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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Air Elemental
# 2 Boomerang
# 3 Cancel
# 4 Cloud Sprite
# 5 Counterbore
# 6 Deluge
# 7 Denizen of the Deep
# 8 Essence Scatter
# 9 Evacuation
# 10 Mahamoti Djinn
# 11 Mind Control
# 12 Mind Spring
# 13 Negate
# 14 Phantom Warrior
# 15 Snapping Drake
# 16 Thieving Magpie
# 17 Unsummon
# 18 Abyssal Specter
# 19 Ascendant Evincar
# 20 Consume Spirit
# 21 Crowd of Cinders
# 22 Drudge Skeletons
# 23 Dusk Imp
# 24 Essence Drain
# 25 Eyeblight's Ending
# 26 Megrim
# 27 Mind Rot
# 28 Mind Shatter
# 29 Moonglove Winnower
# 30 Mortivore
# 31 Ravenous Rats
# 32 Sengir Vampire
# 33 Severed Legion
# 34 Terror
# 35 Underworld Dreams
# 36 Unholy Strength
# 37 Act of Treason
# 38 Banefire
# 39 Blaze
# 40 Bloodmark Mentor
# 41 Cinder Pyromancer
# 42 Earth Elemental
# 43 Enrage
# 44 Furnace of Rath
# 45 Goblin Piker
# 46 Goblin Sky Raider
# 47 Hill Giant
# 48 Incinerate
# 49 Kamahl, Pit Fighter
# 50 Lightning Elemental
# 51 Prodigal Pyromancer
# 52 Rage Reflection
# 53 Shivan Dragon
# 54 Shock
# 55 Blanchwood Armor
# 56 Civic Wayfinder
# 57 Drove of Elves
# 58 Duskdale Wurm
# 59 Elven Riders
# 60 Elvish Champion
# 61 Elvish Eulogist
# 62 Elvish Promenade
# 63 Elvish Visionary
# 64 Elvish Warrior
# 65 Gaea's Herald
# 66 Giant Growth
# 67 Giant Spider
# 68 Greenweaver Druid
# 69 Howl of the Night Pack
# 70 Immaculate Magistrate
# 71 Imperious Perfect
# 72 Jagged-Scar Archers
# 73 Lys Alana Huntmaster
# 74 Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer
# 75 Natural Spring
# 76 Naturalize
# 77 Nature's Spiral
# 78 Overrun
# 79 Rampant Growth
# 80 River Boa
# 81 Roughshod Mentor
# 82 Runeclaw Bear
# 83 Spined Wurm
# 84 Talara's Battalion
# 85 Trained Armodon
# 86 Troll Ascetic
# 87 Verdant Force
# 88 Vigor
# 89 Wall of Wood
# 90 Coat of Arms
# 91 Demon's Horn
# 92 Dragon's Claw
# 93 Kraken's Eye
# 94 Loxodon Warhammer
# 95 The Rack
# 96 Wall of Spears
# 97 Wurm's Tooth
# 98 Island
# 99 Island
# 100 Island
# 101 Island
# 102 Swamp
# 103 Swamp
# 104 Swamp
# 105 Swamp
# 106 Mountain
# 107 Mountain
# 108 Mountain
# 109 Mountain
# 110 Forest
# 111 Forest
# 112 Forest
# 113 Forest