Serra's Hymn
# 49 Serra's Liturgy
# 50 Shimmering Barrier
# 51 Silent Attendant
# 52 Songstitcher
# 53 Soul Sculptor
# 54 Voice of Grace
# 55 Voice of Law
# 56 Waylay
# 57 Worship
# 58 Academy Researchers
# 59 Annul
# 60 Arcane Laboratory
# 61 Attunement
# 62 Back to Basics
# 63 Barrin, Master Wizard
# 64 Catalog
# 65 Cloak of Mists
# 66 Confiscate
# 67 Coral Merfolk
# 68 Curfew
# 69 Disruptive Student
# 70 Douse
# 71 Drifting Djinn
# 72 Enchantment Alteration
# 73 Energy Field
# 74 Exhaustion
# 75 Fog Bank
# 76 Gilded Drake
# 77 Great Whale
# 78 Hermetic Study
# 79 Hibernation
# 80 Horseshoe Crab
# 81 Imaginary Pet
# 82 Launch
# 83 Lilting Refrain
# 84 Lingering Mirage
# 85 Morphling
# 86 Pendrell Drake
# 87 Pendrell Flux
# 88 Peregrine Drake
# 89 Power Sink
# 90 Power Taint
# 91 Recantation
# 92 Rescind
# 93 Rewind
# 94 Sandbar Merfolk
# 95 Sandbar Serpent
# 96 Show and Tell
# 97 Somnophore
# 98 Spire Owl
# 99 Stern Proctor
# 100 Stroke of Genius
# 101 Sunder
# 102 Telepathy
# 103 Time Spiral
# 104 Tolarian Winds
# 105 Turnabout
# 106 Veil of Birds
# 107 Veiled Apparition
# 108 Veiled Crocodile
# 109 Veiled Sentry
# 110 Veiled Serpent
# 111 Windfall
# 112 Wizard Mentor
# 113 Zephid
# 114 Zephid's Embrace
# 115 Abyssal Horror
# 116 Befoul
# 117 Bereavement
# 118 Blood Vassal
# 119 Bog Raiders
# 120 Breach
# 121 Cackling Fiend
# 122 Carrion Beetles
# 123 Contamination
# 124 Corrupt
# 125 Crazed Skirge
# 126 Dark Hatchling
# 127 Dark Ritual
# 128 Darkest Hour
# 129 Despondency
# 130 Diabolic Servitude
# 131 Discordant Dirge
# 132 Duress
# 133 Eastern Paladin
# 134 Exhume
# 135 Expunge
# 136 Flesh Reaver
# 137 Hollow Dogs
# 138 Ill-Gotten Gains
# 139 Looming Shade
# 140 Lurking Evil
# 141 Mana Leech
# 142 No Rest for the Wicked
# 143 Oppression
# 144 Order of Yawgmoth
# 145 Parasitic Bond
# 146 Persecute
# 147 Pestilence
# 148 Phyrexian Ghoul
# 149 Planar Void
# 150 Priest of Gix
# 151 Rain of Filth
# 152 Ravenous Skirge
# 153 Reclusive Wight
# 154 Reprocess
# 155 Sanguine Guard
# 156 Sicken
# 157 Skirge Familiar
# 158 Skittering Skirge
# 159 Sleeper Agent
# 160 Spined Fluke
# 161 Tainted Aether
# 162 Unnerve
# 163 Unworthy Dead
# 164 Vampiric Embrace
# 165 Vebulid
# 166 Victimize
# 167 Vile Requiem
# 168 Western Paladin
# 169 Witch Engine
# 170 Yawgmoth's Edict
# 171 Yawgmoth's Will
# 172 Acidic Soil
# 173 Antagonism
# 174 Arc Lightning
# 175 Bedlam
# 176 Brand
# 177 Bravado
# 178 Bulwark
# 179 Crater Hellion
# 180 Destructive Urge
# 181 Disorder
# 182 Dromosaur
# 183 Electryte
# 184 Falter
# 185 Fault Line
# 186 Fiery Mantle
# 187 Fire Ants
# 188 Gamble
# 189 Goblin Cadets
# 190 Goblin Lackey
# 191 Goblin Matron
# 192 Goblin Offensive
# 193 Goblin Patrol
# 194 Goblin Raider
# 195 Goblin Spelunkers
# 196 Goblin War Buggy
# 197 Guma
# 198 Headlong Rush
# 199 Heat Ray
# 200 Jagged