- Format:
- Other
- Type:
- Special
- Date:
- 27 October, 11:45 AM
- Location:

This is a copy and paste from:
Tournament Entry & Prizes
The Eternal Central Old School 93-94 tournament will be held on Thursday, October 27 2016
– Tournament start time is 11:45am (we will open earlier for deck reg and card signing; plan on showing up a little early).
– Tournament structure and length will most likely be SWISS PLUS 1. With 100 players that means 8 timed 50 minute rounds of Swiss (65-128 players calls for 7 rounds, plus 1 = 8). Our goal is to start early enough and playing quickly enough to be able to get out to have a group dinner somewhere if everyone is interested (or to let people out early enough to do their own thing). There will be no draws allowed, and at the end of 50 minutes if there is a tied match both players will do a sudden death Chaos Orb flipping contest (complete details in our Old School 93-94 rules here). This is to keep the pace of play and keep the day going more smoothly than last year. Play a fun deck, imbibe, and have a blast with friends new and old!
– Prizes will again be awarded by Eternal Central, and will be Old School cards in flavor and nature. This is a tournament for fun, and not ‘EV,’ so if you’re expecting to pay off your car with your winnings at this or any other Eternal event you will sadly be disappointed. We already have a number of goodies in hand, but if you wish to donate any cards to this please email jaco@eternalcentral.com.
– Entry fee has not yet been decided, but in the past has been BYOB beer/alcohol/snacks to share. We may just charge a small entry fee this time (to cover the cost of venue) and provide that stuff instead. We’ll update the cost here once venue/structure has been finalized.
Tournament Site Logistics & Preregistration
Like in past years, this is not an event hosted by Card Titan or Wizards of the Coast, but rather a player-run event supported by Eternal Central. This is truly by the players, for the players. The point is to just have fun.
Eternal Weekend was just announced, and we are working to secure an off-site venue close to the Columbus Convention Center, that is suitable for 100 players this year. We want this to be the largest Old School tournament held to date, and as fun as the chaos in the past was (truly Old School!) we have outgrown hotel rooms and hotel lobbies, sadly.
Tournament Entry & Prizes
The Eternal Central Old School 93-94 tournament will be held on Thursday, October 27 2016
– Tournament start time is 11:45am (we will open earlier for deck reg and card signing; plan on showing up a little early).
– Tournament structure and length will most likely be SWISS PLUS 1. With 100 players that means 8 timed 50 minute rounds of Swiss (65-128 players calls for 7 rounds, plus 1 = 8). Our goal is to start early enough and playing quickly enough to be able to get out to have a group dinner somewhere if everyone is interested (or to let people out early enough to do their own thing). There will be no draws allowed, and at the end of 50 minutes if there is a tied match both players will do a sudden death Chaos Orb flipping contest (complete details in our Old School 93-94 rules here). This is to keep the pace of play and keep the day going more smoothly than last year. Play a fun deck, imbibe, and have a blast with friends new and old!
– Prizes will again be awarded by Eternal Central, and will be Old School cards in flavor and nature. This is a tournament for fun, and not ‘EV,’ so if you’re expecting to pay off your car with your winnings at this or any other Eternal event you will sadly be disappointed. We already have a number of goodies in hand, but if you wish to donate any cards to this please email jaco@eternalcentral.com.
– Entry fee has not yet been decided, but in the past has been BYOB beer/alcohol/snacks to share. We may just charge a small entry fee this time (to cover the cost of venue) and provide that stuff instead. We’ll update the cost here once venue/structure has been finalized.
Tournament Site Logistics & Preregistration
Like in past years, this is not an event hosted by Card Titan or Wizards of the Coast, but rather a player-run event supported by Eternal Central. This is truly by the players, for the players. The point is to just have fun.
Eternal Weekend was just announced, and we are working to secure an off-site venue close to the Columbus Convention Center, that is suitable for 100 players this year. We want this to be the largest Old School tournament held to date, and as fun as the chaos in the past was (truly Old School!) we have outgrown hotel rooms and hotel lobbies, sadly.

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