Lightning
# 201 Lay Waste
# 202 Lightning Dragon
# 203 Meltdown
# 204 Okk
# 205 Outmaneuver
# 206 Rain of Salt
# 207 Raze
# 208 Reflexes
# 209 Retromancer
# 210 Rumbling Crescendo
# 211 Scald
# 212 Scoria Wurm
# 213 Scrap
# 214 Shivan Hellkite
# 215 Shivan Raptor
# 216 Shiv's Embrace
# 217 Shower of Sparks
# 218 Sneak Attack
# 219 Steam Blast
# 220 Sulfuric Vapors
# 221 Thundering Giant
# 222 Torch Song
# 223 Viashino Outrider
# 224 Viashino Runner
# 225 Viashino Sandswimmer
# 226 Viashino Weaponsmith
# 227 Vug Lizard
# 228 Wildfire
# 229 Abundance
# 230 Acridian
# 231 Albino Troll
# 232 Anaconda
# 233 Argothian Elder
# 234 Argothian Enchantress
# 235 Argothian Swine
# 236 Argothian Wurm
# 237 Blanchwood Armor
# 238 Blanchwood Treefolk
# 239 Bull Hippo
# 240 Carpet of Flowers
# 241 Cave Tiger
# 242 Child of Gaea
# 243 Citanul Centaurs
# 244 Citanul Hierophants
# 245 Cradle Guard
# 246 Crosswinds
# 247 Elvish Herder
# 248 Elvish Lyrist
# 249 Endless Wurm
# 250 Exploration
# 251 Fecundity
# 252 Fertile Ground
# 253 Fortitude
# 254 Gaea's Bounty
# 255 Gaea's Embrace
# 256 Gorilla Warrior
# 257 Greater Good
# 258 Greener Pastures
# 259 Hawkeater Moth
# 260 Hidden Ancients
# 261 Hidden Guerrillas
# 262 Hidden Herd
# 263 Hidden Predators
# 264 Hidden Spider
# 265 Hidden Stag
# 266 Hush
# 267 Lull
# 268 Midsummer Revel
# 269 Pouncing Jaguar
# 270 Priest of Titania
# 271 Rejuvenate
# 272 Retaliation
# 273 Sporogenesis
# 274 Spreading Algae
# 275 Symbiosis
# 276 Titania's Boon
# 277 Titania's Chosen
# 278 Treefolk Seedlings
# 279 Treetop Rangers
# 280 Venomous Fangs
# 281 Vernal Bloom
# 282 War Dance
# 283 Whirlwind
# 284 Wild Dogs
# 285 Winding Wurm
# 286 Barrin's Codex
# 287 Cathodion
# 288 Chimeric Staff
# 289 Citanul Flute
# 290 Claws of Gix
# 291 Copper Gnomes
# 292 Crystal Chimes
# 293 Dragon Blood
# 294 Endoskeleton
# 295 Fluctuator
# 296 Grafted Skullcap
# 297 Hopping Automaton
# 298 Karn, Silver Golem
# 299 Lifeline
# 300 Lotus Blossom
# 301 Metrognome
# 302 Mishra's Helix
# 303 Mobile Fort
# 304 Noetic Scales
# 306 Phyrexian Colossus
# 306 Phyrexian Processor
# 307 Pit Trap
# 308 Purging Scythe
# 309 Smokestack
# 310 Temporal Aperture
# 311 Thran Turbine
# 312 Umbilicus
# 313 Urza's Armor
# 314 Voltaic Key
# 315 Wall of Junk
# 316 Whetstone
# 317 Wirecat
# 318 Worn Powerstone
# 319 Blasted Landscape
# 320 Drifting Meadow
# 321 Gaea's Cradle
# 322 Phyrexian Tower
# 323 Polluted Mire
# 324 Remote Isle
# 325 Serra's Sanctum
# 326 Shivan Gorge
# 327 Slippery Karst
# 328 Smoldering Crater
# 329 Thran Quarry
# 330 Tolarian Academy
# 331 Plains
# 332 Plains
# 333 Plains
# 334 Plains
# 335 Island
# 336 Island
# 337 Island
# 338 Island
# 339 Swamp
# 340 Swamp
# 341 Swamp
# 342 Swamp
# 343 Mountain
# 344 Mountain
# 345 Mountain
# 346 Mountain
# 347 Forest
# 348 Forest
# 349 Forest
# 350 Forest